The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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I can't stand the guy but Derrick is not overrated lol. He has almost never struggled in anything, even when he was smaller by a mile, he still put up a hell of a fight every time, he has the most heart out of any competitor that has competed, and he has a ton of elimination and challenge wins that are extremely impressive. As mentioned above, he's competed in one actual challenge in the current era of no team challenges and he did great and lost to the best final runner there is.

Even the best have lost eliminations, and Derrick's have always been against top competitors (Darrell, Wes, Tommy, and Tyler who was good during CutThroat). Derrick is a top ten competitor, "most overrated" is the most laughable, blind-hatred thing to say ever lol.


edit: not the right thread for talking about Derrick. Sorry all.

I can't stand the guy but Derrick is not overrated lol. He has almost never struggled in anything, even when he was smaller by a mile, he still put up a hell of a fight every time, he has the most heart out of any competitor that has competed, and he has a ton of elimination and challenge wins that are extremely impressive. As mentioned above, he's competed in one actual challenge in the current era of no team challenges and he did great and lost to the best final runner there is.

Even the best have lost eliminations, and Derrick's have always been against top competitors (Darrell, Wes, Tommy, and Tyler who was good during CutThroat). Derrick is a top ten competitor, "most overrated" is the most laughable, blind-hatred thing to say ever lol.

You can think what you want but Derrick overall is not a top10 competitor, even in the old times there were more than ten guys better than him, Landon, CT, Darrell, Alton, Wes, Kenny, Evan, Wes, Timmy, Abram, Jamie M., Theo V. just to mention a few of the old guys if we go by new we have at least Jordan, Turbo, Theo C., Joss or Fessy


I can't stand the guy but Derrick is not overrated lol. He has almost never struggled in anything, even when he was smaller by a mile, he still put up a hell of a fight every time, he has the most heart out of any competitor that has competed, and he has a ton of elimination and challenge wins that are extremely impressive. As mentioned above, he's competed in one actual challenge in the current era of no team challenges and he did great and lost to the best final runner there is.

Even the best have lost eliminations, and Derrick's have always been against top competitors (Darrell, Wes, Tommy, and Tyler who was good during CutThroat). Derrick is a top ten competitor, "most overrated" is the most laughable, blind-hatred thing to say ever lol.

You can think what you want

and I will. 

I can't stand the guy but Derrick is not overrated lol. He has almost never struggled in anything, even when he was smaller by a mile, he still put up a hell of a fight every time, he has the most heart out of any competitor that has competed, and he has a ton of elimination and challenge wins that are extremely impressive. As mentioned above, he's competed in one actual challenge in the current era of no team challenges and he did great and lost to the best final runner there is.

Even the best have lost eliminations, and Derrick's have always been against top competitors (Darrell, Wes, Tommy, and Tyler who was good during CutThroat). Derrick is a top ten competitor, "most overrated" is the most laughable, blind-hatred thing to say ever lol.


edit: not the right thread for talking about Derrick. Sorry all.

I dont care about your heart when talking about all time competitors also he's barely top 10 lol and even then it may be generous 


I can't stand the guy but Derrick is not overrated lol. He has almost never struggled in anything, even when he was smaller by a mile, he still put up a hell of a fight every time, he has the most heart out of any competitor that has competed, and he has a ton of elimination and challenge wins that are extremely impressive. As mentioned above, he's competed in one actual challenge in the current era of no team challenges and he did great and lost to the best final runner there is.

Even the best have lost eliminations, and Derrick's have always been against top competitors (Darrell, Wes, Tommy, and Tyler who was good during CutThroat). Derrick is a top ten competitor, "most overrated" is the most laughable, blind-hatred thing to say ever lol.


edit: not the right thread for talking about Derrick. Sorry all.

I dont care about your heart when talking about all time competitors also he's barely top 10 lol and even then it may be generous 

I threw the heart thing in there because it 100% helps someone be better. And "barely" top ten isnt a bad thing lmao.


I can't stand the guy but Derrick is not overrated lol. He has almost never struggled in anything, even when he was smaller by a mile, he still put up a hell of a fight every time, he has the most heart out of any competitor that has competed, and he has a ton of elimination and challenge wins that are extremely impressive. As mentioned above, he's competed in one actual challenge in the current era of no team challenges and he did great and lost to the best final runner there is.

Even the best have lost eliminations, and Derrick's have always been against top competitors (Darrell, Wes, Tommy, and Tyler who was good during CutThroat). Derrick is a top ten competitor, "most overrated" is the most laughable, blind-hatred thing to say ever lol.


edit: not the right thread for talking about Derrick. Sorry all.

I dont care about your heart when talking about all time competitors also he's barely top 10 lol and even then it may be generous 

He's not top10, maybe top20, but he's too small and too dumb to be top 10. Landon, CT and Darrell are in a league of their own, Timmy was better than Derrick, and so were Wes, Evan, Kenny, Theo V., Jamie or Alton, from the new school at least Jordan,Zach, Turbo and Theo are superior to him and i would also make a case for guys like Hunter, Bananas, Brad, Tyler, Joss, MJ or Frank R. 

Please make your case for Frank Roessler over Derrick

Please make your case for Frank Rossler over Derrick

Well he carried an entire team to a final win, he's a lot smarter than Derrick and performs better at eliminations that aren't phisical, he also has a shot in phisical eliminations since he beat MJ and Tyler in two phisical eliminations and Tyler beat Derrick, in a final my money would be on Frank 10 times out of 10, he's better at checkpoints, Dertick might have more "heart but that's it. Derrick has more Wins has he has 10 seasons to Frank's 2 but Frank's winning season beats all of Derricks combined, and the only season they did together Frank outperformed hin

The Tyler that faced Derrick and the Tyler that faced Frank are two different Tylers.


Frank's winning season doesn't beat any of Derricks winning seasons because Frank and his team won by default. That is the most unimpressive win for a team in challenge history. Even after Easy died the vets still caught up to the rookies and finished first. It was embarrassing.


Frank's MJ win is nice but Derrick had several that are better. 

The Tyler that faced Derrick and the Tyler that faced Frank are two different Tylers.


Frank's winning season doesn't beat any of Derricks winning seasons because Frank and his team won by default. That is the most unimpressive win for a team in challenge history. Even after Easy died the vets still caught up to the rookies and finished first. It was embarrassing.


Frank's MJ win is nice but Derrick had several that are better. 

Derrick ride coattails in all his wins except Inferno 3,performance wise Frank's win beats all Derricks because Derrick has done nothing in any of his wins, while Frank won 3 eliminations, had all his team against him and send them all home to the point that the ones who stayed had to go to his side, The vets that season had one of the most stacked teams ever, they had double the numbers and like 6/7 top guys plus Paula Ev, and Diem against Frank, Nehemiah, Tori and Jillian so vets catching the rookies it was obvious specially at that checkpoints were numbers counted so much and no Derrick doesn't have any elimination win more impressive than Frank vs MJ except maybe against Joss, and he only won that because of a small distraction from Joss, Derrick was getting manhandled and would lose that 9/10 times, other than that is best win is against Tyler in Ascender, a Tyler that was even weaker than Gauntlet 3 Tyler

Give me Frank in any Final and probably in any elimination except pole wrestle and maybe hall brawl


why are y'all talking about this here

why are y'all talking about this here



3 wins beats one win, especially when that one win is the most tainted win in the history of the show competitively speaking. You can color it "riding coattails" I color it aligning himself well socially and performing consistently well. He never went in and won the Ruins, that is more impressive then getting sent in 3 times and 'winning' because the other team literally cannot based on the rules of the final.

As for better elimination wins then MJ. Joss for sure, and Brad has proven to be a better competitor then MJ and Derrick beat him. Hell, you could make an argument that Adam Larson is as good a win as MJ. MJ never proved much even with his champion status.

Here we go with the useless paragraphs

Here we go with the useless paragraphs

You've come to the wrong website then.

Here we go with the useless paragraphs

Derrick beat both Brad and Adam in basically a trivia game with some pushes that was not impressive, this argument is pointless and i stand by my point in a final and in any elimination except pole wrestle give me Frank over Derrick and without even thinking twice, now I'm done with this discussion, as Oldschooler said we're off-topic 

Casting for S38 begun, who do y'all think comes back from this season?

Casting for S38 begun, who do y'all think comes back from this season?

kaycee, Nany, josh, Kyle, devin and all the other regulars that desperately need a break but won't take one


Casting for S38 begun, who do y'all think comes back from this season?

kaycee, Nany, josh, Kyle, devin and all the other regulars that desperately need a break but won't take one

its scary what a non factor nany has become 

Now that y'all have seen more of the season, what are your predictions for the final placements? 

2nd: Kyle/Tori

3rd: Devin/Nany

4th: Nelson/Emy

I really almost put Nany in the last place spot but I've seen Nany solve a puzzle and that's Emy biggest weakest so Nany probably beat her in that regard.

2nd. Nelson/Tori

3rd. Devin/Nany

4th. Kyle/Emy

is there confirmed another format change

Did Pinkypoo not care to reveal final placements just winners?

Did Pinkypoo not care to reveal final placements just winners?

Yup lol.

2nd: Emy

3rd: Tori

4th: Nany

Casting for S38 begun, who do y'all think comes back from this season?

I can tell you who we don't need to come back


Casting for S38 begun, who do y'all think comes back from this season?

I can tell you who we don't need to come back

Let Skye Topic know on Instagram.
