The Challenge: War of the Worlds - Hunter Barfield

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I wish he had snatched Ashley up. King is missed.

I really hope we see him again. I honestly think since so many people are taking breaks, production will be scrambling for more vets and may bring back a Hunter/Brad/Rogan 

He has such a big d <3

rewatching d30, ashley really did us a favor

He has such a big d <3



He has such a big d <3


He showed all the girls his d on AYTO 3 and they were all impressed.

I really hope we see him again. I honestly think since so many people are taking breaks, production will be scrambling for more vets and may bring back a Hunter/Brad/Rogan 

I still don't understand why we're pretending people are taking breaks when filming is months away 

I think he is super sexy. I hope he comes back.

It'd be refreshing to have him back just so we get different vets that at least provide SOMETHING. I'm not really a big fan but I'd defo welcome him back at this point

As long as Ashley is not there he can come back. Tired of seeing the same vets season after season. Hunter, Joss, Sylvia, Kayliegh, Kailah, please come back! 

bald headed munchkin can stay home. wont miss this weirdo anytime soon Blum 3

I do wish Turbo would've kicked his ***, actually

As long as Ashley is not there he can come back. Tired of seeing the same vets season after season. Hunter, Joss, Sylvia, Kayliegh, Kailah, please come back! 

Nothing about this guy is sexxy from his face to his body to his accent and that terrible personality 

He's balding worse than jay, bananas and derrick combined

I do wish Hunter would've kicked John's ***, actually

My theory is he was been kept off seasons to prevent Ashley from being a first boot repeatedly.

Big strong brute can come back. I'm missing his competitive fire 


A reunion of these 2 would be great for the current challenge landscape.

I wanna know what his Ben and Jerry's tastes like *giggles*


He has such a big d <3


i subscribe to his OnlyFans. Well worth it. It's so big. 



He has such a big d <3


He showed all the girls his d on AYTO 3 and they were all impressed.

He also streaked on Invasion and at the reunion they all mentioned how big it was, John even made a lame joke about his size. Obviously jealousy because I've seen the micro peen he's working with. 

I wanna know what his Ben and Jerry's tastes like *giggles*

Nothing about this guy is sexxy from his face to his body to his accent and that terrible personality 

Regardless if any of us like or hate him--he's been gone for a while so I'd take him on a season over many others.

Regardless if any of us like or hate him--he's been gone for a while so I'd take him on a season over many others.

No thanks. Dumb logic.

Regardless if any of us like or hate him--he's been gone for a while so I'd take him on a season over many others.

I'd take him over any of the current males

Besides him being hot he is so much better than any of the other male regulars. I mean Fessy, Devin, Josh, Kyle and even Cory?  Give them a break already adding Hunter to a cast over any of the aforementioned would make the season better for me. 

If Hunter knew how to do puzzles he would have won Invasion.

damn about to be 4 years since he's been last on. Yall miss him?
