Kinda iconic that after being dragged by the fans during total madness for having the personality of a plant he comes back on the next 2 seasons as the new villain of the challenge
Kinda iconic that after being dragged by the fans during total madness for having the personality of a plant he comes back on the next 2 seasons as the new villain of the challenge
Fessy is no villain, Wes was a villain, Johnny was a villain, hell, even Paulie was a villain, Fessy is just a doofus who doesn't know how to keep it in his pants.. His IQ is too low to be a good villain
KINGGGG bring him back every season. I dont care that he is not genuine, he listens to audience feedback and switches it up. Im going to need him to take it one step further and extend the backstabbing behaviour pulls on the show to the entire Big Brother alliance.
KINGGGG bring him back every season. I dont care that he is not genuine, he listens to audience feedback and switches it up. Im going to need him to take it one step further and extend the backstabbing behaviour pulls on the show to the entire Big Brother alliance.
KINGGGG bring him back every season. I dont care that he is not genuine, he listens to audience feedback and switches it up. Im going to need him to take it one step further and extend the backstabbing behaviour pulls on the show to the entire Big Brother alliance.
beauty is subjective + fessy isnt photogenic his pics range btwn a 6 - 9, however people i know & who's judgement i trust say hes way better looking in person even gorgeous. imho he'd be better looking if he wasnt such a horrible human being..that cant be ignored & is what makes him unattractive to me.
well amanda was like his 5th choice so them two were done before it got started i still cant get my head round why fessy posted pics of them on IG thats dumb behaviour even for him
Kinda iconic that after being dragged by the fans during total madness for having the personality of a plant he comes back on the next 2 seasons as the new villain of the challenge
He should thank the heavens he's tall because he would have nothing to offer. He's crater faced bad bodied with the personality a step up from Kaycee
His body is literally Frankenstein.
And the flattest *** I've ever seen.
villian really?
Fessy is no villain, Wes was a villain, Johnny was a villain, hell, even Paulie was a villain, Fessy is just a doofus who doesn't know how to keep it in his pants.. His IQ is too low to be a good villain
If he wants to be a good villain he needs to backstab Kasi and Josh.
KINGGGG bring him back every season. I dont care that he is not genuine, he listens to audience feedback and switches it up. Im going to need him to take it one step further and extend the backstabbing behaviour pulls on the show to the entire Big Brother alliance.
Ok hun, who hacked you?
Fchuk You
Youre better than this.. Nightmare Nany would not approve.
His name should be Shit Face. He also has a potato sack shaped body.. and a frankenstein frame.
Whack *** weirdo
He refollowed Michele back I guess Amanda and him are really done
well amanda was like his 5th choice so them two were done before it got started i still cant get my head round why fessy posted pics of them on IG thats dumb behaviour even for him
Lmao sorry sis
Needs to invest in an ab machine and a dermatologist
"poor me, I'm an introvert"
I volunteer as tribute
I'm DEAD at Potato shaped body
not a huge fan but i do enjoy watching him clock Kyle every now and again.
It was feeling nice to have forgotten about this meathead but then y'all kept bumping this thread up
Wouldnt mind him winning next season if it stops ct
I'd rather CT win every season before this crater faced scarecrow won.
Scarecrow is definitely his new name. He looks just like one. Body shape, face, posture.