The Challenge: All Stars - Season 3 (Spoilers Discussion)

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If there is a new school girl alliance with Kaliah,Sylvia, Jemmye, & Nia I can see Jonna join that. 

Getting Jonna, KellyAnne, and Kendal out should be Priority #1, 2, and 3 for the girls. They all proved on AS1 that they're more than capabable endurance-wise to win the final. I frankly expect a Tina, Veronica, Sylvia, Kailiah, Nia counteralliance to get those three girls out.

Why do we think it's pairs again?

BC Melinda/Nehemiah seem like an obvious pair

but I guess it's not?? 



Sad about LT but don't care for Melinda. Lol Let's go Roni!!! She makes it to episode 3!!

Or Episode 4? Did Tyler and Cynthia go home together or different episodes?

Same episode

This season is going to go QUICK if it's 2 people going home per episode



If there is a new school girl alliance with Kaliah,Sylvia, Jemmye, & Nia I can see Jonna join that. 

Getting Jonna, KellyAnne, and Kendal out should be Priority #1, 2, and 3 for the girls. They all proved on AS1 that they're more than capabable endurance-wise to win the final. I frankly expect a Tina, Veronica, Sylvia, Kailiah, Nia counteralliance to get those three girls out.

i think in any non-physical elim those 3 girls win any Elim against the other girls though so might not be that easy. KellyAnne and Kendal are also stronger than they appear I think for being thinner 

Since everyone is throwing out potential alliances I would love a Tina/Veronica/Roni Gauntlet/Road Rules alliance. 

It could be pairs because AS' format seems to change every season, haven't the past 2 seasons started individual and then switch over to pairs? They're probably trying to not be repetitive so they're probably starting with pairs and going into individuals

Or it could be teams just so they can ensure Wes/Jordan win and don't get sent into elimination for being "useful"


If it's individual and there's no format change (wishful thinking) then Nia is making that final. She's gonna be tough to get rid of in elimination

Deeper with the fax 1000%. Unless it's a puzzle, Nia's walking to this final.

Maybe but Nia's never proven this.  It's just what people think she can be.  She hates heights which can play a role in eliminations as well. Plus endurance or balance/flexibllity isn't great for her. 


Why do we think it's pairs again?

BC Melinda/Nehemiah seem like an obvious pair

but I guess it's not?? 

Still terrified of Wes and his alliance?




Sad about LT but don't care for Melinda. Lol Let's go Roni!!! She makes it to episode 3!!

Or Episode 4? Did Tyler and Cynthia go home together or different episodes?

Same episode

This season is going to go QUICK if it's 2 people going home per episode


9 episodes. 3 men/women in a final. Kind of how it should be if it's individual. If it's teams it won't stay teams

Roni and Sylvia definitely have something brewing

Dang, LT not having the best of luck.

Let's say that pre-game everyone chose their alliance partners. Maybe that's why Tyler got stuck with Cynthia, she was last pick.

Looking at other potential teams that could have some teneable connection to each other:

Tyler/Cynthia (last pick), LT/Melinda (showmance), MJ/Jonna (showmance), Jemmye/Nehemiah (showmance), Wes/KellyAnne (exes), Nia/Jordan (weird love/hate relationship),  Darrell/Kendal (RR castmates/friends), Yes/Veronica (RR castmates/friends), Brad/Tina (close friends)

Tenuous at best:

Mark/Kailah (Mark's been thirsting after her on IG), Derrick/Sylvia (Beth dropped, maybe he dropped Roni for Sylvia?), Syrus/Roni (Roni got stuck with Syrus after Beth dropped)

If you're saying Mark and Kailah because you saw Mark doing heart eyes under her posts or something, he's always doing that under castmembers posts. 

Fun fact: Wes said Kailah called him and told him Derrick was talking so much sh-- about him on his podcast. lol. 


Let's say that pre-game everyone chose their alliance partners. Maybe that's why Tyler got stuck with Cynthia, she was last pick.

Looking at other potential teams that could have some teneable connection to each other:

Tyler/Cynthia (last pick), LT/Melinda (showmance), MJ/Jonna (showmance), Jemmye/Nehemiah (showmance), Wes/KellyAnne (exes), Nia/Jordan (weird love/hate relationship),  Darrell/Kendal (RR castmates/friends), Yes/Veronica (RR castmates/friends), Brad/Tina (close friends)

Tenuous at best:

Mark/Kailah (Mark's been thirsting after her on IG), Derrick/Sylvia (Beth dropped, maybe he dropped Roni for Sylvia?), Syrus/Roni (Roni got stuck with Syrus after Beth dropped)

If you're saying Mark and Kailah because you saw Mark doing heart eyes under her posts or something, he's always doing that under castmembers posts. 

Fun fact: Wes said Kailah called him and told him Derrick was talking so much sh-- about him on his podcast. lol. 

These ppl love snitching on each other lmaoooo

Darrell told Jemmye that Kendal was talking mad shit about her the entire time she was there for season 2 of all stars

I want Kailah to win but with Wes ? Idk I probably would have to move Nia from #2 to my #1 if they were partners. I can't accept a Wes win in any fashion. 

Yeah if Kailah is still mentally anywhere like she was in TM, she's not long for this season.

i think she is back in her right mind to do this, I think the environment & Bear on TM caused her to not want to do that season anymore...


Jordan and Nia are winning 

Kendal had every right to be trashing Jemmye....Darrell will get his karma

Actually, Melinda seems like the type girls like Jemmye, Veronica, etc. would say foh and judge. Because like Old Schooler said, Jemmye would of course kiss the *** of a Nia. 

I'm hoping this season is good guys vs bad *****

As much as I like Wes and want to see him win. I would prefer him winning a regular season... unless it's KellyAnne and Wes winning together that would be epic IMO. Lol 

but if Jordan wins, I'm done with the Challenge for good. Like he shouldn't even be on after all the things he has said and done. If that's the case being back Kenny, Evan, and Dee

Jemmye by far the weakest girl left 


These ppl love snitching on each other lmaoooo

Darrell told Jemmye that Kendal was talking mad shit about her the entire time she was there for season 2 of all stars

Wow. Why is Darrell trying to make season 3 hard for Kendal? Some of the cattiest girls of all time are on this one.

Aren't Wes and Jordan against each other? If so, wouldn't Kailah be team Jordan over Wes since they always been aligned together in the main show?

LMAO Darrell always act like he don't be messy when he lowkey is Lol



These ppl love snitching on each other lmaoooo

Darrell told Jemmye that Kendal was talking mad shit about her the entire time she was there for season 2 of all stars

Wow. Why is Darrell trying to make season 3 hard for Kendal? Some of the cattiest girls of all time are on this one.

That was preseasons like 2 weeks before lmao

Darrell is wrong for that but I guess he esteems his relationship with Jemmye more than Kendal

Well that sucks....

If as a think there is an alliance between Mark, Derrick,Darrell, Jordan and Yes those guys are probably controlling the male side, Wes should be on the boot list pretty soon.. Curious to who sent LT and Melinda home

Darrells relationship with jemmye is her fetishizing him and making comments about how hot he is.

Darrells relationship with jemmye is her fetishizing him and making comments about how hot he is.

