Survivor 41 - Episode Discussion

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If I watched BB16 the only one I'd cast is Amber so I actually agree with them on that one 

And Victoria.

The true winner or 16! Victoria Supreme 


Exactly. They put who they want, not who is good casting.

Exactly, and having connections/friends with the right people helps a bunch. Like c'mon, out of all the Survivor girls they had Michelle Schubert as an alternate this season (I love her but there's tons of options and she's so random).

Michelle would have been way better than boring *** Michelel Fitz 

Did anyone even watch this? Lol it was boring


Shan and xander are probably on mtv's challenge radar top list. Everyone else is not going to get on.

They've called Julia Carter and Michelle s, I'd say the radar is larger than you think

I think Jefra Bland was considered idk I remember reading it somewhere

The survivor spoiler threat is popping but not the episode discussion? damn 



Shan and xander are probably on mtv's challenge radar top list. Everyone else is not going to get on.

They've called Julia Carter and Michelle s, I'd say the radar is larger than you think

I think Jefra Bland was considered idk I remember reading it somewhere

She can stay in her farm, sis was boring af.

this last episode was so filler.

overall this season just seems filler lmao, pretty lackluster tbh

So sad Danny left. This show is whack now. Zen dad Jeff really killed it.

Don't feel bad for Danny or Deshean at all they sunk their own ship when they let Shan and Liana get cut. Not really rooting for anyone after those two left zzzzz

Like I said before Xander or Ricard are winning this no one is even close. 

I posted a poll with 76 votes asking who is hottest Xander won 54%, Ricard 25%, Danny 21%. Didn't include DeShawn for a reason!

Don't feel bad for Danny or Deshean at all they sunk their own ship when they let Shan and Liana get cut. Not really rooting for anyone after those two left zzzzz

Like I said before Xander or Ricard are winning this no one is even close. 

Xander is so overrated. If you get this far into the game and no one is even concerned about you still having an idol, that probably means that they find you to be a non-threat to win the game.

Maybe on a season before this one, Xander could win but not with this cast. He is basically Dean Kowalski.

If Danny/deshawn didn't vote out Shan they would have been the final 4 but now 3 of them have been voted out back to back to back 

If Danny/deshawn didn't vote out Shan they would have been the final 4 but now 3 of them have been voted out back to back to back 

Black men never appreciate the hard work black women put in for them. See Big Brother 23.

Yeah, I'd feel bad for Danny/Deshawn but they went on a witch hunt to get Shan out only for next episode to talk about being in the minority. Well gee, I wonder why.

but wait, its kinda funny when the yts get mad at all this racial talk and the thought of black people coming together as an alliance but dont blink an eye when they go out back to back in a row. 

but wait, its kinda funny when the yts get mad at all this racial talk and the thought of black people coming together as an alliance but dont blink an eye when they go out back to back in a row. 

Cause the whities don't make a big deal out of it they just take action. Going forward THE BLACKS need to stop announcing their plans in confessional and at tribal. Form the alliance, don't even say black and take action.  They make themselves a bigger target for going around telling the m white folks that they're playing for a bigger cause and then are Pikachu faced when the whites take them out immediately after. See Dagonne and Bayleigh as another example


but wait, its kinda funny when the yts get mad at all this racial talk and the thought of black people coming together as an alliance but dont blink an eye when they go out back to back in a row. 

Cause the whities don't make a big deal out of it they just take action. Going forward THE BLACKS need to stop announcing their plans in confessional and at tribal. Form the alliance, don't even say black and take action.  They make themselves a bigger target for going around telling the m white folks that they're playing for a bigger cause and then are Pikachu faced when the whites take them out immediately after. See Dagonne and Bayleigh as another example

You usually have bad takes but you're correct this time. The Cookout did not tell a single soul about the Cookout until they were the final six. Even when it was obvious that the black houseguest were far outnumbering everyone, Alyssa was still all like "All POC final 7, guys!"


but wait, its kinda funny when the yts get mad at all this racial talk and the thought of black people coming together as an alliance but dont blink an eye when they go out back to back in a row. 

Cause the whities don't make a big deal out of it they just take action. Going forward THE BLACKS need to stop announcing their plans in confessional and at tribal. Form the alliance, don't even say black and take action.  They make themselves a bigger target for going around telling the m white folks that they're playing for a bigger cause and then are Pikachu faced when the whites take them out immediately after. See Dagonne and Bayleigh as another example

I was talkin bout the fans but ok lol

I do agree that we dont need to vocally say we are working together for a cause. 

Yay my 2 favorite people that lowkey hate me agree with me! Let's pray for the black girls on 42. That season has a lot more white men and no black men 

but wait, its kinda funny when the yts get mad at all this racial talk and the thought of black people coming together as an alliance but dont blink an eye when they go out back to back in a row. 

They went out back to back because everyone knew the alliances and then they turned on Shan too soon. When you play a bad game regardless of race you deserve to go. I don't care of 5 white people go in a row or 5 black people.  Why do you?

KVM you had a good point till that last sentence. Quit trying to provoke.


but wait, its kinda funny when the yts get mad at all this racial talk and the thought of black people coming together as an alliance but dont blink an eye when they go out back to back in a row. 

They went out back to back because everyone knew the alliances and then they turned on Shan too soon. When you play a bad game regardless of race you deserve to go. I don't care of 5 white people go in a row or 5 black people.  Why do you?

I wish I could only be speaking of this season but im not, we see the blacks get knocked out all the time in a row on these kind of shows.

You probably dont care when 5 white people go out in a row because due to the type of diversity we get, a white person will probably still win that season lol. 


You probably dont care when 5 white people go out in a row because due to the type of diversity we get, a white person will probably still win that season lol. 

There's never been enough black people to go out multiple seasons in a row. Which is embarrassing because this season is really clapping itself on the back for being diverse. It took you 40 seasons and 20 years to get to this point, it's not impressive. It's sad.

Let's go Deshaw, Ricard and Erika 

I posted a poll with 76 votes asking who is hottest Xander won 54%, Ricard 25%, Danny 21%. Didn't include DeShawn for a reason!

Ricard ahead of danny is insane 


I posted a poll with 76 votes asking who is hottest Xander won 54%, Ricard 25%, Danny 21%. Didn't include DeShawn for a reason!

Ricard ahead of danny is insane 

ehh both ricard and deshawn are ugly and bad bodied. Shocked danny is lower than ricard, is he lower than deshawn too?

but wait, its kinda funny when the yts get mad at all this racial talk and the thought of black people coming together as an alliance but dont blink an eye when they go out back to back in a row. 

They went out back to back because everyone knew the alliances and then they turned on Shan too soon. When you play a bad game regardless of race you deserve to go. I don't care of 5 white people go in a row or 5 black people.  Why do you?

I wish I could only be speaking of this season but im not, we see the blacks get knocked out all the time in a row on these kind of shows.

You probably dont care when 5 white people go out in a row because due to the type of diversity we get, a white person will probably still win that season lol. 

That's not a true statement--tell me the last time 3 black contestants went home in a row?   The reality is this ONLY happened because Danny and Deshawn made a mistake regarding Shan.  And then Deshawn ruined his game moving forward during tribal even though they kept him.  I can understand this comment regarding Big Brother (with the exception of Dani) but it's not true for Survivor at all.

KVM being a moron as usual, what else is new 

KVM being a moron as usual, what else is new 

You realize when you attack me it just further proves my point...actually you don't so keep trying
