The Challenge: All Stars - Season 3 (Spoilers Discussion)

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Without Beth I lost a lot of interest lol

Can someone explained to me what happened lmaoooo 


Hopefully it's someone like Rachel Braband, Kalle Dedolph or someone else completely random that no one would care about but me  lol

Um...i would care deeply if it was Rachel B - her fun on the Gaunltet 1 was amazing and I was sad she never returned

Glad I'm not the only one 

Beth wants to bring up that Tina and Veronica sexually assaulted Veronica. She probably also would bring up The Ruins. That kind of drama is too dark, Vevmo might enjoy it but the masses won't. It'll also create a toxic environment in the house. I love the drama more than anyone and hate how soft the show is now, but I don't want it to be dark and uncomfortable. Beth wanted to take it too far and for that I am glad her toxic *** is gone.

It's Veronica, Rachel and Tina who took it too far by assaulting Tonya in the first place, that's not Beth's fault. Beth is allowed to bring it up. Beth is not the bad guy in this situation. MTV should just let these arguments air. We all know this shit took place on your show. Let the cast members discuss it. That will bring in viewers. We want to see them discuss this. You can't just sweep your past under the rug, producers, we all remember this stuff. If you're going to bring back cast members that did this shit, then you need to allow the cast to discuss it or you'll have no show. 

They'll probably be more articles about the Tonya sexual harassment by V/R/T cropping up again when All Stars 3 airs. You can't avoid it. If you want to bring these people back you need to allow it to be talked about.

Yeah Beth is such a terrible person for not wanting to play with people who sexually assaulted tonya. Beth is totally the bad guy in this situation, you people are a joke 

She had no issues playing with them according to her bff V1man. He claimed she would be mature and respectful. What Veronica did was awful but I don't believe someone should be held accountable for something stupid they did 15 years ago. I'm pretty sure in your life you've done regretable things. Beth doesn't care about happened to Tonya she just wants to cancel them because she is bitter 20 years later. She's pathetic, carry the feud but don't make it dark and ruin the experience for everyone else because she wants her cancel culture moment.

I'm not even defending Beth trying to bring it up, I agree it shouldn't be on the show. But anyone claiming what Veronica did was fine BeCaUSE iT wAs AnOtHeR tImE is seriously dumb. And trash.

Can someone explained to me what happened lmaoooo 

beth complained to production about tina punching her and the veronica/tonya situation as well as complained that the whole cast would be against her so they made her an alternate for being a pain in the ***

Edited: mistake post


Can someone explained to me what happened lmaoooo 

beth complained to production about tina punching her and the veronica/tonya situation as well as complained that the whole cast would be against her so they made her an alternate for being a pain in the ***

you're saying this like its been confirmed please

If mtv was so worried about the tonya situation being brought up they shouldn't have brought back Veronica in the first place... I mean what did they expect to happen another trishelle and Aneesa moment of apology 


Can someone explained to me what happened lmaoooo 

long story short, Beth got dropped to an alternate after causing issues (we think). The mystery girl is now on the main cast. Bananas dropped last minute for unknown reasons. And either Ace or Tyler is on the main cast now (I think). 


Yeah Beth is such a terrible person for not wanting to play with people who sexually assaulted tonya. Beth is totally the bad guy in this situation, you people are a joke 

She had no issues playing with them according to her bff V1man. He claimed she would be mature and respectful. What Veronica did was awful but I don't believe someone should be held accountable for something stupid they did 15 years ago. I'm pretty sure in your life you've done regretable things. Beth doesn't care about happened to Tonya she just wants to cancel them because she is bitter 20 years later. She's pathetic, carry the feud but don't make it dark and ruin the experience for everyone else because she wants her cancel culture moment.

Oldschooler once again hitting it right on the nail

Any idea when first elimination may be? I'm assuming they start the first daily either Friday or Monday?


Yeah Beth is such a terrible person for not wanting to play with people who sexually assaulted tonya. Beth is totally the bad guy in this situation, you people are a joke 

She had no issues playing with them according to her bff V1man. He claimed she would be mature and respectful. What Veronica did was awful but I don't believe someone should be held accountable for something stupid they did 15 years ago. I'm pretty sure in your life you've done regretable things. Beth doesn't care about happened to Tonya she just wants to cancel them because she is bitter 20 years later. She's pathetic, carry the feud but don't make it dark and ruin the experience for everyone else because she wants her cancel culture moment.

Did mtv give bananas a pay deduction lol

I want Jordan to do well so bad, but he literally has no allies, has a bad ego, and huge threat in the final. How does he even make it past the 3rd elimination?


Can someone explained to me what happened lmaoooo 

beth complained to production about tina punching her and the veronica/tonya situation as well as complained that the whole cast would be against her so they made her an alternate for being a pain in the ***

ty ❤️


Can someone explained to me what happened lmaoooo 

long story short, Beth got dropped to an alternate after causing issues (we think). The mystery girl is now on the main cast. Bananas dropped last minute for unknown reasons. And either Ace or Tyler is on the main cast now (I think). 


Beth an ALTERNATE for a show titled The Challenge Allstars? while someone who debuted what 4 years ago isn't?

Yeah alright


LOL. Sorry Beth but come for the Mean Girls and it's gon cost ya!

also agree with Miss KVM...y'all really think Beth has ever cared about Tonya? Did you watch The Inferno 2 where she openly sabotaged to her social game and then got her stuff ruined because of it? Idiots.

Who the hell would actually think "because she targeted me in a game I hope she gets SA'd!" you sound so dumb 

It just goes to show how a dumb **** like you has the same revisionist history as Beth. I love the drama she brings as much as the next person, but there's no denying she has a legit personality disorder the way multiple cast members have said she'll *bring* cameras around to stir things up for TV. And then these constant podcast appearances saying she has noooo idea why she's disliked. I'm sorry but get a life.

I can't believe Beth got moved to an alt. I would've loved to have seen her, V and Tina together. Now what? I'm not mad about Johnny. He's annoying and overrated. I feel like Ace will take his spot. They should just cast Sophia and call it a day

Or fly Emilee out to location lol

I'm not even defending Beth trying to bring it up, I agree it shouldn't be on the show. But anyone claiming what Veronica did was fine BeCaUSE iT wAs AnOtHeR tImE is seriously dumb. And trash.

Or dealing with reality

Let's stop acting like Tonya can even be mentioned on the show after the lawsuit 



LOL. Sorry Beth but come for the Mean Girls and it's gon cost ya!

also agree with Miss KVM...y'all really think Beth has ever cared about Tonya? Did you watch The Inferno 2 where she openly sabotaged to her social game and then got her stuff ruined because of it? Idiots.

Who the hell would actually think "because she targeted me in a game I hope she gets SA'd!" you sound so dumb 

It just goes to show how a dumb **** like you has the same revisionist history as Beth. I love the drama she brings as much as the next person, but there's no denying she has a legit personality disorder the way multiple cast members have said she'll *bring* cameras around to stir things up for TV. And then these constant podcast appearances saying she has noooo idea why she's disliked. I'm sorry but get a life.

THISS! Not to mention she still tries to milk the "punch" from Tina as if Tina went CT duel 2 on her, and goes on derricks podcast saying she was so happy tina got covid and couldnt so season 1 and that it was karma in her eyes

They would've never shown a second of the cast talking about Tonya so I don't understand the big deal from a production standpoint ? There wouldn't be any legal issues because it would've never made it past the editing cutting room floor. Although it definitely would've been a very sticky hot topic in that house. 

This season definitely takes a bit of a hit because the Beth vs Veronica/Tina feud isn't happening therefore Jimmy won't have to pick a side. A gold storyline gone down the drain 

They would've never shown a second of the cast talking about Tonya so I don't understand the big deal from a production standpoint ? There wouldn't be any legal issues because it would've never made it past the editing cutting room floor. Although it definitely would've been a very sticky hot topic in that house. 

if i had to guess your last sentence is prob a big reason, at least thats what im thinking too

I hate production I really do. **** them for ruining this great storyline of Beth vs V and Tina. I hope Kailah breaks her shoulder and Beth gets put in because this isnt it.

Beth about slip some info to TMZ when she gets back

"a source close to the challenge has confirmed...." lol

Beth about slip some info to TMZ when she gets back

"a source close to the challenge has confirmed...." lol

