The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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Mind you, I actually like Ashley as a character agree with people that Kaycee is boring but.. something's just need to be accepted.

Oh Kaycee's definitely boring but the show needs some "boring" people IMO.  I can't stand Ashley but I believe I'm in the minority.  I can dislike people though and admit when they're great competitors.  See Jordan

I don't rhink nobody doubts Kaycee has an amazing social game, that's the main reason she won Big Brother has Tyler was the one making all the moves, i think that the main problem with Kaycee, at least for me is that with her phisical structure and her athletic background i expected a little more in this final to be honest

Two things people on Vevmo will never admit or accept but they need to:

1. Kaycee is socially one of the best ever, and one of the most feared females when it comes to eliminations

Ive never seen anyone dispute the fact that she has a great social game and most of the ladies wouldn't want to face her in an elimination. The problem is that Kaycee is boring and serves no purpose. 

Two things people on Vevmo will never admit or accept but they need to:

1. Kaycee is socially one of the best ever, and one of the most feared females when it comes to eliminations

Ive never seen anyone dispute the fact that she has a great social game and most of the ladies wouldn't want to face her in an elimination. The problem is that Kaycee is boring and serves no purpose. 

If she's making finals (and winning) she's serving a purpose even if you don't care about that aspect of the show.

Im fine with boring people if they are likable and someone you can still root for. Sometimes you need a boring good guy to go up against the "bad guy". Jenny in Total madness with Dee id use as a recent example.

Kaycee is just boring, thats it, shes never shown and even though she won her stock for being a great comptetior for me has dropped after that perfomace tonight.

Im also not giving anyone props for their social game this season when all the rookies where a bunch of morons and a theme which greatly benifited the vets.

Does someone subscribe the Bananas podcast? Apparently Amanda is spilling a lot of tea


Two things people on Vevmo will never admit or accept but they need to:

1. Kaycee is socially one of the best ever, and one of the most feared females when it comes to eliminations

Ive never seen anyone dispute the fact that she has a great social game and most of the ladies wouldn't want to face her in an elimination. The problem is that Kaycee is boring and serves no purpose. 

If she's making finals (and winning) she's serving a purpose even if you don't care about that aspect of the show.

Do you feel that way about Jenny? Cuz the same could be said about her and I like Jenny a ton more than KC and the Sunshine Band ***

Does someone subscribe the Bananas podcast? Apparently Amanda is spilling a lot of tea

just finished listening to it, i love that she doesnt hold back

so bananas said he would never do an all stars season on the podcast only a main one?? what?

wasnt he going to do all stars 3? 

Bananas and CT should never do an All Stars season. Their chances of winning that is zero. They profit that newer people are afraid to make moves and that the formats are heavily favoring veterans, but on all stars that is completely out the window. And i cant imagine a big alliance with them where they are letting them into a final.

Bananas and CT should never do an All Stars season. Their chances of winning that is zero. They profit that newer people are afraid to make moves and that the formats are heavily favoring veterans, but on all stars that is completely out the window. And i cant imagine a big alliance with them where they are letting them into a final.

they have so many friends i dont think itd be an issue for them at all

the issue is not them going home early, the issue is them winning in a final. the new school players are just horrible at finals which works to their benefit.  

So Josh and Ashley were hooking up as I suspected. Amanda confirmed this. Imagine the words that could have flown out of her mouth then because you can go for all sorts of low blows when arguing with someone you've slept with. 

Ashley slept with Josh? Yikes. Gross. #cancelashley

Ashley slept with Josh? Yikes. Gross. #cancelashley

Ashley slept with Josh? Yikes. Gross. #cancelashley

So was she the one that gave him the ******* in the bathroom?

jesus christ ashley lmao

Ew. Amanda said multiple people hooked up with josh in the bathroom

Is that true? Lol if so, imagine sleeping with someone then calling then gay when you get mad. Typical female behavior.

Is that true? Lol if so, imagine sleeping with someone then calling then gay when you get mad. Typical female behavior.

ashley been shitty so this isnt suprising lmao



Two things people on Vevmo will never admit or accept but they need to:

1. Kaycee is socially one of the best ever, and one of the most feared females when it comes to eliminations

Ive never seen anyone dispute the fact that she has a great social game and most of the ladies wouldn't want to face her in an elimination. The problem is that Kaycee is boring and serves no purpose. 

If she's making finals (and winning) she's serving a purpose even if you don't care about that aspect of the show.

Do you feel that way about Jenny? Cuz the same could be said about her and I like Jenny a ton more than KC and the Sunshine Band ***

Yeah I have no problem with Jenny either.  It's established I like boring people.  Even old school like Mallory, Rachel B and Christena. Kendal and Darrell on All Stars. I'm all for boring instead of Josh Fessy Amanda Ashley Derrick and now Nehemiah.  

It's so lazy for them not to do the typical maneuver around lazer beams shit you see in movies. Something like the tripwire puzzle thing redneck island did

I don't rhink nobody doubts Kaycee has an amazing social game, that's the main reason she won Big Brother has Tyler was the one making all the moves, i think that the main problem with Kaycee, at least for me is that with her phisical structure and her athletic background i expected a little more in this final to be honest

Can people stop spreading this BS about BB20 she had no social game on BB20 everyone from F6 wanted to take Tyler to the end and had other people in front of her. Even Haleigh, Scottie and RS all said she made no attempts to form relationships. People have to stop confusing being nice with social game 


I don't rhink nobody doubts Kaycee has an amazing social game, that's the main reason she won Big Brother has Tyler was the one making all the moves, i think that the main problem with Kaycee, at least for me is that with her phisical structure and her athletic background i expected a little more in this final to be honest

Can people stop spreading this BS about BB20 she had no social game on BB20 everyone from F6 wanted to take Tyler to the end and had other people in front of her. Even Haleigh, Scottie and RS all said she made no attempts to form relationships. People have to stop confusing being nice with social game 

LOL suuuuuuure.

Being nice is a social game--it's essentially the entirity of a social game.  Making people like you.   Are you thinking strategical?

Yea Kaycee has some sense of a social game let's not lie... when your a big threat like she is and no one ever really wants to take her out 

kaycee and ambers win are virtually the same to me .. 

Amber excelled at the running/endurance aspect but who knows what happens if she actually has to solve  the math puzzles on her own.

Kaycee wasnt as well endurance wise but CT didnt have to solve any puzzle for her. Kaycee just wasnt that great in this final. 

Lol at the people who was crying over how dominant Kaycee is, this really showed us shes very beatable in finals.

so bananas said he would never do an all stars season on the podcast only a main one?? what?

wasnt he going to do all stars 3? 

Yes he was going to do season 3

Lol at the people who was crying over how dominant Kaycee is, this really showed us shes very beatable in finals.

Kaycee had way more luck than amber tho. Amber also pulled her weight by wining that one checkpoint on her own against the other girls. Kaycee didn't do one impressive thing during this final. 

Amber actually had to pull her weight that kept her lead in the first checkpoint and the eating. Kaycee was extremely lucky
