I was traveling this weekend and saw Josh in the airport. He told me the entire bootlist for season 37, and also told me that he didn't win. Then, Tori Deal came up to me and started talking badly about MTV Superstar, Tacha, and told me how she hates Aneesa!
MTV, let's ban them. I'm really tired of being spoiled because cast members cannot keep their contracts :(
I was traveling this weekend and saw Josh in the airport. He told me the entire bootlist for season 37, and also told me that he didn't win. Then, Tori Deal came up to me and started talking badly about MTV Superstar, Tacha, and told me how she hates Aneesa!
MTV, let's ban them. I'm really tired of being spoiled because cast members cannot keep their contracts :(
I was traveling this weekend and saw Josh in the airport. He told me the entire bootlist for season 37, and also told me that he didn't win. Then, Tori Deal came up to me and started talking badly about MTV Superstar, Tacha, and told me how she hates Aneesa!
MTV, let's ban them. I'm really tired of being spoiled because cast members cannot keep their contracts :(
Damn you got the whole squad laughing
found it in the tacha telegram that was created whenever we first found out she was on
I was traveling this weekend and saw Josh in the airport. He told me the entire bootlist for season 37, and also told me that he didn't win. Then, Tori Deal came up to me and started talking badly about MTV Superstar, Tacha, and told me how she hates Aneesa!
MTV, let's ban them. I'm really tired of being spoiled because cast members cannot keep their contracts :(
Amber/Esther would be the most gorgeous rivals team tbh
lol I was waiting for you to be like "she's such a forgiving queen"
what is not clicking on your head that this is not a job and she doesn't have to give us anything?
lmaooo you know me too well
Bye Big T's actually training for once, when Gamer said Emy demolished her in the elimination, he really meant it huh
idc what yall say, I'd rather Big T over most of the girls they'd ask
I think thats why he started shit with CT too
Fessy not slick, trying to get his W one way or another by riding a champ's coattails Lmao
PR hasn't post since friday
the season is over
All stars 2 and paramount show aren't over
Go away
they haven't started. calm down
Again she's on vacation. This person needs to be banned.
idk if you're just trying to be funny or you're doing this on purpose, but you need to stop like now...
I'm about to check on something
I say this every few months but just imagine a block button oh how better Vevmo would be Baccus make it happen please
hopefully they start the promos soon, im ready to see how all this mess played out. lol
Can't wait till you get banned
Speaking of ban, apparently Hauserman is free again. Someone tell him to return and entertain.
I was traveling this weekend and saw Josh in the airport. He told me the entire bootlist for season 37, and also told me that he didn't win. Then, Tori Deal came up to me and started talking badly about MTV Superstar, Tacha, and told me how she hates Aneesa!
MTV, let's ban them. I'm really tired of being spoiled because cast members cannot keep their contracts :(
Damn you got the whole squad laughing
found it in the tacha telegram that was created whenever we first found out she was on
anyways, i hope everyone on here has a great week
Tori hates Tacha because Tacha's fans pay her just for existing. Tori has to take old creepy men like KVM to "dinner" to earn her money.
yall remember when david was speculated to be on this season lol
So obsessed with me
yea lol, I honestly think Missy was gonna be on too, or was at least in the casting process. I see her on cast members pages
President of "The KVM Fan Club But Disguised as a Hater".