Cory worries that as the game gets more cutthroat the Vets might turn on him. Players compete in the “Sunken Intelligence” mission, where one player’s lack of effort sinks their team’s chances of winning. One player’s loyalty is tested by a new bond.
Remember when people though lavender ladies and YB where working together this season lmaooo
But all they have done this season is be at each other necks instead of working smart with some of the rookies since they are at the bottom of the totem pole on the vets side
Its irritating to watch. Imagine getting snowed politically by Devin and Josh.
Am I the only one who doesn't find Amanda to be as terrible as everyone is making her out to be. I mean I don't necessarily like her but come tf on this is ******* me off like omg like its not like Cory, Logan and Nelson are that much better
People still watching this snoozefest?
this is how a big threat like Kaycee slides to the end
its so sad to watch ;oterally could have ran the game
Mmhmmm, you can @ them lmao
queen Amanda
It looks like Amanda is gonna pull off a Shane and sink this Ruby team.
Amanda has no parenting skills no final appearances and no man LOL.
Her child is clearly the happiest kid in the world. What adorable kid does Berna have? Has she seen a final? Who outlasted who this season? Don't get me started on Berna's relationship status lol
Don't bring the kids into this.
I don't like Amanda but Logan annoyed the shit out of me here.
The title of this episode is a great title for the show in general. hit an iceberg 4 years ago and continues to sink.
Amanda's performance was worse than Bettina's all season. Even the episode where they formed the teams, Bettina was ahead of Amanda. I'm shocked people keep acting like Amanda is better than she is.
Karma is a b**** she did the same to Bettina
Bettina has been eliminated.
Yes, and the minute Amanda is down there she will be eliminated, which is why she was scared to go down, even against Bettina, because she knows Bettina would fling her.
Your fav lost 5 nothing in 5 minutes. Remember that.
My Fav was barely present mentally by the time her name was called. She was 100% checked out during that elimination and if you watch her interview after she seems happy to be leaving.
She was treated like trash in that house by trash like Amanda and Ashley lmao
Ok actually maybe she deserves it actually then bahahah Cory and Nelson ate her up
Oh yeah she's such a trash person for self preserving herself by ensuring Bettina goes into elimination instead of her. Grow a pair softy.
You can make sure Bettina goes in without treating her like trash and making sure she feels isolated. On top of that, Amanda spread rumors about her throughout the house because Bettina and Fessy hooked up, so in true immature and insecure fashion, Amanda had to attack the woman while still messing with the guy who will keep playing her.
She is no better than Jenna, who she always came for.
It's truly the Amanda show, she was needed to save this mess. Lavender Ladies forever
Shes saved nothing. She's been background most of the season
Who made it further?