I mean Michaela losing first means this season won't be fine for me lol
this reminds me about it being said the rookies turned on each other around her elimination. so i change my mind Michaela Karma in full effect with this boot list
i think this season will be fine. cant blame the vets for playing the game.
Every vet besides the two who will win, you can absolutely blame for playing a shit game.
Why who says a rookie doesn't beat them in the end? This was the smartest move by all of them. Now you need to make moves--or once the other 3 rookies are gone. If you lose to a vet that's better than you then you didn't deserve to win--let the best win. If that's CT and Ashley then so be it. The others need to work to be better.
Not targeting Ct when they know he's the biggest threat is not strong gameplay. Same can go with not targeting Ashley,Tori,or Kaycee. Playing safe isnt playing to win
Emy and Emmanuel both still being in is pretty impressive. Can't wait to see how they compete
Right? Like obviously two rookies will have to be the final two (not forgetting Logan) but these two coming from the same show, that's impressive. I do see Emy as a follower and wouldn't surprise me if she made Vet friends despite going in to numerous eliminations, and I bet Emmanuel's original pairing with Kaycee helped him.
I mean Michaela losing first means this season won't be fine for me lol
this reminds me about it being said the rookies turned on each other around her elimination. so i change my mind Michaela Karma in full effect with this boot list
Michaela herself threw another rookie from her same show under the bus
Not targeting Ct when they know he's the biggest threat is not strong gameplay. Same can go with Ashley,Tori,or Kaycee. Playing safe isnt playing to win
You make big moves NOW not at the beginning of the game--learn from Cory XXX
Not targeting Ct when they know he's the biggest threat is not strong gameplay. Same can go with not targeting Ashley,Tori,or Kaycee. Playing safe isnt playing to win
And targeting strong players who you've know for awhile and it backfiring would get you booting in the first five elimination, yet all the vets except Amber made it to almost the final. Sounds successful to me regardless and there's still a little time to target the strong players.
I mean Michaela losing first means this season won't be fine for me lol
this reminds me about it being said the rookies turned on each other around her elimination. so i change my mind Michaela Karma in full effect with this boot list
Michaela herself threw another rookie from her same show under the bus
and Tommy or Michelle deserved it! Michaela was not wrong i'm running with it!
I mean Michaela losing first means this season won't be fine for me lol
this reminds me about it being said the rookies turned on each other around her elimination. so i change my mind Michaela Karma in full effect with this boot list
Michaela herself threw another rookie from her same show under the bus
RIP Tommy.
I love Michaela, but it sounds like she made her Survivor mistake again.. playing too hard trying to keep the target off her.
I mean Michaela losing first means this season won't be fine for me lol
this reminds me about it being said the rookies turned on each other around her elimination. so i change my mind Michaela Karma in full effect with this boot list
Michaela herself threw another rookie from her same show under the bus
and Tommy or Michelle deserved it! Michaela was not wrong i'm running with it!
I've been begging for Michaela to be on the show for years but targeting another US Survivor was dumb on her part--we can't criticize the rookies for not banding together and then ignore her mistake. Michaela's smarter than that--she made a mistake--hopefully she learned from it
Amanda and Ashley NEED TO TARGET Kaycee and Tori like cmon
Reverse that--actually all the women need to break up Amanda/Ashley. Tori/Kaycee aren't even necessarily aligned.
I like Ashley and Amanda because they're entertainly evil. Kaycee does nothing for me and Tori irks me which is why I want them gone. But I agree from a competitive standpoint that Ashley and Amanda need to be targeted. Also how tf is Big T still there??
I mean Michaela losing first means this season won't be fine for me lol
They all know only two people will win. Sorry but making it to the final or close and losing is better than going home first, second, third, etc.
So no, the vets aren't playing shit games.
That's really going to be the worst part of this season for me too
It would be iconic stat wise if Emy kept going into elimination facing the remaining girls. I'm just imagining her whole chart being green.
this reminds me about it being said the rookies turned on each other around her elimination. so i change my mind Michaela Karma in full effect with this boot list
Why who says a rookie doesn't beat them in the end? This was the smartest move by all of them. Now you need to make moves--or once the other 3 rookies are gone. If you lose to a vet that's better than you then you didn't deserve to win--let the best win. If that's CT and Ashley then so be it. The others need to work to be better.
The last 3 rookies all come from international survivor
Watch it be Emy vs Bettina.
That girl must be like 4-0 by now.
Okay its final 7 for the girlies now I can begin worrying about nany
Not targeting Ct when they know he's the biggest threat is not strong gameplay. Same can go with not targeting Ashley,Tori,or Kaycee. Playing safe isnt playing to win
Right? Like obviously two rookies will have to be the final two (not forgetting Logan) but these two coming from the same show, that's impressive. I do see Emy as a follower and wouldn't surprise me if she made Vet friends despite going in to numerous eliminations, and I bet Emmanuel's original pairing with Kaycee helped him.
Michaela herself threw another rookie from her same show under the bus
They really targeted US Survivor and then forgot about the international seasons lmao.
And one of them is gonna win
Amanda and Ashley NEED TO TARGET Kaycee and Tori like cmon
They threw emy and Logan in
You make big moves NOW not at the beginning of the game--learn from Cory XXX
Someone needs to get the witch outta here
michaela cancelled
they really are going to open the door for more international survivor players
Reverse that--actually all the women need to break up Amanda/Ashley. Tori/Kaycee aren't even necessarily aligned.
And targeting strong players who you've know for awhile and it backfiring would get you booting in the first five elimination, yet all the vets except Amber made it to almost the final. Sounds successful to me regardless and there's still a little time to target the strong players.
and Tommy or Michelle deserved it! Michaela was not wrong i'm running with it!
RIP Tommy.
I love Michaela, but it sounds like she made her Survivor mistake again.. playing too hard trying to keep the target off her.
what is the point of ashley and amanda going after rookies instead of tori and kaycee
Michaela better be on next season and show out
it was probably michele considering that they went against each other first
The three final rookies, the three international survivors. LOOK AT THE MATERIAL!
I've been begging for Michaela to be on the show for years but targeting another US Survivor was dumb on her part--we can't criticize the rookies for not banding together and then ignore her mistake. Michaela's smarter than that--she made a mistake--hopefully she learned from it
I like Ashley and Amanda because they're entertainly evil. Kaycee does nothing for me and Tori irks me which is why I want them gone. But I agree from a competitive standpoint that Ashley and Amanda need to be targeted. Also how tf is Big T still there??