The Challenge: War of The Worlds II - Theo Campbell

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veronica is right .... this also happens outside of the show and its sad.

I think Theo feels like he has a high shot at winning so the appearance fee wouldnt matter that much but still .... Never sell yourself short to get anyones or anything's attention lol

How is she right? It's his choice if he doesn't care what he gets paid. 

because what you allow to happen is what will continue.

l If Theo is willing to do the show for pennies you know BMP will exploit tf outta future internationals and expect them to be the same. 

When PR says budget isnt an issue, I think she means they can afford whoever, but WHY would you pay more when you dont have to? 

I feel like yall caping for this company and I dont get it lmao.

FLYGUY with all the facts.  

I be feeling so condescending in my post but some of yall really act as if yall have no outside experiences. Have yall ever heard of a sweatshop ? 

You are really just like Kvm

How? Because I have a different opinion than the majority and this site is intolerant of people who don't think exactly as they do. Unlike, KVM I'm open to hear other opinions and enjoy listening to other peoples views. I'm not just here to desperately prove I'm right. 



veronica is right .... this also happens outside of the show and its sad.

I think Theo feels like he has a high shot at winning so the appearance fee wouldnt matter that much but still .... Never sell yourself short to get anyones or anything's attention lol

How is she right? It's his choice if he doesn't care what he gets paid. 

because what you allow to happen is what will continue.

l If Theo is willing to do the show for pennies you know BMP will exploit tf outta future internationals and expect them to be the same. 

When PR says budget isnt an issue, I think she means they can afford whoever, but WHY would you pay more when you dont have to? 

I feel like yall caping for this company and I dont get it lmao.

Thats exactly what I mean! They have the money to pay everyone a nice apperance fee based on their resume but if they can avoid negotiating and get the same job for less they would take that in a heart beat like every company.

But Theo saying he would do it for free would actually make any difference? Its not like they started casting cheap cast because of that, they got Emmanuel and Emy this seasonbthat are probably the Cheapest cast ever, i dont think Theo saying this makes any difference since they started casting cheap people before

 because what you allow to happen is what will continue.

l If Theo is willing to do the show for pennies you know BMP will exploit tf outta future internationals and expect them to be the same.

I get this. It makes sense, but just because Theo is willing to do it for cheap but they know that isn't the norm. They paid for cheap internationals and they got a cheap product with poor ratings. Hopefully they are smart enough to realize that if they can get a great character for Theo for cheap then go for it, but they shouldn't just bring back someone like Tracey because she is willing to do it for cheap. Just because Theo is doing it for cheap they don't expect everyone to lower their standards to that. My job can higher someone for way cheaper than me for sure, but if they don't have my talent and experience they will suffer in the long run. That's why they pay me more, same for MTV. But if some chump didn't know their worth and came in and was better at the job than me and had more experience and was willing to get paid half the cost...they should fire my *** and hire him lol. I don't see it the same as a sweat shop, those are kids who are have no choice but to work for that lowpay for survival and companies exploit that. Theo is making the choice to compete, travel, and party for a lowprice because he wants to because he enjoys it. Totally different to me.

When PR says budget isnt an issue, I think she means they can afford whoever, but WHY would you pay more when you dont have to? 

You pay more for better personalities and bigger names because that's what brings in ratings and keeps your show thriving. You pay for cheap people like Tracey, Logan, etc who the fans don't connect to, know prior, and don't deliver you lose your audiences interest.

But Theo saying he would do it for free would actually make any difference? Its not like they started casting cheap cast because of that, they got Emmanuel and Emy this seasonbthat are probably the Cheapest cast ever, i dont think Theo saying this makes any difference since they started casting cheap people before

Technically it did why do you think they got happy casting Ayto first and then international people since vendettas because they discovered that they would do the same job as the RW/RR vets for cheaper.


 because what you allow to happen is what will continue.

l If Theo is willing to do the show for pennies you know BMP will exploit tf outta future internationals and expect them to be the same.

I get this. It makes sense, but just because Theo is willing to do it for cheap but they know that isn't the norm. They paid for cheap internationals and they got a cheap product with poor ratings. Hopefully they are smart enough to realize that if they can get a great character for Theo for cheap then go for it, but they shouldn't just bring back someone like Tracey because she is willing to do it for cheap. Just because Theo is doing it for cheap they don't expect everyone to lower their standards to that. My job can higher someone for way cheaper than me for sure, but if they don't have my talent and experience they will suffer in the long run. That's why they pay me more, same for MTV. But if some chump didn't know their worth and came in and was better at the job than me and had more experience and was willing to get paid half the cost...they should fire my *** and hire him lol. I don't see it the same as a sweat shop, those are kids who are have no choice but to work for that lowpay for survival and companies exploit that. Theo is making the choice to compete, travel, and party for a lowprice because he wants to because he enjoys it. Totally different to me.

i'm losing brain cells

Technically it did why do you think they got happy casting Ayto first and then international people since vendettas because they discovered that they would do the same job as the RW/RR vets for cheaper.

Lol they definitely aint doing the same job. You pay for kmart quality, you get kmart quality. They should have stuck with namebrand.

i'm losing brain cells

What did I say that was wrong? Contribute to the conversation, I'm open. But I don't even know who you are, but yet you are continuously rude to me because I acted a fool here 5 years ago? Ok, lol.

LOL wasn't this guy saying "price has gone up" just a month ago? Who did he think he was kidding with that?

Unfortunately Theo is a lawsuit waiting to happen with his eye thing so I don't think there's anything he can do to get back on at this point.

If he's willing to do the show for free, I'm sure he's willing to sign any kind of waiver to compete.

Will any of this doscourse improve Theo chances of getting back on the show ? I imagine a casting producer had to have seen his tweet 

Will any of this doscourse improve Theo chances of getting back on the show ? I imagine a casting producer had to have seen his tweet 

Doubt it. Like PR said, he should have been networking and not just looking desperate on twitter. As a Theo fan though I hope it works lol.

I bet Josh shakes every hand that works in production upon arrival and at the after party!

I bet Josh throws hole at everyone that works in production upon arrival and at the after party!

If he's willing to do the show for free, I'm sure he's willing to sign any kind of waiver to compete.

Someone signing a waiver may protect MTV from a lawsuit but doesn't save them from the HR nightmare that is this pirate hurting himself attempting something that requires two eyes to perceive distance/depth. Yall be complaining this show has gotten too dangerous one moment and then want Helen Keller competing the next smh

Someone signing a waiver may protect MTV from a lawsuit but doesn't save them from the HR nightmare that is this pirate hurting himself attempting something that requires two eyes to perceive distance/depth. Yall be complaining this show has gotten too dangerous one moment and then want Helen Keller competing the next smh

The same thing applies to Jordan there are dailies that need two hands to grip, and he still does it even tough he could get hurt, the truth is i cant remember a single dailly challenge were you necessarily had use both eyes to see, there are half blind people in most professional sports without a problem why would it be a problem on this? You just trying to make up stuff

Someone signing a waiver may protect MTV from a lawsuit but doesn't save them from the HR nightmare that is this pirate hurting himself attempting something that requires two eyes to perceive distance/depth. Yall be complaining this show has gotten too dangerous one moment and then want Helen Keller competing the next smh

I choked on Hellen Keller omg  

Veronica is 100% correct.  Even Theo knows that.  This is like Julie back in the day taking less money for college speaking engagements than everyone which is why there were issues with her and Melissa (among others).  Theo can do what he wants but everything Veronica said is true.   She and others fought hard to make sure they were paid appropriately.  If others take less it hurts what they fought for so she has a right to be annoyed/angry/whatever.

I bet Josh shakes every hand that works in production upon arrival and at the after party!

There hasn't been after party in almost decade over someone getting caught messing with a producer or something between those lines

Someone signing a waiver may protect MTV from a lawsuit but doesn't save them from the HR nightmare that is this pirate hurting himself attempting something that requires two eyes to perceive distance/depth. Yall be complaining this show has gotten too dangerous one moment and then want Helen Keller competing the next smh

The same thing applies to Jordan there are dailies that need two hands to grip, and he still does it even tough he could get hurt, the truth is i cant remember a single dailly challenge were you necessarily had use both eyes to see, there are half blind people in most professional sports without a problem why would it be a problem on this? You just trying to make up stuff

Whoa--vision is not the same thing.  The NHL for example has a minimum eye sight requirement to play (see Bryan Berard--actually not google that) as do other sports.  If Theo can't meet the minimum requirements he shouldn't be on.

I bet Josh shakes every hand that works in production upon arrival and at the after party!

There hasn't been after party in almost decade over someone getting caught messing with a producer lol


Veronica is 100% correct.  Even Theo knows that.  This is like Julie back in the day taking less money for college speaking engagements than everyone which is why there were issues with her and Melissa (among others).  Theo can do what he wants but everything Veronica said is true.   She and others fought hard to make sure they were paid appropriately.  If others take less it hurts what they fought for so she has a right to be annoyed/angry/whatever.

Of course she has every right to be mad i think nobody contests that, but him wanting to compete and thinking he can win the prize money also has every right to said what he said, and considering they are already casting people from Romania, Poland and Nigeria that will receive considerably less than the Americans and even the Brits.

Both are right in my opinion, but i admit I'm biased on this since I'm a Theo fan

i quite literally do not care about her point or any of the conversation surrounding Theo. she once again has to be heard and negative and in someone's business. there's a quote about a straw and a camel 

that's her MO and is calling her a negative hag is an undeniable fact. i'm not even arguing against the point. he wouldn't be allowed to do the show for free so arguing about an impossible situation is weird 


I bet Josh shakes every hand that works in production upon arrival and at the after party!

There hasn't been after party in almost decade over someone getting caught messing with a producer or something between those lines

Please spill this tea lol


Veronica said nothing wrong y'all down weird. If this was the Paulie thread y'all would be singing a different tune



Theo's unfortunately never returning. These challenges aren't carnival games anymore with each passing season a bunch of people keep on getting hurt and they don't want the fallback if theo's eye gets worse than it is.
