The Challenge: All Stars - Season 3 (Spoilers Discussion)

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I hate production I really do. **** them for ruining this great storyline of Beth vs V and Tina. I hope Kailah breaks her shoulder and Beth gets put in because this isnt it.

that's a....very weird and specific type of injury to want lmao

Sylvia  just dmed her stan chat on twt that shes leaving for all stars oh em gee

I hate production I really do. **** them for ruining this great storyline of Beth vs V and Tina. I hope Kailah breaks her shoulder and Beth gets put in because this isnt it.

its fine to be upset but idk wishing for someone to break their shoulder is not only oddly specific but kind of weird if u ask me

like im not happy beth got moved to alt either but her and her ego likely did it to herself

I hate production I really do. **** them for ruining this great storyline of Beth vs V and Tina. I hope Kailah breaks her shoulder and Beth gets put in because this isnt it.

1. Beth and V's egos are the only to blame...Tina didn't give a shit she was ready.

2. Wishing injury on any person because your favorite doesn't know when to stop being a Karen is extremely pathetic.

3. Kailah wasn't the one that took Beth spot they were both on the final cast weeks ago.

Well I'm choosing to be optimistic. They could have easily just sent home Beth, but they instead moved her to an alternate? Somethings brewing. 

If someone gets injured Sophia probably gets put in and not Beth 

I am going to start banning ppl again you guys are being annoying

I can't believe Beth and V are still harbouring something from 15 years ago. In the words of Katie "let it go!" It seems like Tina is being the mature one in this situation

I can't believe Beth and V are still harbouring something from 15 years ago. In the words of Katie "let it go!" It seems like Tina is being the mature one in this situation

She wasn't being matured she was ready to confront Beth over the COVID comment on the podcast lol

She was asked to apologize recently and she told them that she couldn't because she doesn't regretted "punching" her

Tina is so funny omg lmao

Kailah being on the initial cast means nothing to me, her existing and Beth being an alt on The Challenge Allstars is worth *****ing about. saying otherwise is just ridiculous 

Kailah being on the initial cast means nothing to me, her existing and Beth being an alt on The Challenge Allstars is worth *****ing about. saying otherwise is just ridiculous 

Next time remember to switch accounts and keep track to which account I replied too because it wasn't this one

If someone gets injured Sophia probably gets put in and not Beth 


Idk how many times I have to write this but one account is enough to get your point across making multiple is actually very very weird.

I will be banning those with more than one account.

praying Ace was used 

Im happy beth talked abt it tbh. A good wkman

You're kidding right? She wasn't bringing it up for the sake of "morality" she was using it purely to get rid of T & V. And while those two ladies have done some mean ****, saying they sexually assaulted someone is completely blowing that alleged situation out of proportion. 

i see why production never listens to vevmo since everyones opinion is so opposite constantly

didn't everyone want more mess in S2? S1 was the fun season. now everyone wants fun again. 

I LOVED season 1 for this reason and hope the more fun vibe sticks around for this series <3


Kailah being on the initial cast means nothing to me, her existing and Beth being an alt on The Challenge Allstars is worth *****ing about. saying otherwise is just ridiculous 

Next time remember to switch accounts and keep track to which account I replied too because it wasn't this one


They would've never shown a second of the cast talking about Tonya so I don't understand the big deal from a production standpoint ? There wouldn't be any legal issues because it would've never made it past the editing cutting room floor. Although it definitely would've been a very sticky hot topic in that house. 


exactly. They can edit anything out (hi Dee). 

unless Beth pulled the either they go or I go back don't understand this at all.  something don't smell right.  

I feel like the definition of "being a Karen" has gotten lost these days.


Kailah being on the initial cast means nothing to me, her existing and Beth being an alt on The Challenge Allstars is worth *****ing about. saying otherwise is just ridiculous 

Next time remember to switch accounts and keep track to which account I replied too because it wasn't this one





Yeah Beth is such a terrible person for not wanting to play with people who sexually assaulted tonya. Beth is totally the bad guy in this situation, you people are a joke 

She had no issues playing with them according to her bff V1man. He claimed she would be mature and respectful. What Veronica did was awful but I don't believe someone should be held accountable for something stupid they did 15 years ago. I'm pretty sure in your life you've done regretable things. Beth doesn't care about happened to Tonya she just wants to cancel them because she is bitter 20 years later. She's pathetic, carry the feud but don't make it dark and ruin the experience for everyone else because she wants her cancel culture moment.

Oldschooler once again hitting it right on the nail


ok reading my comment back it did sound weird. I meant that if anyone were to dq I would want it to be kailah ( or roni) obviously I wish no harm on anyone. I actually love Kailah but I want her on the main show not here. I think I just said break her shoulder because thats what happened to Aneesa but that was a odd thing for me to say

Beth is just on time out. They are trying to teach her a lesson before bringing her back in, give her a moment to think things over. 

Now I'm even more curious who the 12th female is god forbid it's Sophia or that snooze Sylvia. We need someone entertaining to replace Beth so this wasn't a complete loss 

What was vegas43 second acount name? *giggles*

I hope Laurel picked up the phone when they called her last minute * crosses fingers *

Hell I'll even take that Emilee girl

Her hate for Kailah would give us a good storyline 

production could have done Beth dirty with an edit that chopped up the argument so nothing about those moments are shown, warned Veronica to not engage, and make Beth look like shes going off for no reason. Have veronica ask "whats your problem" and then put in a clip of Beth on mute. It would have made Beth look crazy and she wouldn't get the edit she would like.  

Not saying I agree with the decision but its better for her sake that she is dropped to alternate than get an edit that does her dirty. 
