Really hope I don't open Pandora's Box here but Jisela posted something about them taking Arissa's phone and Gamer retweeted it. Could this be a possible change and Arissa is gonna be there and by extension now Irulan? Didn't Irulan say she would do it if Arissa is there?
Really hope I don't open Pandora's Box here but Jisela posted something about them taking Arissa's phone and Gamer retweeted it. Could this be a possible change and Arissa is gonna be there and by extension now Irulan? Didn't Irulan say she would do it if Arissa is there?
lol i saw the same thing last night and had the same exact thought, fingers crossed
They leave in 12 days I'm good on waiting till then idk about y'all
I'm cool with getting hints or a couple more names but not worried about it. My because my excitement and expectations are VERY low compared to last season.
I'm not asking PR for an update. I'm not new here, I know how this works. It was more me hoping one pops up soon so we can shift away from these stupid, pointless arguments.
Can we ban this fool and get the OG Republican haters, Hauserman & Clermonts, back?
Actually keep Lilly around. I want to watch Vevmo's elderly elitist fall in love...make your move on her KVM!
Really hope I don't open Pandora's Box here but Jisela posted something about them taking Arissa's phone and Gamer retweeted it. Could this be a possible change and Arissa is gonna be there and by extension now Irulan? Didn't Irulan say she would do it if Arissa is there?
lol i saw the same thing last night and had the same exact thought, fingers crossed
when Aneesa officiates the wedding and Escort is KVMs best man>>>
I think CT noted that Jodi didn't help on their part of the paddleboarding which is why she was in the best position to paddle on her own.
Did you read the part where I apologized to you?
there is a female version of KVM on vevmo now.
You know Tommy's going to be in that wedding party too.
of course! Hes KVMs stripper for the bachelor party
of course! Hes KVMs stripper for the bachelor party
What kinda cake should I bring to the wedding?
well its KVM so i say a plain vanilla cake with no toppings
The obsession with me is adorable
Lol was kvm even doing anything this time?
No one even dissed him lol. We are excited for him that he has someone in his demographics with his elitist qualities!
Nope but you know how it goes. Hell, somehow Tori and Tommy came up when Michaela was by far my favorite person on the cast. Same shit different day
saw about 4 new pages and thought something good happened but nope just random people acting like high school kids arguing about nonsense![Sad](
Lilly, how do you feel about your man not ending his sentence with punctuation? Is that kinda improper APA styling a deal breaker?
And Challenge13 come give us some clues or good news!
Can we please get a good update to offset all of this boring bullshit the last 5 pages?
PR is on vacation I think...
Can you guys stop asking for updates lol
They leave in 12 days I'm good on waiting till then idk about y'all
Update: Big Easy dropped out because he heard Laurel would be on and was scared of her dragging him to hell and back again
I'm cool with getting hints or a couple more names but not worried about it. My because my excitement and expectations are VERY low compared to last season.
I'm not asking PR for an update. I'm not new here, I know how this works. It was more me hoping one pops up soon so we can shift away from these stupid, pointless arguments.
I'd love just one more hint or so but 12 days will fly by (hopefully)