How these female champs getting booted and CT is sitting pretty
Ashley was tied to Amanda. CT is essentially in the middle. It seems relatively clear that CT is running this probably with Tori Kayee Nany Josh and Devin. Wouldn't be shocked if Emy/Emanuel joined them as well
I have a feeling Big T, Emy & Amanda are gonna be the 3 going into these last 2 eliminations now praying Amanda can fling them & then drag everyone in the final
Amanda and Nany throw in Kaycee Against Tori Challenge
the curse lives on.
Things are looking pretty damn good for Kaycee
Hopefully Ashley was sent in against Amanda and threw it to her
Why would Nany do that? lol
Don't know which one of Tori or Kaycee would be a less annoying winner.
Kaycee easily
How these female champs getting booted and CT is sitting pretty
just cancel the show they had something good going and they f'ed it up just like that iykyk i'm appalled i'm disgusted
Amanda hold up for vevmo's sanity, we ain't ready for a Zzzaycee or Victoria win.
Ashley was tied to Amanda. CT is essentially in the middle. It seems relatively clear that CT is running this probably with Tori Kayee Nany Josh and Devin. Wouldn't be shocked if Emy/Emanuel joined them as well
Nany is taking the w lol
Those 2 or a surprise Emy win is absolutely fine. They're apparently playing a great game.
I have a feeling Big T, Emy & Amanda are gonna be the 3 going into these last 2 eliminations now
praying Amanda can fling them & then drag everyone in the final
waiting for a "i was just joking btw" pt II
Ashley finally got booted iktr
When Kaycee Nany and Tori are behind it?
#they will not get away with it this time not on my ******* watch
Nany and Amanda my only hope
Lets hope emy can stop that inevitable tori/kaycee win
ashley deserved better but im really not shocked. proud of her for making it so far tho
Her too
welp they probably throw emy back to back to back in elimination now.
if emy cant do it.... then guess imma have to root for kaycee shes the lesser of the two evils of her and tori.
Or Amanda
emy is a bigger threat than amanda
Is that the row she's sitting in for the flight home?
If Amanda is smart she would play the mother card and puzzle card on her favor