The Challenge: Spies, Lies and allies- Tori Deal

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She’s going live soon.

she's live now

She’s going live soon.

im guessing you'll be front row

i never wouldve thought tori would be in so much drama when i first saw her in dirty 30 ... whewwwwww

i never wouldve thought tori would be in so much drama when i first saw her in dirty 30 ... whewwwwww

Arrived late what did she say? 


She’s going live soon.

im guessing you'll be front row


Arrived late what did she say? 

Long story short, Jemmye lied. She (Tori) asked Jordan if she could go on live and tell the truth and he said yes. And that they broke up in October and the Fessy trip was in December, so there was no cheating.

Yeah, I dont think any new info came out if you follow spoilers and kept up with whats been said already. Its basically the same stuff he has said in his brief comments about the matter. I can't believe Jemmye charged people for this info.


Fyi- The $5k was for moving expenses supossedly  

So she got some ***** from another guy and the guy she cheated on paid her. Im impressed with her if im being honest

Of course she deleted that pic of her wearing fessys chain from her IG. That pic was definitely in Nov but not sure when, but fans called her out and she deleted it. Then she post a second one in late Nov and blurred out the pendant on his chain LOL. But I am confused on the timeline..? tori says she has jordans blessing to say all this but he definitely made comments that they were still together when that fessy trip happened so I'm confused as to who to believe

Of course she deleted that pic of her wearing fessys chain from her IG. That pic was definitely in Nov but not sure when

I fee like based on her insta stories Tori and Jordan weren't around each other as soon as she was eliminated. I remember jaychallenge or someone back then saying Tori and Jordan haven't been living together for a month before season even was over

Tori honestly isn't the problem with the show. She's Sarah 2.0 and Sarah, though annoying, didn't ruin the show. There's much bigger issues than Tori

I disagree Sarah played a huge part by enabling JKE until she got her money stolen by one of them then she is all about women empowerment 

Jemmye is trash for talking about a relationship that isn't her business


Arrived late what did she say? 

Long story short, Jemmye lied. She (Tori) asked Jordan if she could go on live and tell the truth and he said yes. And that they broke up in October and the Fessy trip was in December, so there was no cheating.

that makes sense 

He is the ONE making it seem like it was his decision not being on the last two. When it was production decision and I  wouldn't count him in the future after Leroy's video that cause so much backlash.

They are cutting off the guy Leroy was constantly interacting with and praising? That doesn't have the woke effect they are looking for.

- Jordan 100% went around telling ppl Tori business during All Stars 3 from Nia to Jemmye to Jonna to V to Beth and the list goes on. So if he told her that he didn't say stuff then he is lying.

- Jemmye is horrible for talking about this situation publicly when it has 0 to do with her and making money out of it. It's not her story to tell.


He is the ONE making it seem like it was his decision not being on the last two. When it was production decision and I  wouldn't count him in the future after Leroy's video that cause so much backlash.

They are cutting off the guy Leroy was constantly interacting with and praising? That doesn't have the woke effect they are looking for.

Well, Leroy unfollow him and stop interacting him after hearing he was cast on All Stars 3 lol



He is the ONE making it seem like it was his decision not being on the last two. When it was production decision and I  wouldn't count him in the future after Leroy's video that cause so much backlash.

They are cutting off the guy Leroy was constantly interacting with and praising? That doesn't have the woke effect they are looking for.

Well, Leroy unfollow him and stop interacting him after hearing he was cast on All Stars 3 lol

Leroy just refollowed him.

- Jordan 100% went around telling ppl Tori business during All Stars 3 from Nia to Jemmye to Jonna to V to Beth and the list goes on. So if he told her that he didn't say stuff then he is lying.

- Jemmye is horrible for talking about this situation publicly when it has 0 to do with her and making money out of it. It's not her story to tell.

I think he said to Tori that some of the stuff Jemmye put in the video was made up, so i guess it means he told her a part and she made up the rest

Not Jordan lying to Jemmye, creating a mess & now just enjoying his evening. 


Calling some the n word repeatedly isn't racist lmao ok

Your obsession Nelson shouldn't be on this show after abusing girls and threatening to release their sex tapes. Both of those guys are trash and horrible people.

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He is the ONE making it seem like it was his decision not being on the last two. When it was production decision and I  wouldn't count him in the future after Leroy's video that cause so much backlash.

They are cutting off the guy Leroy was constantly interacting with and praising? That doesn't have the woke effect they are looking for.

Well, Leroy unfollow him and stop interacting him after hearing he was cast on All Stars 3 lol

Leroy just refollowed him.

Lmaooo I am screaming 

She's right about the hypocrisy of Jemmye calling her an opportunist. Of course Jordan was talking about her, but Jemmye is probably putting her own extra sauce on it.

And finally, no one ever points out that Jordan cheated to get with Tori. So even if she did cheat, which I don't really care about, like they say how you get them is how you lose them.

I don't have a problem with Jemmye or Tori but this is just Jemmye needing attention


Can everyone that comments on Tori's weight reply to this with your personal BMI, how often you exercise, how much you can lift and your fastest mile? The results may shock you...

I'm 700 pounds I never exercise and my BMI is 900, so I'm in the same boat as Tori 

I do have to say though that Jemmye is a POS. Gutter trailer park trash. She is irrelevant and should not be speaking about other people's relationships.

Is it bad that I'm not surprised by anything I've read second hand, I haven't seen the actual video 

This is what Simone was talking about. Smh

Leroy is a clown he can't whine about others following Camila anymore
