The Challenge: All Stars - Season 3 (Spoilers Discussion)

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We better get Ace over crusty Tyleracist.

We better get Ace over crusty Tyleracist.

Good luck with this cast 

i don't want to see Ace or Tyler so that's a bummer to hear 

Omg now a guy and a girl?

Omg now a guy and a girl?

Again this isn't new, shocking or even mildly surprising 

Hoping Daddy Ace got the spot and not musty tyler

Hoping it's daddy Ace!

One of the guys may have drop and an alternate got his spot

Please be Bananas, please be Bananas.

I hope he came into the hotel thinking he was gonna cruise and LT was like, "No, sir. Pole Wrestle Round 1. Gonna Ace you."

Hope Ace is on

I'd rather Ace than Tyler, after he got manhandled he needs redemption lol

Ace and Emilee

Emilee on a show call All Stars would never add up 


Why was she almost on the cast for season 2?

Because they legit couldn't get anyone else to agree to do it then again they did that Holly lady wrong by telling her she didn't got season 2 "theme" lmao

Pink, can you please confirm or deny Averey's theory that someone in casting has a vendetta against her?



One of the guys may have drop and an alternate got his spot

Very unlikely, but crossing my fingers it was Derrick.

Lol why would it be Derrick lol

That's why I said "very unlikely".

Y'all ask the weirdest questions 

Y'all ask the weirdest questions 

Was it confirmed Sylvia is a replacement?

Lol Ace will be on only for them to target him again first for no reason LOL

Y'all ask the weirdest questions 

Right?  Why is what production thinks of Averey even possibly a topic here...

Was it confirmed Sylvia is a replacement?

Not officially but apparently someone had tea that made it pretty obvious

Who do you guys think out of the men dropped? I'm honestly not sure who it would be

Was it confirmed Sylvia is a replacement?

Nope but the receipts that were given make it hard to believe that she isn't on

Who do you guys think out of the men dropped? I'm honestly not sure who it would be

Jordan and Wes strike me as the two most aloof of the group. And also the two that probably need the money the least outside of Bananas. My bet's on one of those two. If it was Bananas, they'd just pay him more. Everyone else seems hard up for the money/attention.

Sylvia is sitting pretty on this. She isn't a bad competitor, she has Kailah/Wes/Nehemiah. Also, I feel like Veronica would drop over Beth. 

My money's on Jordan dropping

*pray's that Johnny did in fact get a better job offer* 

I hope Sylvia is the first boot. I think being a late addition can hurt since the others are pregamming. 

My money's on Jordan dropping

Yeah, I'm with you. He probably saw a lot of guys he can't beat in Hall Brawl or Pole Wrestle and knew he was gonna get thrown in at least three or four times.

Who do you guys think out of the men dropped? I'm honestly not sure who it would be

The way you ask a million questions per page reminds me of like a one minute red carpet interview lol. You should look into journalism Smile

Now the question is, do we get Ace or Tyler?

My money's on Jordan dropping

Jordan made it to location 
