The Challenge: All Stars 2 - Brad Fiorenza

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The Challenge: All Stars 2 - Brad Fiorenza


10 Challenges, 1 Win

Last seen: Final Reckoning in 2018


Did he get hair plugs?


Still shocked he cleared a psych evail

The king is back!

He DONT look bad...

He almost looks younger than when we last saw him wow

Hide all sharp objects.

He almost looks younger than when we last saw him wow

beards do wonders

mess of a person but entertaining tv

He almost looks younger than when we last saw him wow

beards do wonders

mess of a person but entertaining tv

i just know his neighbors talk shit about him

Looking hot & crazy as ever.

I mean, he looks hot *shrugs*

Steve owns you boy in the bearded hottie department.

Think he'll be in some drama or will we only see him in mature, competitive mode? 

Still think the beard makes him look like Elizabeth Smart's kidnapper.

He needs to do something about that beard Sad

He needs to do something about that beard

I have some suggestions on what he could do with that beard.

Crackedt Beady Eyed King 

im sorry but i love his fine, crazy looking ***

Brad was the cool substitute

Ugh he does look better here though even though I hate myself for saying it id still let his steroided bearded self hit it 

Brad was the creepy substitute


Brad was the creepy substitute

He seems like the type to have a mugshot for sleeping with a student.

The beard is atrocious imagine the stench. He needs to trim it down a bit and shave all the hair off his head then he'll be daddy.

I want to be his property, my master 

normally yeah i'd say he can rearrange my guts but he was with britni and i'm just disgusted. y'all can have him 

Young Brad used to be so hot. I'll never forget the San Diego premiere when he was telling Cameran that he was "8 inches stacked". Man I wanted it so bad. 

This man maybe mentally unstable/on drugs, but **** I'd be lying if I said he doesn't bring some entertaining television. Excited to see him back 

His promo photo on one of his seasons was so hot. So many times I did, so many Wink

I just see the crazy in his eyes like I see it in Paulie. I just know he's choking you in bed and I'm lowkey here for it

Young Brad used to be so hot. I'll never forget the San Diego premiere when he was telling Cameran that he was "8 inches stacked". Man I wanted it so bad. 

Back then he was so hot I remember his first challenge Battle of the sexes 2, never really watched San Diego I need to. 
