The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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That Josh vs Kyle episode is gonna be fun.

Something about this season just reeks bigotry and misogyny. I really hate it. It's been a constant theme this season. 

I don't even like Big T or Amanda but these men really look and talk about these women so horrible. You would think in the year 2021 men would do better but this cast is taking us back to the 1960's  

Big T needs to grow a back bone and start barking back at these men especially CT & Logan. I couldn't help but roll my eyes watching that sneak peek. 

Amanda's elimination win tomorrow!

Why is Josh talking about getting emotional?

And I don't know how Big T can just sit there and not get irritated or whatever with the way CT was talking to her

And I don't know how Big T can just sit there and not get irritated or whatever with the way CT was talking to her

It makes my skin itch 

One thing I hate is a weak individual. I loved when she lit his *** on fire on double agents she should've did it again this season instead of letting him play her like a fool. 

and she bet not be all in that funky mans face next season either unless she wants to look dumb for a third season in a row. 

CT and Logan may be a bunch of ******** but come on now, Big T can't controle what they say about her, if they came at her directly then I'm sure she'd tell them to **** the hell off like she did with CT last season.

Wasn't it already said that big t yells at CT again this season? Thst whole "do not use me as a pawn" thing

Logan can barely speak a lick of English but is wasting his precious breath on hating the women. Ohhhhhhhhh Big T nicer than me because I definitely wouldn't be in that mans face post season. Him and CT she needs to cut off. I may have to turn into a Tula defender these next two weeks because these men have lost their mind. 

I have barely watched since Michaela's exit but are they being misogynistic or do they just want to win a million dollars?  

I have barely watched since Michaela's exit but are they being misogynistic or do they just want to win a million dollars?  

a mix of both

I have barely watched since Michaela's exit but are they being misogynistic or do they just want to win a million dollars?  

They want to win a million dollars and are being honest about it. And, unfortunately this is always going to be a storyline with Big T because she isn't casted to be a good competitor but is good socially to stick around till the competition gets stiffer and she sticks out like a sore thumb. 


And I don't know how Big T can just sit there and not get irritated or whatever with the way CT was talking to her

It makes my skin itch 

One thing I hate is a weak individual.

but you love Amber's raggedy meek ***?



And I don't know how Big T can just sit there and not get irritated or whatever with the way CT was talking to her

It makes my skin itch 

One thing I hate is a weak individual.

but you love Amber's raggedy meek ***?

not Amber's raggedy meek *** LMAOOO

I'll have to DM Big T and tell her to make fun of a certain someone's substance abuse next season like yeah she won't be so nice anymore 

I'll have to DM Big T and tell her to make fun of a certain someone's substance abuse next season like yeah she won't be so nice anymore 

Who are you talking about

I know they are referring to CT but if we are honest I would bet a lot that MOST of the cast has dabbled with and is now or has been a recreational user of the same substances CT was doing.

I know they are referring to CT but if we are honest I would bet a lot that MOST of the cast has dabbled with and is now or has been a recreational user of the same substances CT was doing.

Do we have any proof of CT doing drugs

Jay just posted that Ashley got sent home only because she said to Josh everyone knows he's gay

Are they going to edit that out?

Are they going to edit that out?

Apparently for what i got yes, Gamer also said on twitter that both Devin and Logan were making a big fuss about it to production


Are they going to edit that out?

Apparently for what i got yes, Gamer also said on twitter that both Devin and Logan were making a big fuss about it to production

of course they did. i think devin has a crush on josh 

Josh martinez is a face of the challenge. its literally so wild to think about 



Are they going to edit that out?

Apparently for what i got yes, Gamer also said on twitter that both Devin and Logan were making a big fuss about it to production

of course they did. i think devin has a crush on josh 

isn't Devin a part of the LGBTQ? I remember him saying something about that or am i tripping

Using someones sexuality as an attack isn't a good look in someone like Ashley.... Everyone are going to jump in Devin and Logan cause Ashley is a loved character and them and Josh are hated... but they are in the right this time.

Maybe (probably) Ashley didn't deserved to be kicked for that, but not let's pretend that what she did is good...

You can do your own research on this. Lots of cast members have confirmed this. He was stealing prescription drugs from some of the female cast on past challengers which Coral among others called him out for.

But CT is hardly alone in this. Look into any of the Challenge appearances and you will find stories of a lot of the cast doing drugs including many of the "faces" of the Challenge.





And I don't know how Big T can just sit there and not get irritated or whatever with the way CT was talking to her

It makes my skin itch 

One thing I hate is a weak individual.

but you love Amber's raggedy meek ***?

Point me to a clip where Amber has been punked. I would love to see it.

Jay just posted that Ashley got sent home only because she said to Josh everyone knows he's gay

I mean is she lying ? Viewers know it the cast knows it hell production probably knows it
