The Challenge: All Stars - Season 3 (Spoilers Discussion)

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PR you should expose that person for having multiple accounts like you did the other guy. Iconic. 

Not me forgetting Sylvia was even there.

Sylvias mist

Thankful for Sylvia. 

Hauserman hate won't be tolerated. You are the vile one DarrellStalker! 

you are the defintion of going with the crowd and not having a real opinion.

going back to your flip flopping once that poster gets banned again?




Lol when new accounts reveal themselves as alt accounts by hating on seasoned members.

I am not a new account I have been on this site before pr

I haven't done anything to you tho, sorry if I offended you? I don't know you or recognize your username?

Your comments are always vile

Is this comment vile? Did it offend you or disgust you?





Lol when new accounts reveal themselves as alt accounts by hating on seasoned members.

I am not a new account I have been on this site before pr

I haven't done anything to you tho, sorry if I offended you? I don't know you or recognize your username?

Your comments are always vile

That's an understatement. 

I don't feel safe with you here.


Hauserman hate won't be tolerated. You are the vile one DarrellStalker! 

you are the defintion of going with the crowd and not having a real opinion.

going back to your flip flopping once that poster gets banned again?

What are you talking about? Besides you and some days KVM I'm probably the most hated person here because my views are often the minority. I have no desire or need to be part of a reality board mob lol.



Hauserman hate won't be tolerated. You are the vile one DarrellStalker! 

you are the defintion of going with the crowd and not having a real opinion.

going back to your flip flopping once that poster gets banned again?

What are you talking about? Besides you and some days KVM I'm probably the most hated person here because my views are often the minority. I have no desire or need to be part of a reality board mob lol.

I guess we get called a mob because we get along despite having different opinions and because we call each other "besties". Please, do you not drag my girl Legendmmye on the daily or almost daily? And she is my favorite. You despise Jemmye. I used to dislike Casey while you adore her, some people really be making up stuff. I'm sorry we're not weird or take this so serious, we get along and kikiki about things.

OldSchooler is many things but not s follower. The Darrell stan reaches new levels of ridiculousness daily. 

I really never thought a poster could make me no longer care if Darrell loses or root against someone as irrelevant as Sophia but here we are. 

I really never thought a poster could make me no longer care if Darrell loses but here we are. 


I really never thought a poster could make me no longer care if Darrell loses but here we are. 



I really never thought a poster could make me no longer care if Darrell loses but here we are. 



I really never thought a poster could make me no longer care if Darrell loses but here we are. 

OldSchooler is many things but not s follower. The Darrell stan reaches new levels of ridiculousness daily. 

I really never thought a poster could make me no longer care if Darrell loses or root against someone as irrelevant as Sophia but here we are. 

Yes!!!! You better stick up for your twin! <3

It would be nice if they released a trailer for this right after All Stars 2 ends.


Some of you guys just follow the mob instead of having your own opinions 

the irony my god, y'all just keep proving my point 

maybe on day someone will have an original opinion on here besides me and the Sophia Stan 

OldSchooler is many things but not s follower. The Darrell stan reaches new levels of ridiculousness daily. 

go have another meltdown and keep me entertained 






Lol when new accounts reveal themselves as alt accounts by hating on seasoned members.

I am not a new account I have been on this site before pr

I haven't done anything to you tho, sorry if I offended you? I don't know you or recognize your username?

Your comments are always vile

That's an understatement. 

I don't feel safe with you here.

I don't feel safe w someone who got banned for 6 months for the most vile disgusting thing. Do not quote me ever again 

does this pony show not get tiring? like seriously 

does this pony show not get tiring? like seriously 








Lol when new accounts reveal themselves as alt accounts by hating on seasoned members.

I am not a new account I have been on this site before pr

I haven't done anything to you tho, sorry if I offended you? I don't know you or recognize your username?

Your comments are always vile

That's an understatement. 

I don't feel safe with you here.

I don't feel safe w someone who got banned for 6 months for the most vile disgusting thing. Do not quote me ever again 

When was I banned for 6 months? If I was banned for 6 months then thank you for keeping tabs on me and counting. I will quote you...and?

I have no idea how long you were banned for, but your transphobic/evil comments about Kaycee make you easily the most disgusting poster on this board. You should have been banned for life here. I may be annoying but at least I'm not an awful human being. Goodbye. 


I wonder what happened between Leah and Darrell lol

Are Darrell and Leah even close anymore lol like what

Are Darrell and Leah even close anymore lol like what

He ignored her so I think she was a little bitter.

OldSchooler is many things but not a follower.  

Aww thanks for sticking up for me! Never thought I'd go a week getting along KVM and defending eachother.

I have no idea how long you were banned for, but your transphobic/evil comments about Kaycee make you easily the most disgusting poster on this board. You should have been banned for life here. I may be annoying but at least I'm not an awful human being. Goodbye. 

I have not said transphobic comments about that thing but sure. You're clearly reaching, you have issues pal.


I have no idea how long you were banned for, but your transphobic/evil comments about Kaycee make you easily the most disgusting poster on this board. You should have been banned for life here. I may be annoying but at least I'm not an awful human being. Goodbye. 

I have not said transphobic comments about that thing but sure. You're clearly reaching, you have issues pal.

"that thing?" People joke on this board but youre absolute filth for the Kaycee comments who I don't even like.  

we all know what you said. 

There's trolling and then there's legitimate evil ignorance. You can **** off. Gonna pull a Camilla next?  
