The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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Not devin trying to come for gamer...I love when Gamer beefs with the cast LOL

Gamer is slaying them, he made resurface Devin's homophobic stories against ayto8, and bringing the tea also about Emy, Kyle and Aneesa

Devin checked Gamer.

nany tori devin josh kaycee have no remorse whatsoever that they have managed to completely ruin our favorite show by making it a bore fest and they're smug about it like i actually despise them

I am not defending either side both of them are as bad and both side benefited about that incident not being shown. Josh instigated the fight and Ashley took it far when she is drunk she doesn't have limits attacking ppl insecurities she went on a rant lol

I don't understand the second pic, who is talking about who? Lol

I know people who claim anything and everything is racist even when it isn't aren't saying anything about "hypersensitive culture". 

Anyone who watches Josh knows that he started that fight. Either they both should've been sent home or neither should've been sent home.

I know people who claim anything and everything is racist even when it isn't aren't saying anything about "hypersensitive culture". 

Josh started a fight. Ashley called him gay. Josh thinks homosexuality is shameful so he broke down. They got Ashley removed. Josh is getting backlash because he sucks and everyone is over his crap. Josh is having a meltdown over the backlash. His cult who is equally as awful is trying to make him a poor victim, he's not. Fighting and lowblows has always been a part of the show. These kids are soft and can't handle it. However, even though it's bad for their mental health and they can't handle it, MTV will still cast them. That group would sacrifice their only family members to continue doing this show. Therefore, I have no sympathy for the meltdown Josh and his lame cult are having.  


I know people who claim anything and everything is racist even when it isn't aren't saying anything about "hypersensitive culture". 

Josh started a fight. Ashley called him gay. Josh thinks homosexuality is shameful so he broke down. They got Ashley removed. Josh is getting backlash because he sucks and everyone is over his crap. Josh is having a meltdown over the backlash. His cult who is equally as awful is trying to make him a poor victim, he's not. Fighting and lowblows has always been a part of the show. These kids are soft and can't handle it. However, even though it's bad for their mental health and they can't handle it, MTV will still cast them. That group would sacrifice their only family members to continue doing this show. Therefore, I have no sympathy for the meltdown Josh and his lame cult are having.  


Josh starting a fight doesn't excuse ignorance. Period. And Emmanuel, Tori and Devin all said he isn't the one who started the fight. Devin made it clear more was said than what you guys keep saying.  You weren't there. Please stop acting like you were. 

Josh starting a fight doesn't excuse ignorance. Period. And Emmanuel, Tori and Devin all said he isn't the one who started the fight. Devin made it clear more was said than what you guys keep saying.  You weren't there. Please stop acting like you were. 

You weren't there either so you can **** too. Gamer and PR said Josh did instigate it. It's his pattern. His lame, weird, cult friends are just trying to defend him admist his breakdown. If you are that fragile, stay off tv and social media. If you chase the clout, don't cry when you get it. Josh is a homophobic crybaby loser. End of story.


Josh starting a fight doesn't excuse ignorance. Period. And Emmanuel, Tori and Devin all said he isn't the one who started the fight. Devin made it clear more was said than what you guys keep saying.  You weren't there. Please stop acting like you were. 

You weren't there either so you can ****>u too. Gamer and PR said Josh did instigate it. It's his pattern. His lame, weird, cult friends are just trying to defend him admist his breakdown. If you are that fragile, stay off tv and social media. If you chase the clout, don't cry when you get it. Josh is a homophobic crybaby loser. End of story.


He isn't homophobic.... 


Josh starting a fight doesn't excuse ignorance. Period. And Emmanuel, Tori and Devin all said he isn't the one who started the fight. Devin made it clear more was said than what you guys keep saying.  You weren't there. Please stop acting like you were. 

You weren't there either so you can ****>u too. Gamer and PR said Josh did instigate it. It's his pattern. His lame, weird, cult friends are just trying to defend him admist his breakdown. If you are that fragile, stay off tv and social media. If you chase the clout, don't cry when you get it. Josh is a homophobic crybaby loser. End of story.


He isn't homophobic.... 

You could just tell by the way Devin was talking down to Amanda in deliberation that they felt they had production on there side now.

He is homophobic. He thinks being gay is shameful and bad, that's why he broke down over being called gay. There's only 2 reasons to breakdown if youre called gay. 1) You are in the closet and scared to come out. 2) You hate homosexuals and are ashamed to be associated with them. 

You could just tell by the way Devin was talking down to Amanda in deliberation that they felt they had production on there side now.

Production has clear favoritism, which is about to run them out of a job.

He is homophobic. He thinks being gay is shameful and bad, that's why he broke down over being called gay. There's only 2 reasons to breakdown if youre called gay. 1) You are in the closet and scared to come out. 2) You hate homosexuals and are ashamed to be associated with them. 


Excuse me? How old are you? Things are never 100% black or white when it comes to things like sexuality or why someone is scared to come out. You NEVER KNOW someone else's circumstances. Stop talking and go get an education. Maybe it's time to get off here for a few minutes dear. 

If you are called gay, there should be no reaction but a simple "nope". Gay is not a bad thing so getting upset about it equals one of two things, 1) closeted 2) homophobic. Where am I wrong? You've been on here 24/7 since you made your alt account so don't get high and mighty telling me to get off here lol. Go stalk the cast some more.

I am not defending either side both of them are as bad and both side benefited about that incident not being shown. Josh instigated the fight and Ashley took it far when she is drunk she doesn't have limits attacking ppl insecurities she went on a rant lol

I am tired of Josh instigating fights, you know you are going to cry so leave people alone.

First off, they are coming forward responding to the "bully" word showing that they completely lack comprehension of what Ashley was saying - or they are pretending to. Planning to come forward at the same time in their group chat...

 I still believe the root of the Josh thing comes down to what his overly religious parents would think about him. I see both sides, but Devin is saying not even Amanda is defending her, is there truth to that? I didn't see her whole live.

First off, they are coming forward responding to the "bully" word showing that they completely lack comprehension of what Ashley was saying - or they are pretending to. Planning to come forward at the same time in their group chat...

 I still believe the root of the Josh thing comes down to what his overly religious parents would think about him. I see both sides, but Devin is saying not even Amanda is defending her, is there truth to that? I didn't see her whole live.


Amanda wouldn't discuss what happened and said she's not speaking about Ashley's business, that's her business and issue she needs to deal with. Amanda wants no part of it. 

First off, they are coming forward responding to the "bully" word showing that they completely lack comprehension of what Ashley was saying - or they are pretending to. Planning to come forward at the same time in their group chat...

 I still believe the root of the Josh thing comes down to what his overly religious parents would think about him. I see both sides, but Devin is saying not even Amanda is defending her, is there truth to that? I didn't see her whole live.

From what I've seen, Amanda is doing exactly what a friend would do when they know that their friend was wrong. She's saying she's supportive of the steps Ashley is taking now and she's there for her. Which speaks volumes.

If you are called gay, there should be no reaction but a simple "nope". Gay is not a bad thing so getting upset about it equals one of two things, 1) closeted 2) homophobic. Where am I wrong? You've been on here 24/7 since you made your alt account so don't get high and mighty telling me to get off here lol. Go stalk the cast some more.

First you people come up with a dumb theory that he's gay, now you're saying he's a homophobe. Just say you don't like Josh. You're just making stuff up to use against him. Josh will cry if someone says Big Brother sucks, so why are you acting shocked that he cried when his friend at the time Ashley called him gay with the intent of hurting him? If you people never started a rumour that Josh is gay, Ashley would have never used it as low hanging fruit in her argument against Josh. So really its the dumb section of fans that are at fault for this, so congratulations you played yourself! It's amazing how everything comes full circle hahahahaha!

Has Devin ever won a final ?

We love a good DevinStalker meltdown.

We love a good DevinStalker meltdown.

I was laughing at you idiots as I wrote that comment. You're a huge cause of Ashley's exit. Let that sink in.

Has Devin ever won a final ?

Yes he murdered the Are You The One Second Chances final. 


I know people who claim anything and everything is racist even when it isn't aren't saying anything about "hypersensitive culture". 

Josh started a fight. Ashley called him gay. Josh thinks homosexuality is shameful so he broke down. They got Ashley removed. Josh is getting backlash because he sucks and everyone is over his crap. Josh is having a meltdown over the backlash. His cult who is equally as awful is trying to make him a poor victim, he's not. Fighting and lowblows has always been a part of the show. These kids are soft and can't handle it. However, even though it's bad for their mental health and they can't handle it, MTV will still cast them. That group would sacrifice their only family members to continue doing this show. Therefore, I have no sympathy for the meltdown Josh and his lame cult are having.  

Ashley got herself removed just like Lauren before the season they had long talks with each cast member to avoid those situations and they knew what would send them home. Just like Josh she isn't a poor victim they are both grown adults that always have meltdowns and take it far.


If you are called gay, there should be no reaction but a simple "nope". Gay is not a bad thing so getting upset about it equals one of two things, 1) closeted 2) homophobic. Where am I wrong? You've been on here 24/7 since you made your alt account so don't get high and mighty telling me to get off here lol. Go stalk the cast some more.

First you people come up with a dumb theory that he's gay, now you're saying he's a homophobe. Just say you don't like Josh. You're just making stuff up to use against him. Josh will cry if someone says Big Brother sucks, so why are you acting shocked that he cried when his friend at the time Ashley called him gay with the intent of hurting him? If you people never started a rumour that Josh is gay, Ashley would have never used it as low hanging fruit in her argument against Josh. So really its the dumb section of fans that are at fault for this, so congratulations you played yourself! It's amazing how everything comes full circle hahahahaha!

That rumor was started by his bb and challenge cast members it wasn't just the fans

The casuals on reddit are really starting to turn on Devin
