The Real World: Homecoming Los Angeles - Season 2 (Paramount + Original)

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this may just be the best piece of reality tv i have watched in years


I need someone to make a gif of Tami when Irene said it and Tami shakes her hand and says "I cant!" 

I'm dead at Black Twitter asking what show its from, crying at the comments, makes it funnier

  • I love how funny David found it that lied about the confederate flag, no remorse lol. I'm glad Jon didn't play victim and act like it had any negative impact on him.
  • The volunteer thing was nice and I loved the Pedro dedication, but that scene was so staged lol.
  • Tami is soooo pretty without makeup.
  • Everyone need a friend like Beth A, so genuine and supportive.
  • I died that Beth said she didn't want to be a "lash pusher", you know she had in her contract they would be promoted. I died that Glenn had her eyelashes logo on his phone #BethEyeLashes #BethSEyeLashes #RealWorldLashes #JonBrennan #RWLALashes #TamiPleaseByMyFriend #EyeLashesByBeth #TheChallengeEyeLashes
  • Good for Jon still going after dreams...that's all I have on that.
  • Omg I just realized who Glenn reminds me of on Vevmo

    ahhhhh aisjfjedjk time to log out

    The last scene deserved it's own post. THIS is what The Real World was all about and what made it great! People from all different walks of life talking about real issues. 

  • Jon, I can't believe he said "black colored" people. I think he was confusing People of Color and Colored...two different things. I don't think he meant it offensively but it didn't sound good.
  • David, it was interesting to hear his perspective. I don't think he articulated a good point correctly. Yes, racism is a real issue. It's alive and things have to change. But he is right, the media and corporations are pretending to care about racism for their own gain and not for authentic reasons. They are creating more of a divide on purpose. I would like to hear more if his perspective.
  • Glen, I got his point. He was just trying to say he doesn't discriminate or look at anyone different based on race. And that is great, but he needs to also verbalize that he understands other people aren't that way and that black people do get treated differently based on their skin and he realizes that. I think that is what he was trying to do by telling the story but he should have known better than to use the n word. I think if people are quoting or repeating something it's ok, but it's not.
  • Tami, it's not her job to educate but I'm glad she did. There's still a lot of ignorance and I think good people like Jon, Glen, and Irene aren't racist but just aren't aware of how certain words and actions can be triggers, offensive, and racist. I loved her shouting at Irene that she can't say the n word either and pointing out that she's latino not black lol. I'm interested to see this fight with David play out and I would love to hear others opinion on this.
  • Irene, it was interesting to hear her perspective as a cop. She really looked so stupid jumping up and telling him he can't say the word...while saying the word. WHY DID SHE THINK THAT WAS OK? I need to see her address this on social media or on next weeks episode. Smh.
  • Beth A, I loved her compassion and understanding. It didn't seem performative woke either, it seemed genuine. I'm glad people like her exist.
  • Beth S...was silent. I guess she understood this wasn't her place to speak on but she could have shown more support for Tami.
  • Captivating and real tv! I'm counting down till next weeks episode!

    Lord Irene & Glenn

    Omg I just realized who Glenn reminds me of on Vevmo

    ahhhhh aisjfjedjk time to log out

    I'm guessing this is aimed at me lol. If so, I know better than to ever use the n word and would never under any circumstance. I do believe in seeing color for the very reasons that Tami and Beth A expressed but I also agree with Glen that I wouldn't treat anyone different based on their race, gender, sexuality, etc. But I would understand they have different hardships and challenges that I'll never experience. I don't think Glen is a bad person though, so I'll take the comparison. We both have things to learn.

    i had no intentions of watching this cus I never seen the original season but twitter got me engaged cus that scene had me screaming. Tami gathered them ofcourse <3

    This is genuinely one of the best seasons/casts ensembled of any reality show period 

    The first half of the episode was boring. Personally I'm not a fan of Jon. But Tami getting the house together over our current race issues made the show worth it.  

    They pretty much should call this homecoming Tami's world at this point.

    Wow, that was an episode to say the least.

    This show always gets my wheels turning, this is so much to process.

    This is genuinely one of the best seasons/casts ensembled of any reality show period 

    Tami alone make this great everybody else is plain annoying or dry! Beth A is a weird outlier but sis needs fashion tips lmaoo

    I knew this season would go viral at least once I just didn't think it would've been this late but glad we're here !!!  

    We know David won't be there when Reggie arrive but it's good to at least think about what could've happened. Beth's Karen life flashed before her eyes  when Reggie walked in lmaoo

    This is genuinely one of the best seasons/casts ensembled of any reality show period 

    i skipped to the end, that disucssion at the end migh be up there with New York in CBB as cringiest thing ever in RTV

    i skipped to the end, that disucssion at the end migh be up there with New York in CBB as cringiest thing ever in RTV

    Cringiest more like one of the most entertaining ones

    This has been better than both all stars and Ny homecoming 


    i skipped to the end, that disucssion at the end migh be up there with New York in CBB as cringiest thing ever in RTV

    Cringiest more like one of the most entertaining ones

    cringy is good tv you know, most vh1 shows like flavor of love were cringy 

    KVM felt represented when Glenn said that word 

    Ohhhh we viral now

    Next stop: TheShadeRoom

    All I can say is New Orleans better bring it because I don't think this season could EVER be topped! 

    Tami making that show viral, queen shit

    KVM felt represented when Glenn said that word 

    KVM felt represented when Glenn said that word 


    Beth's Karen life flashed before her eyes  when Reggie walked in lmaoo

    *****! I'm dead!!!!!! ⚰️⚰️⚰️

    KVM felt represented when Glenn said that word 

    Wtf?! I'm screaming. Ya'll got me dead today. Ksmckekckenzlanfoanx

    KVM felt represented when Glenn said that word 

    I love that people continually bring me up for no reason--and then they make it very obvious they don't pay attention
