The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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Casting for S38 begun, who do y'all think comes back from this season?

Kaycee Tori Nany Amber Esther Tacha Michele Emy Berna CT Kyle Josh Fessy Kelz Ed Corey L Devin ( YUCK ) Nam and Nelson 

Throw in the returns of Liv Kam Melissa Natalie A Laurel Jay and Bananas with a few international rookies that's our Season 38 cast. 

I can see Hughie back since he got a reunion invite but I also can see him being a alternate so idk about him. Hopefully the rookies we get I actually know of but I'm not counting on it. 


Here we go with the useless paragraphs

You've come to the wrong website then.


I hope Skye Topic spent the start of casting day at the local unemployment line.


Casting for S38 begun, who do y'all think comes back from this season? 

The only ones who should be called are Gabo, Kelz, Esther, Amanda, Ashley, CT, Ed, Jeremiah, Michaela, Michele.

The Jeremiah sneak lol



Casting for S38 begun, who do y'all think comes back from this season? 

The only ones who should be called are Gabo, Kelz, Esther, Amanda, Ashley, CT, Ed, Jeremiah, Michaela, Michele.

Jeremiah wasn't a sneak. I think he was a great addition, but I like the laid back personalities for guys. He just needs a few allies like Johnny M, Carrington, and Sher from his season to make some noise. Notice that the rookies who had storylines in the beggining were the Survivor players...because they were connected by their show. Just throwing a bunch of random rookies with no allegiance into a format where they can be put together is a disaster.

The big t stans are apparently leaking info on Twitter saying Emy got second and Tori third. Even if that's true idk why random people have the spoilers, especially the stans of people who clearly spread stuff. 

2nd: Kyle/Tori

3rd: Devin/Nany

4th: Nelson/Emy

Someone who has proven to be a non trustworthy source supposedly has this info so idk 


Kina should return


Nelson losing to Devin wouldnt surprise me

The Jeremiah sneak lol




Casting for S38 begun, who do y'all think comes back from this season? 

The only ones who should be called are Gabo, Kelz, Esther, Amanda, Ashley, CT, Ed, Jeremiah, Michaela, Michele.

Jeremiah wasn't a sneak. I think he was a great addition, but I like the laid back personalities for guys. He just needs a few allies like Johnny M, Carrington, and Sher from his season to make some noise. Notice that the rookies who had storylines in the beggining were the Survivor players...because they were connected by their show. Just throwing a bunch of random rookies with no allegiance into a format where they can be put together is a disaster.

He was most definitely a sneak. He is not memorable at all. 

At least Jeremiah is sxc

nelson has crazy stamina

Are we getting BB23 on 38?

now that we know the format are yall still surprised Nelson didnt see an elim? 

now that we know the format are yall still surprised Nelson didnt see an elim? 

ppl let the fact that he acts .iike a clown cloud their judgement so much that they think kyle and devin are in his realm of being a compeititor 

So was it always planned to end with a double elim? With the jankyness of how the last 3 got eliminated together, kinda sus to me. How many more episodes are left? I feel like this has been going on for sooooooo long.

now that we know the format are yall still surprised Nelson didnt see an elim? 

everyone likes him, so no...besides they think he is no threath in the final because can't swim or puzzle

I feel like Amanda is going to lose a puzzle against Tori just how the editing is going

Real talk why do nearly all the elims have do with climbing or heights?  Was there a sale on harnesses 

Does Tori call out Amanda or does Amanda call out Tori? 

Does Tori call out Amanda or does Amanda call out Tori? 

My guess is Tori calls out Amanda because if sapphire wins the daily (assuming no format change yet) they would want to vote in the biggest final threat. Amanda is also really close to Emy and Kyle and I can't see them voting her in if she doesn't want it

Jeremiah wasn't a sneak. I think he was a great addition, but I like the laid back personalities for guys. He just needs a few allies like Johnny M, Carrington, and Sher from his season to make some noise. Notice that the rookies who had storylines in the beggining were the Survivor players...because they were connected by their show. Just throwing a bunch of random rookies with no allegiance into a format where they can be put together is a disaster.

ok i can't take you seriously anymore lol. tommy would be better to bring back than friggin jeremiah you have to be trolling 

Nelson's definitely a finals threat, just barely lost to CT in invasion 

Nelson's definitely a finals threat, just barely lost to CT in invasion 

Not entirely true since Invasion CT was obese CT... The only way Nelson wins a final is if he has someone like Ashley M. Or Michaela as partner ro solve all the puzzles

The next two episodes: 

Episode 17: Drop Dead- With the Finals approaching, players scramble to stay out of elimination. No one can predict who the Compromised Agent will choose to battle in The Lair. Just when the players think they are in the clear, TJ drops a bomb that puts everyone in danger.

Episode 18: Night Of Mistakes- TJ’s shocking twist sends the players into a panic as they battle for survival before the Final. One player finds themselves on blast for trying to help another player during a tight elimination. The remaining players begin TJ’s Final.

The next two episodes: 

Episode 17: Drop Dead- With the Finals approaching, players scramble to stay out of elimination. No one can predict who the Compromised Agent will choose to battle in The Lair. Just when the players think they are in the clear, TJ drops a bomb that puts everyone in danger.

Episode 18: Night Of Mistakes- TJ’s shocking twist sends the players into a panic as they battle for survival before the Final. One player finds themselves on blast for trying to help another player during a tight elimination. The remaining players begin TJ’s Final.

Is the shocking twist that it's a double elimination or it turns individual? Maybe it'll be like a Duel 2 type of final elimination where they make a vote on who goes in and they call someone out?
