The Challenge: Spies, Lies and allies- Tori Deal

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I actually believe Jimmye. I think Jordan is trying to back track now, maybe he feels bad or even wants her back idk. But Jordan knew what he was doing by talking to Jemmye about it. He wanted info on Tori to get out without the finger being pointed at him, he has been holding it all in and it still hurt it seems, understandably so. Hurt people, hurt people.


This is what Simone was talking about. Smh


What did Jordan do racist towards Leroy or during his time on The Challenge? It's so weird to me that people bash people for not hating someone for past actions. Pretty sure Leroy knows his character better than us.

Ah **** off this is gold, we live for this messy  shit.


Thanks Jimmy, and double thanks whoever paid, listened,  and posted the cliffs.

What did Jordan do racist towards Leroy or during his time on The Challenge? It's so weird to me that people bash people for not hating someone for past actions. Pretty sure Leroy knows his character better than us.

that's true.. I've seen Leroy on Jordan's story a couple times cutting his hair when Jordan was visiting vegas

I think what Jemmye said was somewhat true and Jordan feels bad for tori. He really loved her from what it seems. Even on toris live, u can tell she was hiding stuff .. she went on vacation with fessy 1 month after breaking up with Jordan and said she was so hurt.. she said Jordan has eveyr right to be mad because she ****** up their breakup

What did Jordan do racist towards Leroy or during his time on The Challenge? It's so weird to me that people bash people for not hating someone for past actions. Pretty sure Leroy knows his character better than us.

Who is hating on Leroy for not hating Jordan over his past actions? The thing that bothers me is him unfollowing Jordan before posting that video & now re-following. He looks like a fraudulent clown putting up a show.

Y'all hate jemmeye when you all are jemmeye lmaoooo


What did Jordan do racist towards Leroy or during his time on The Challenge? It's so weird to me that people bash people for not hating someone for past actions. Pretty sure Leroy knows his character better than us.

Who is hating on Leroy for not hating Jordan over his past actions? The thing that bothers me is him unfollowing Jordan before posting that video & now re-following. He looks like a fraudulent clown putting up a show.

He prob felt pressure to unfollow Jordan and had conversations with eachother privately. You don't know the situation to call him a fraudulent clown.

Y'all hate jemmeye when you all are jemmeye lmaoooo

"Jemmye can never just mind her business" well wtf is the rest of y'all doing lol 

Y'all hate jemmeye when you all are jemmeye lmaoooo

I get that we all discuss their business even though it's not ours to discuss. But we discuss what is public knowledge or info from PR. She is charging money to expose something someone she personally knows (probably in confidence). She is using their story for clout, money, and attention. And she's just blowing with the wind to appease fans. Fans hate Tori now so she is trying to expose Tori, but she just looks dumb. One day she'll be held accoubtable for her racist and other disgusting ways.

I would hate to have Jemmye as a friend. Every little thing you say she will put it in a file lol 

Yeah, I dont think any new info came out if you follow spoilers and kept up with whats been said already. Its basically the same stuff he has said in his brief comments about the matter. I can't believe Jemmye charged people for this info.


Fyi- The $5k was for moving expenses supossedly  

omg I can't stand this ***** Jemmye and the way she tries to spin Dirty 30. why has EVERYONE forgotten how she was acting right after Dirty 30!? i was even rolling my eyes when Leroy and Kam were praising her.

I vividly remember her crying on live over Camila not telling her she was going to NY for promo, posting a pic of them the next day saying #teamsubtitles, and even promoting Camilas fitness challenge all after filming. 

This whole thing was a setup orchestrated by Jordan himself. Jimmye is the victim here.

Jordan is live

He said that Jemmy didn't lie, but he didn't say to her go and tell everyone. He seems kinda whatever about it lol. 

now jordans on IG, hahaha this is great

Jemmye is such an unreliable source. I dont even know why she got brought back in the first place 

Jordan looked really skinny in that ig live 

He gave a lot of random cast members shoutouts since his fans were mentioning their names.

johnny Reilly, bay and swaggy, cohutta joined his live to say hi, and he said he loves cara and they have a rivalry.. and she likes it when ppl cut her slack and he's not one to do it. He said he loves giving her a hard time and he loves it when she gives him a hard time too. Lol

Jordan is definitely backtracking and throwing Jemmye under the bus, which she kind of deserves. He's lowkey being the messiest out this whole trio. I think he used Jemmye as a mouthpiece and is now trying wipe his hands clean.

I actually grew some respect for Tori, good on her for backing up her shit and tying to squash it. She doesn't really respond to negative comments from fans but covers herself well with this kind of shit.

Also she looked great on that live.

omg I can't stand this ***** Jemmye and the way she tries to spin Dirty 30. why has EVERYONE forgotten how she was acting right after Dirty 30!? i was even rolling my eyes when Leroy and Kam were praising her.

I vividly remember her crying on live over Camila not telling her she was going to NY for promo, posting a pic of them the next day saying #teamsubtitles, and even promoting Camilas fitness challenge all after filming. 

Thanks for posting that! I knew that fake "ally" posted something in support of Camilla after Dirty 30, but I couldn't remember what it was. She didn't think that footage was going to be aired until the reunion. And Kam and Leroy are completely clueless singling her out the most as a true ally.

Now she's backpacking off the Tori hate, just so she can get bombarded with "Yes, queen! Spill the tea, queen!" Making money off people's break ups. This b@#@ is the definition of tacky.

No one cares. Lock this shit.

No one cares. Lock this shit.

You obviously care since you're obsessed with this chick and post in her thread 50 times a day.



Tori honestly isn't the problem with the show. She's Sarah 2.0 and Sarah, though annoying, didn't ruin the show. There's much bigger issues than Tori

I disagree Sarah played a huge part by enabling JKE until she got her money stolen by one of them then she is all about women empowerment 


Jordan's as fake if not more fake than Jemmye 

No one is as fake as Jimracist.

Y'all hate jemmeye when you all are jemmeye lmaoooo


Y'all hate jemmeye when you all are jemmeye lmaoooo

I get that we all discuss their business even though it's not ours to discuss. But we discuss what is public knowledge or info from PR. She is charging money to expose something someone she personally knows (probably in confidence). She is using their story for clout, money, and attention. And she's just blowing with the wind to appease fans. Fans hate Tori now so she is trying to expose Tori, but she just looks dumb. One day she'll be held accoubtable for her racist and other disgusting ways.

huh? this site was built off of spoilers and inside information. We discuss things that cast haven't addressed all the time, lol are you trying to feel better morally or something ? No one was mad that Jemmeye made that video, its only conversation happening about it because Tori claims its not true. 
