The Challenge: All Stars - Season 3 (Spoilers Discussion)

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Nany declining an easy bag I'm SHOOK

Gamer said Cory, Ashley, Nelson, Tory and Nany were all called. whoa 

im really surprised ALL of them declined. i would have bet each one would have jumped at the chance besides cory 

I wish LaToya and Mandi would do this

This probably pays less than the main show and that's why they declined.  Better though, no reason for recent people who are on the main show to do this.

im really surprised ALL of them declined. i would have bet each one would have jumped at the chance besides cory 

praise the lord they did

No AYTO people. Please. 

Nany declining an easy bag I'm SHOOK

right... Nany could've done this

What r vevmo games and how do they work LOL.

as far as I know they are no longer a thing lol. But it used to be a game thing we played on the site like puzzles and endurance etc. 

Gamer said Cory, Ashley, Nelson, Tory and Nany were all called. whoa 

What's the point when we already see them enough as is on the main show

I wish Svetlana would do this

I wouldn't be surprised if they called Big T for season 4. 

Gamer said Cory, Ashley, Nelson, Tory and Nany were all called. whoa 

How was Nelson called?  Or Tori?

Amanda was called too according to Jay 

Has Evelyn been called for any of these?

I don't want these people bleeding over to All-Stars!!! I'd take two episodes of Emilee Fitzpatrick flopping over any of the main show regulars.

Why the hell are they calling these ppl? Jesus

The only ones left on the main show I understand would be CT & Nany... the rest is just no


damn oldschooler a 52 year old soccer mom has you so mad... go outside

Just cause I think your fav sucks doesn't mean I'm mad lol. It's a message board...not sure if you know how this thing works but we express our opinions on the topic.

you sound mad to me

I don't want these people bleeding over to All-Stars!!! I'd take two episodes of Emilee Fitzpatrick flopping over any of the main show regulars.


LOLing. I would take Emilee over Jimmy and Kailah. She'll eventually be casted

I wish LaToya and Mandi would do this

Latoya would, if they called her. It sounds like the only people in the entire franchise that get ghosted are Holly Shand, Averey, Marlon, and Latoya.

The only one who should be called for this from the main show is CT 

The only one who should be called for this from the main show is CT 

Absolutely not

Cancel this shit if they're already calling Tori and Nelson

So if Beth was causing a ruckus before she even got there was it old lady V who was giving production hell on location lmao. We all know it was V but I want Pink to actually confirm it 

PR never said it was someone on location, y'all just made that up in your speculation. Keep reaching tho!

Cancel this shit if they're already calling Tori and Nelson

Yeah Ashley Cory and Nany sure whatever.  Annoying but I get it. AYTO?

What is the point of this show continuing if they start casting people that are currently still on the main show?

I just need to know in what way is Cory an all star 

What is the point of this show continuing if they start casting people that are currently still on the main show?

It's the same crew as ever behind the scenes. They know how to wreck a great thing. They're in the process of doing it again.





It was probably battle of the divas and production didn't wanted to deal with that for 4 weeks. They probably cut the one that they find the less valuable out of the 3.

you mean they didn't want to do their jobs?

Produce an entertaining tv show??

If Beth wanted to be on then shut up about the Tonya stuff she did that to herself 

on battle of the sexes David told Puck on camera and it was aired by bunium Murray that he "beat his wife"

this show has gotten soft and pathetic.  So Beth mentioned Tonya off camera before filming and that was enough?  Please. I don't buy it. This show is soft.  They edited out an entire fight with Ruthie and Nehemiah (yet still used it in the trailer). Production is pathetic and ruining this show. 

Its not the 90s anymore get over it

That wasn't in the 90s genius. 
