The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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I've always thought Josh was just a sensitive fem. Never thought he was actually gay...but if he cries and throws a fit over that I'll 100% he is. Or he is just a homosexual bigot who thinks being gay is a bad thing.

This is some backwards *** logic. People have been trying to force Josh's sexuality on him and using it as an insult for years but that makes him the bigot? C'mon now. 

If he cries and gets upset when someone calls him gay like it's such a terrible thing that is 100% sus.

joshs patents are also latino and religious. so yeah he def not coming out any time soon 

The Josh hate just makes me so upset. 

The Josh hate just makes me so happy. 

If someone called Ct gay, would ct cry? Lol. That goes for any guy who would just brush it off unless their was a deeper issue josh is holding back. 

Exactly. Josh's reaction to a small comment by Ashley basically confirmed what we all already know.

Either that or him, Devin & Logan blew it out of proportion as strategy to get her kicked off and help their female friends.


If Josh knows he's "not" gay why cry to production about it instead of doing his usual pop off moments?

He cried to production so they wouldn't air it. Josh being gay is no big secret and has been known since he hit the reality tv scene. Viewers wouldn't have be surprised in the slightest if they aired what Ashley said.

Josh basically outed himself on BB19 when he called Jessica "boo boo" in an argument.  

Idk why he's mad at Ashley.

One thing Logan is gonna do is talk shit

To a woman






And I don't know how Big T can just sit there and not get irritated or whatever with the way CT was talking to her

It makes my skin itch 

One thing I hate is a weak individual.

but you love Amber's raggedy meek ***?

Point me to a clip where Amber has been punked. I would love to see it.

Season 37 when she was groveling back to Kaycee's couchie and Fessy

I need for you to look up the definition of punked because clearly you have no clue as to what that word means. 

And clearly, you're delusional







And I don't know how Big T can just sit there and not get irritated or whatever with the way CT was talking to her

It makes my skin itch 

One thing I hate is a weak individual.

but you love Amber's raggedy meek ***?

Point me to a clip where Amber has been punked. I would love to see it.

Season 37 when she was groveling back to Kaycee's couchie and Fessy

I need for you to look up the definition of punked because clearly you have no clue as to what that word means. 

And clearly, you're delusional

are you telling me that josh isnt't gay?


Jay just posted that Ashley got sent home only because she said to Josh everyone knows he's gay

I mean is she lying ? Viewers know it the cast knows it hell production probably knows it

I mean if she was lying would she have been kicked off ? Lol

Ashley got kicked off for it so either he is gay or the thought of being called gay is so offensive to him that he cried to production. Which it sounds like is the latter since he claims to be straight 

I would have just fined Ashley.

I would have just fined Ashley.


Gamervev and Jaychallenge are Ashley stans so of course they are biased and feel she did nothing wrong. PR mentioned that what Ashley said to Josh was bad so if that's the case, Ashley should have known better. Did she deserve to get kicked off? Absolutely not. But in 2021 she should have known that accusing people of being gay like that would result in backlash.

joshs patents are also latino and religious. so yeah he def not coming out any time soon 

Ah, this explains why he was crying to production about it being aired. I do think eventually Josh will come out of the closet (like Stephen from RW Seattle), but right now he's probably uncomfortable with even the thought of him being gay being aired out there to his religious parents.

joshs patents are also latino and religious. so yeah he def not coming out any time soon 

I don't like to speculate on things like this, but if he is actually closeted, I sympathize with him. The hispanic side of my family isn't very accepting, and I know other latinos who were thrown out of the house or disowned for it. I'd freak out too if a coworker and people on twitter were mocking me or trying to expose me. 

When has Josh ever shown a hint of being into guys? Maybe he was just hurt that his supposed friend would speak to him like that. We've seen that it doesn't take much for Josh to get emotional.


joshs patents are also latino and religious. so yeah he def not coming out any time soon 

I don't like to speculate on things like this, but if he is actually closeted, I sympathize with him. The hispanic side of my family isn't very accepting, and I know other latinos who were thrown out of the house or disowned for it. I'd freak out too if a coworker and people on twitter were mocking me or trying to expose me. 

i get that as someone who grew up in a catholic household and is gay myself BUTTT

if you are subjecting yourself to being on reality tv, you gotta prepare for anything lmao so i dont feel any sympathy towards josh







And I don't know how Big T can just sit there and not get irritated or whatever with the way CT was talking to her

It makes my skin itch 

One thing I hate is a weak individual.

but you love Amber's raggedy meek ***?

Point me to a clip where Amber has been punked. I would love to see it.

Season 37 when she was groveling back to Kaycee's couchie and Fessy

I need for you to look up the definition of punked because clearly you have no clue as to what that word means. 

And clearly, you're delusional

and yet you still haven't found a clip.....just as I figured next time it'll be better if you just keep it zip ❤️

I don't like to speculate on things like this, but if he is actually closeted, I sympathize with him. The hispanic side of my family isn't very accepting, and I know other latinos who were thrown out of the house or disowned for it. I'd freak out too if a coworker and people on twitter were mocking me or trying to expose me. 

And not even just a Hispanic thing. I've known a lot of closeted people who have a very difficult time because they have the kind of religious parents who would absolutely disown them. Of course we are just speculating. But I'm just saying religious parents being an issue would make perfect sense, especially if he was freaking out to production about it being aired. 

Use that brain baby I promise you it'll get you far in life 

I would feel sympathy for Josh (he's obviously in the closet) if he wasn't such an awful person.

Maybe josh is just flamboyant... oh who am I kidding my gaydar has always gone buzzing since big brother. He'll remain in the closet and keep pretending to like women and then come out in like 10 years once hes finished with tv

Josh is annoying as f***...however, trying to out him for allegedly being gay isn't cool. Josh is an easy drag, Ashley could've came up with something else. Thats just my opinion though.

& even if he was...ok..and? If the man is gay..he'll let it be known and if he doesn't, oh well because it really isn't anyone else's business.

If josh aint gay why was he so mad and ran to production. Just makes it look even worse. 

If josh aint gay why was he so mad and ran to production. Just makes it look even worse. 

Let's say it's true, he was probably scared at the thought of that making the air when he hasn't even came out to his family.


Is his religious family proud of him getting in women faces screaming at them season after season? 

Is his religious family proud of him getting in women faces screaming at them season after season? 

so tory was caught using steroids at the reunion? lmaoooo so shes cheating and STILL cant win a final shes an embarrassment 
