The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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nany was neck and neck with kam for most of the double agents final... so maybe nany is underrated or kam is overrated?

Kam showed bad endurance in that final, in fact none of them showed anything impressive in that final, both sucked

ct is an old obese ***** who doesn't take care of his son

Ct and kvm actually sm alike

There won't be a show if amber ain't on that's all I know with how much these cast members talked about her 

I'm hoping she comes back she's not a part of that "mob", maybe she aligns with Michaela or Kam

Kam is honestly our only hope to eliminate snoozecee

I can also see Michaela eliminating her, and Natalie A., Laurel or Jenny too if either of them comes back

Kam would literally align with the mob though let's be honest

Or they could bring someone like Khat from the circle who's a real athlete and could beat most of this girls in a phisical elimination, or Louise Hazel

Kam would literally align with the mob though let's be honest

to be fair they all did this season, only requirement was to be a vet

That Halloween pic of Kyle/Josh/Fessy/Logan/Nelson really does remind you of how awful it's gotten though lol.

All the forced fights, contrived drama and scripted confessionals are awful.

Its not as dark or toxic as the JEK era, but I'll ****** if this current crop isn't scratching the bottom.

The problem is the show doesn't understand and recognize it's own massive flaws.

Kam would literally align with the mob though let's be honest

You're not wrong fans are scared to say it but she also was a bit of a snooze on double agents and she also plays a safe game which ends up with her losing again. She didn't do as much as she used to.

I don't know why people align with threats they'll never beat I'll never understand that gameplay. I'll be a fool to align with CT Laurel Jenny Cara Johnny or Jordan.

I don't know why people align with threats they'll never beat I'll never understand that gameplay. I'll be a fool to align with CT Laurel Jenny Cara Johnny or Jordan.

It's not like John or Cara are unbeatable in finals too be honest, agree with the rest though 

Thats why I been sayin Kam dont need to come back yet. Production still has alot of work to do

The problem with the show is the producers and casting. The producers that come on the Tori and Aneesa podcast show their cards a lot. It’s sooo obvious they cast people they love to work with. Which is fine but they absolutely cannot be the main reason that person is cast. It’s also very apparent they put a significant amount of effort in location choice and visiting the location far in advance which is such a poor focus of their energy. They also appear to not form the show around the cast but rather the format. They think the cast will just fit every format. The format will help carry the show which is  absolutely wrong

They think they can force Josh into a fan favorite and they think the spy kids theme is amazing...that tells us everything we need to know about their competance. It's a cheesy boring joke with an irredeemable cast. 

This challenge era is the worst. Entertainment and casting wise is a big bowl of shit. Not to mention these 20 episode seasons where shit starts to drag around episode 10

Ct and kvm actually sm alike

Better then everyone else?  Yeah I know it's tough to be us


Ct and kvm actually sm alike

Better then everyone else?  Yeah I know it's tough to be us

no deadbeat fathers and pathetic excyses for men



Ct and kvm actually sm alike

Better then everyone else?  Yeah I know it's tough to be us

no deadbeat fathers and pathetic excyses for men

**** How many drinks have you had tonight



Ct and kvm actually sm alike

Better then everyone else?  Yeah I know it's tough to be us

no deadbeat fathers and pathetic excyses for men

Brad is a deadbeat father not CT. CT provides for his kid. 

Oh I mean lets not lie, Kam was definitely a snoozefest on Double Agents and that was obvious when she had to milk tf out of whatever that hole "Toxic T" thing was for a quarter of the season. And she wasnt controlling that season like people like to believe, Kaycee and Fessy were.

BUT I feel like if she comes back she might understand the assignment and try to take Kaycee out. The problem is that ***** will never lose an elimination and Kam will never throw herself down against her, or even have the power to do so in the first place since Kaycee is the most well-connected and Kam isnt great at dailies.

There is no discussion about whether or not Nany is a good competitor lmao. Her stans parade around her daily wins when I cant remember a single one she has ever been impressive in, besides that tire one on her 7th season. She got carried to her WOTW2 daily wins, and then has gotten carried by her team mate(s) in every daily she has won this season.

For like 8 seasons, all Nany's stans did to prop her up was say that she never quits and always keeps running, which tells you all you need know about the type of competitor she is, especially since i've seen that girl stop running SEVERAL times lmao. People's arguments about Nany being a good competitor in Double Agents come from her coming 4th in a mini-final, beating a rookie 5 feet tall on her 10th season eating dust to other rookies and pregnant women & coming in 3rd out of 3 in the final.

How did we go from Georgia, Dee & Theo to Logan, Emanuel & Emy *sighs*

Yup Nany inspiring  haters to write essays about her her impact

So we're all agreeing kaycee is just gonna keep winning unless they remove her like Jenny yikes!

There is no discussion about whether or not Nany is a good competitor lmao. Her stans parade around her daily wins when I cant remember a single one she has ever been impressive in, besides that tire one on her 7th season. She got carried to her WOTW2 daily wins, and then has gotten carried by her team mate(s) in every daily she has won this season.

For like 8 seasons, all Nany's stans did to prop her up was say that she never quits and always keeps running, which tells you all you need know about the type of competitor she is, especially since i've seen that girl stop running SEVERAL times lmao. People's arguments about Nany being a good competitor in Double Agents come from her coming 4th in a mini-final, beating a rookie 5 feet tall on her 10th season eating dust to other rookies and pregnant women & coming in 3rd out of 3 in the final.

shes good at dailies. 

So we're all agreeing kaycee is just gonna keep winning unless they remove her like Jenny yikes!

I mean tbh shes only 1/3. I think im most annoyed because shes yet to know how it feels to NOT make it the end of a game. 

I don't see any of the girls that were on this season having the guts to go against Kaycee tbh,and very few of them have a chance of beating her, maube Ashley in a puzzle but even that I'm not that sure

Jay eliminated CT before.
