The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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I just saw a video of bb23 Kyland taking a video of himself following The Challenge on twitter to manifest going on the show PLEASE WHAT HAS THIS SHOW TURNED INTO

I found the cast to be annoying af after the season wrapped. The only one I still follow is Hannah.

Hannah really is the gem of that season, along with DX and Claire. Xavier isn't bad either I just don't think he fits too well with the rest of that alliance.

Production love Kaycee and josh...might as well put them up on the likely available list now. I was gonna say maybe fessy takes a season off because of the bs altercation but seems like they got over it so he'll probably be back too 

Knowing my bad luck the only bb person not there is amber lol








I just saw a video of bb23 Kyland taking a video of himself following The Challenge on twitter to manifest going on the show PLEASE WHAT HAS THIS SHOW TURNED INTO

No wait he should come. He's a mess

Right?? He's the only person from that season that should come on. I get the feeling he'll rub people the wrong way (he's kinda weird lol) and will actually make moves. 

He did almost come to blows with Xaiver on his way out

Honestly he was afraid of Xavier, when he mentioned Xavier's nephew, and Xavier started to get riled up he ran away

This is completely false lmao. Kyland stood right in Xavier's face up until Julie had to repeatedly yell at Kyland to leave. And this was all after he brought up his nephew.

Watch that scene again, the moment Xavier gets closer to him you see his demeanor change, and after that Julie just calls him once and he gets out running

heres the link for you to watch that scene again. He brings up his nephew then continues to be right there, same demeanor, until Julie calls him numerous times. 

Not the same demeanor at all he started to stutter when Xavier gets closebto him, and Julie says his name 2 two times and then tells him to leave, at that point he starts leaving and goes back to grab a bottle or something like that, that is when Julie calls him multiple times, but at that point he was already leaving

Oh ok sure, whatever helps you sleep at night pal lol. 

Oh ok sure, whatever helps you sleep at night pal lol. 

Lol you just posted a video that showed what i said 


Oh ok sure, whatever helps you sleep at night pal lol. 

Lol you just posted a video that showed what i said 

Oh ok sure, whatever helps you sleep at night pal lol. 



Oh ok sure, whatever helps you sleep at night pal lol. 

Lol you just posted a video that showed what i said 

Oh ok sure, whatever helps you sleep at night pal lol. 

Grow up child

Oh the irony..

So those final placements lol. Emy had to get last, im guessing with Devin honestly.

Anyone know how many episodes there will be total? Not including reunion 

Anyone know how many episodes there will be total? Not including reunion 

20 I think

Hey y'all I'm new here and not sure how these forums work but excited to get involved :-). 

For the rookies I'm hoping for Michele, Michaela, Emy, Emanuel, Ed, Priscilla, Corey L, Berna and Tommy. Mainly because they all actually train for the show and will hopefully learn to make more bold moves their second time around. It's safe to assume the returning vets will be Tori, Devin, Josh, Fessy, Amber, Kaycee, Nelson and I predict 38 will be Nanys "last season" but that will be a lie. However, I think before returning Josh should be required to take anger management and Kaycee should be required to take a public speaking class.

I haven't watched in like over a month, am I missing much?

I haven't watched in like over a month, am I missing much?

Nop Amanda and Kyle are getting better but other than that and Josh leaving there is nothing worthy of note

Please no Kyland, Hes already all up in Toris comments 


kaycee wouldnt even beat ashley head on  in a final lmao

I hope all the returning girls try to take Kaycee out every chance they get. I could picture the survivor girls planning to take her out and succeeding. Kaycee is a great competitor but I don't think she's as well rounded as the cast claims. She probably could've lost most of the individual female elims this season but of course that only happened once the format changed and she was safe every time. 






Please no Kyland, Hes already all up in Toris comments 


The new Josh


Please no Kyland, Hes already all up in Toris comments 


The new Josh

If that's the case then that can mean we won't have to see Josh on our screens no more since we have a suitable replacement for him :)

I dont think Kyland would crave the attention like josh does. I also think hes someone whos personaity would naturally annoy people. If the cookout wasnt a thing in big brother they would have got rid of him asap.

So Devin went against a tired Emmanuel...  

So Devin went against a tired Emmanuel...  

and you already know Devin is hyping himself up after it and is calling himself the goat

i didn't watch the episode but what exactly is this twist

This shit started in early august and yet theres still 5 episodes left right lmaooo?

amanda leaves next week

then emmanuel/part 1 of final?

second part of final

 2 part reunion?

a 22 episode season A JOKE!

This shit started in early august and yet theres still 5 episodes left right lmaooo?

amanda leaves next week

then emmanuel/part 1 of final?

second part of final

 2 part reunion?

a 22 episode season A JOKE!

This season is scheduled for 19 episodes so it's probably double elim with Amanda and Emanuel, then 2 part final (if we're on episode 17 lol, I can't remember)

i didn't watch the episode but what exactly is this twist

Don't know specifics, all they said was that two more people (1 guy 1 girl) will be eliminated then and there and they made it sound like they are staying in the elimination arena. We don't know how the matchups will be made yet, but PR if you are seeing this you were right about the 3 final eliminations being the same night!

This is the schedule:

Episode 18: (Amanda and Emanuel elimination, part 1 of final): December 8

Episode 19 (part 2 final, CT and Kaycee win): December 15

Episode 20 (reunion part 1): December 22

Episode 21 (reunion part 2): December 29

Reunions aren't included in the total episode number if I remember right so that's why it was said to be 19 episodes. I'm actually excited for the reunion, we better see some fireworks and REAL drama though

i didn't watch the episode but what exactly is this twist

Seems like a bloodbath type of twist. 2 people will be going home in the same night after Emanuel vs Logan's elimination like Pink said

Saw this online, episode 19 description

The decision

“The remaining challengers fight for their share of the 1,000,000 prize. A close relationship faces a devastating test. Agents are crowned winners of spies lies and Allies but are then faced with a daunting decision”

Was there a share/steal money decision ?

Saw this online, episode 19 description

The decision

“The remaining challengers fight for their share of the 1,000,000 prize. A close relationship faces a devastating test. Agents are crowned winners of spies lies and Allies but are then faced with a daunting decision”

Was there a share/steal money decision ?

If there was then I'm ready to laugh at whoever got the money stolen from them since I hate both KC and CT

Just watched and LOL Eman got screwed by this "twist". I'm guessing team Sapphire are all immune lol, even though CT deserves it for winning the daily it's still kinda unfair to skip two eliminations in a row.

Just like last season when they gave him the golden POV and then again with Nany. Speaking of Nany she literally did nothing all season lmao.

Add in the fact they are probably about to break the teams up which makes all the strategies they did during the second half mute....this show.

Anyway glad this shit is almost over.
