The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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I feel like if they did an exs season next they would have to not cast most of the rookies from this season and i cant see them doing that. I know some people said they would cast esther with Josh but does allegedly giving somone a bj in the toilet make them your ex? 

I feel like if they did an exs season next they would have to not cast most of the rookies from this season and i cant them doing that. I know some people said they would cast esther with Josh but does allegedly giving somone a bj in the toilet make them your ex? 

Nia says hi

Marie and Devin 

Never add Devin to one of my cast list ever.

I feel like if they did an exs season next they would have to not cast most of the rookies from this season and i cant see them doing that. I know some people said they would cast esther with Josh but does allegedly giving somone a bj in the toilet make them your ex? 

People have been paired based on less. 

I dont like this season

Sneak peek of your Exes 3 challenge champions ❤️ 

KEK might've been on to something with pushing this Jeremiah for next season agenda. 

An Exes Cast to save the show (plus it's gotta be a shorter season).

  • Cely & Johnny
  • Amber & Jeremiah
  • Haleigh & Fessy
  • Michele & Wendell
  • Joss & Amanda
  • Jamar & Minhly
  • Leah & CT
  • Nia & Jordan
  • Michaela & Stretch for any guy
  • Kam & Theo
  • Alyssa & Christian
  • Davonne & David
  • Nelson & Ashley (or Kayleigh)
  • Cory & Kailah
  • Wes & Kellyanne
  • Morgan & Johnny
  • Laurel & Any guy
  • Marie & Kyle
  • This is actually cute minus Leah and CT. 


    Could they even do an Exes? I thought Nam was promised a spot on next season 

    If they can get a good cast on exes they quickly forget any promises made to snoozefest Nam

    Would they? I remember one of PR/Gamer said that production really liked Nam

    no Ex's, just get some of the all stars on the main show and let's see if people respond better to the show. 

    no Ex's, just get some of the all stars on the main show and let's see if people respond better to the show. 

    The same all stars that has hardly made any impact on paramount + ?

    I wouldn't hold my hold breath about an ex format just yet especially during the unpredictable times we live in. Plus, you guys need to learn not to over think what they post on IG and Twitter even their articles most of the times it means shit



    Could they even do an Exes? I thought Nam was promised a spot on next season 

    If they can get a good cast on exes they quickly forget any promises made to snoozefest Nam

    Would they? I remember one of PR/Gamer said that production really liked Nam

    Nobody is necessary for them but Nam have received an availability call for everything he is eligible for as of now including next season

    Why would production give us a theme we want when they can shove spy kids down our throats for a trilogy? Smh. 

    honestly, why does production think the fans are stupid? Wasnt it said before that they didnt want to do team formats because it would be "too confusing to follow" (whatever tf that means). I just dont understand why they also think they need the trilogies to be back to back? The Infernos and Gauntlets didnt happen back to back and fans had no problems with them. 


    Why would production give us a theme we want when they can shove spy kids down our throats for a trilogy? Smh. 

    honestly, why does production think the fans are stupid? Wasnt it said before that they didnt want to do team formats because it would be "too confusing to follow" (whatever tf that means). I just dont understand why they also think they need the trilogies to be back to back? The Infernos and Gauntlets didnt happen back to back and fans had no problems with them. 


    Who wrote this was going to be a trilogy? There are themes being evaluate it and last I heard none are around "spies" as of now.

    There is a lot of risk with an exes due to COVID and realistically they aren't going to have two alternates for each pair if someone test positive.  Let say they get a big name and their partner test positive then they wouldn't be able to use that person because they don't have another option for them on set. 

    hopefully the spy themes are gone and we get a rivals 4/exes 3 basically a simple theme to gain some of the lost viewers back

    Oh thank god its not a spy triology. I just assumed production might do that because they hate us. My comment still stands about them repeating themes back to back though. We didnt need two of these spy seasons in a row.

    so because of covid, they cant really restrict the theme with exes/rivals/bloodlines. I've always wanted another good guys vs bad asses but I have a hard time deciphering where these regular castmembers would be placed. 

    Oh thank god its not a spy triology. I just assumed production might do that because they hate us. My comment still stands about them repeating themes back to back though. We didnt need two of these spy seasons in a row.

    so because of covid, they cant really restrict the theme with exes/rivals/bloodlines. I've always wanted another good guys vs bad asses but I have a hard time deciphering where these regular castmembers would be placed. 

    I agree with you about your comment I don't get the point of having the same themes in a row lol

    Yes, there is a lot of risk of restrict theme due to COVID let say they get Theresa but Wes test positive and Leroy can't fly last minute then Theresa wouldn't be able to be use + the chances of her doing the next season are very low since this season was perfect timing for her. (just an Hypothetical example)

    I think All Stars 3 cast was perfect for ******** vs good guys but they still didn't do it.

    If they require vaccinations, they just need to add an extra week into filming in case someone test positive. People test positive in the NFL and then play three days later. Plus, if you are vaccinated and get covid it's like a minor cold for their age group so why are we really quaranting over that?

    If they require vaccinations, they just need to add an extra week into filming in case someone test positive. People test positive in the NFL and then play three days later. Plus, if you are vaccinated and get covid it's like a minor cold for their age group so why are we really quaranting over that?

    They  already have the Nam experience last season in the same age group. He got really sick last season over it so they would continue quarantining for the 4-5 days better to play safe.

    PR any clus about that "daunting decision" the winners have to make ?

    PR any clus about that "daunting decision" the winners have to make ?

    Probably the same as Rivals 3 and FR ? I am assumming 

    if it was exes I would Love to have CT and Laurel on it


    PR any clus about that "daunting decision" the winners have to make ?

    Probably the same as Rivals 3 and FR ? I am assumming 

    Damn.. The way Kaycee has been traveling and spending money I doubt she got the money stolen from her. Doubt she stole it either but how good would that have been.

    Ct really split money with Kaycee when he coulda gotten a million... whew he sure has changed 

     Plus, if you are vaccinated and get covid it's like a minor cold for their age group so why are we really quaranting over that?

    ok Dr. Fauci

    Nany finished second for sure.

    the only thing Nany is finishing second in is a race to the bottom 

    PR any clus about that "daunting decision" the winners have to make ?

    the daunting decision is that Kaycee can only split the prize if she wears her hair down 

    Most sequel seasons tend to come within 3-4 seasons of the previous one, we're way past that now with most of their recurring formats. If they were to break that pattern for anything though, it'd probably be Exes 3.
