Just to be clear for those that didn't acrtually listen to the podcast, Bananas was clearly trying to get Amanda to say things so he specifically brought up Zach and the situation on Final Reckoning to try and get her to say something. She didn't just bring this up randomly
So John is responsible for how Amanda responded? Interesting
It feels like all the cast want to do know is treat this show like a full time job where they HAVE to be friends with their "co-workers". That's where Amanda doesn't fit in anymore cause she's not like that at all. She doesn't care to burn bridges and she's not gonna make up with someone when she knows it's all bullshit for next season anyway. Like that segment with Tori and Tacha tonight was so laughably fake. They don't have "love for eachother" or care about eachother, Tori just doesn't want her fans coming after her and Tacha doesn't want a strong player coming after her if she comes back.
Amanda didn't have to tell Michele "go die" when Michele was trying to give Amanda the floor backstage to hash things out but everything else I agreed with what Amanda said at this reunion
I am not necessarily always a Amanda fan but she carried the reunion everything was around her. Emanuel doing the most for no reason on set and Corey on Twitter even revealing that a lot of them talk shit about her on group chats but aren't be honest openly to her face like the majority of his friends are in their 30s with him. This is what I miss about the challenge cast member like Amanda that doesn't care if the others like them or hate them for future shows politics even if she is a little to much at times.
She said Zach was whining about her not hanging out with him after Ashley got there. And that he started tearing up stuff in Redemption house because she was telling him about all the guys Jenna effed.
I don't even like Jenna but why does she always find the need to talk about Jenna sex life? At the end of the day Jenna is the only person that know which guys she slept with or didn't slept with lol
No one on these shows is a nun including Amanda herself. That's something that does bother me about Amanda when she dislike someone she start bringing up the amount of guys they have **** knowing her fingers aren't clean either.
Amanda would likely counter by saying she owns who she sleeps with while Jenna is still denying taking a ride on Tony Time
But that's her sex life she can pick if she wants to share if she got*********** by Bruno or took rides on Bananas's cousin and Tony's ***** when she was single even if they weren't. She doesn't have to give anyone an explanation especially not the fans. Amanda has being bringing up the same stories for years already like let it go it's not that deep everyone has been ******* each other.
Can't love her for being messy/entertaining then complain about her being messy.
You can love her for being messy whilst also acknowledging that she's immature af and unnecessarily focused on other people's sex/love life while hers is no better. Both aren't neccesarily exclusive.
I feel like she would have ****** zach if she had the chance
So John is responsible for how Amanda responded? Interesting
Definitely. Wouldn't be shocked if they did at some point.
Knowing her taste of guys he is 100% her type. Just like Nia and Jordan you can see the sexual tension with them too
I dont blame her at all. He's an *** hole but we can't lie and say that guy aint beautiful lol
She makes no mistakes, I think I'm gonna write her in for the next presidential election
I dont like that Amanda and Jenna beef.
I think they would be amazing on Rivals together.
She oddly seems jealous of Michele
She needs to come back every season even if she leaves early
Someones bothered. And probably looking for another call
Why wasn't Corey at the reunion?
It feels like all the cast want to do know is treat this show like a full time job where they HAVE to be friends with their "co-workers". That's where Amanda doesn't fit in anymore cause she's not like that at all. She doesn't care to burn bridges and she's not gonna make up with someone when she knows it's all bullshit for next season anyway. Like that segment with Tori and Tacha tonight was so laughably fake. They don't have "love for eachother" or care about eachother, Tori just doesn't want her fans coming after her and Tacha doesn't want a strong player coming after her if she comes back.
He literally proved what Amanda was saying
Amanda didn't have to tell Michele "go die" when Michele was trying to give Amanda the floor backstage to hash things out but everything else I agreed with what Amanda said at this reunion
Star of the reunion, Michele was okay on survivor but now she's terrible
Lol at Corey using Amanda to get back on. Loser.
Why Corey behaving like a fan?
Corey L. is a joke. And he'll be an even funnier joke if he doesn't get cast next season.
I am not necessarily always a Amanda fan but she carried the reunion everything was around her. Emanuel doing the most for no reason on set and Corey on Twitter even revealing that a lot of them talk shit about her on group chats but aren't be honest openly to her face like the majority of his friends are in their 30s with him. This is what I miss about the challenge cast member like Amanda that doesn't care if the others like them or hate them for future shows politics even if she is a little to much at times.
Saying "everyone talks about you but I'm not gonna name names" is some hoe *** shit
Imagine how boring this reunion would have been without her....
Chile, this is why we don't want us gays to be repped on the show. They always are literally the worst.
owned the reunion
She really has them bother lmao
soooo cringe lol
Boring tv sure, but Dario is sexy. Way better looking than ***** fessy.
Amanda is giving jealous.
You can love her for being messy whilst also acknowledging that she's immature af and unnecessarily focused on other people's sex/love life while hers is no better. Both aren't neccesarily exclusive.