lol why dont they just fire TJ? If no singular cast mate makes or breaks the show, the same should be true for him. Im assuming he's easy to work with, cuz he comes off as a decent person-- but bruh... this mf is a horrible host. Replacing him should be a easy task.
The casuals love him--why would they fire him? They've been dealing with the lines and redo voiceovers since 2005--they aren't going to suddenly care about it.
Casual fans like alotta wack shit. I guess the important question is does he do more good than bad for 'the product'. The pros of keeping him might very well outweigh the cons-- but the cons are just so blaring and apparent.
speaking of the voiceovers, thats one of my biggest pet peeves w/ the show. it just throws me off lol
tj really doesn't have the voice for what they're trying to do, his supposed "evil" laugh is just terrible. it sounds so forced and high pitch. i feel like someone like theresa has the perfect voice for those type of things.
tj really isn't a good host. you can tell by the splicing and noticeable difference in voiceover sound to his on-location voice that he messes up a lot and it's hard for him to deliver lines. someone mentioned years ago that he messes up all the time and has to redo lines, at least in the earlier seasons. he just doesn't have an engaging and compelling personality. and him consistently nagging on women for performing poorly but never does it to a man.....weird and noted
He gives men a hard time--they just tend to quit less often. See Jay. And that pathetic Brandon kid on Rivals 3. This is the kind of stuff I mean about people creating something that doesn't exist. TJ likes anyone that tries and dislikes quitters. He was right for giving Jemmye a hard time and she battled through in part because of it. When people quit they deserve whatever they get.
TJ could be the worst host in the world but he's been doing it for 16 years for a reason--the fans want him on it. You dislike him doesn't mean they should change the host.
lol why dont they just fire TJ? If no singular cast mate makes or breaks the show, the same should be true for him. Im assuming he's easy to work with, cuz he comes off as a decent person-- but bruh... this mf is a horrible host. Replacing him should be a easy task.
The casuals love him--why would they fire him? They've been dealing with the lines and redo voiceovers since 2005--they aren't going to suddenly care about it.
Casual fans like alotta wack shit. I guess the important question is does he do more good than bad for 'the product'. The pros of keeping him might very well outweigh the cons-- but the cons are just so blaring and apparent.
What are the cons? We get some voiceovers? If that's been happening for 16 years why is it a problem now? TJ is beloved by pretty much everyone off this board. I'd rather see Coral host but I know that's not realistic. TJ is solid and has a fan base. He's here to stay.
She was cool on Double Agents.. One of my favorites even. The hate for her is too much sometimes like she never really did anything wrong to warrant the constant dragging
She was cool on Double Agents.. One of my favorites even. The hate for her is too much sometimes like she never really did anything wrong to warrant the constant dragging
I just want IT girl Nany back......the way she carried the show and was the female star yeah I want that Nany to make a appearance. Us Nany stans are just going through a few rough patches but I don't doubt she's going to show out this season. I've been dragging my sister too much lately
lol why dont they just fire TJ? If no singular cast mate makes or breaks the show, the same should be true for him. Im assuming he's easy to work with, cuz he comes off as a decent person-- but bruh... this mf is a horrible host. Replacing him should be a easy task.
The casuals love him--why would they fire him? They've been dealing with the lines and redo voiceovers since 2005--they aren't going to suddenly care about it.
Casual fans like alotta wack shit. I guess the important question is does he do more good than bad for 'the product'. The pros of keeping him might very well outweigh the cons-- but the cons are just so blaring and apparent.
What are the cons? We get some voiceovers? If that's been happening for 16 years why is it a problem now? TJ is beloved by pretty much everyone off this board. I'd rather see Coral host but I know that's not realistic. TJ is solid and has a fan base. He's here to stay.
Being a subpar host is a pretty hard con to get over, but yea he has been a staple for almost 2 decades and the fans rock with him. I gotta say kvm, I expected a more 'facts over feelings' meritocratic take from you here. Dont tell me these youngsters got you all emotional and mushy lol.
lol why dont they just fire TJ? If no singular cast mate makes or breaks the show, the same should be true for him. Im assuming he's easy to work with, cuz he comes off as a decent person-- but bruh... this mf is a horrible host. Replacing him should be a easy task.
The casuals love him--why would they fire him? They've been dealing with the lines and redo voiceovers since 2005--they aren't going to suddenly care about it.
Casual fans like alotta wack shit. I guess the important question is does he do more good than bad for 'the product'. The pros of keeping him might very well outweigh the cons-- but the cons are just so blaring and apparent.
What are the cons? We get some voiceovers? If that's been happening for 16 years why is it a problem now? TJ is beloved by pretty much everyone off this board. I'd rather see Coral host but I know that's not realistic. TJ is solid and has a fan base. He's here to stay.
Being a subpar host is a pretty hard con to get over, but yea he has been a staple for almost 2 decades and the fans rock with him. I gotta say kvm, I expected a more 'facts over feelings' meritocratic take from you here. Dont tell me these youngsters got you all emotional and mushy lol.
lol i mean the fact is that the casuals love him and even most challenge fans outside of this board love him. We're in the minority that want change. I wouldn't call him subpar either. The voiceovers really aren't a big deal. He couldn't host something like BB or anything that requires something to be shot live but this is pretty much perfect for him.
i need a new shady ***** and hbic. those spots were reserved to natalie negrotti, theresa and kam but i don't know what i'm gonna do now
You can take time to re-evaluate things.. Natalie? Nah.
We haven't had a real HBIC since Coral/Veronica in their prime. I love Theresa but she never had that kind of power. Kam's close but i feel like she has to win at least once for that title.
So fake and forced my god
Casual fans like alotta wack shit. I guess the important question is does he do more good than bad for 'the product'. The pros of keeping him might very well outweigh the cons-- but the cons are just so blaring and apparent.
TJ's cool y'all are just mean
Who cares about the voice overs it's really not a big deal
He gives men a hard time--they just tend to quit less often. See Jay. And that pathetic Brandon kid on Rivals 3. This is the kind of stuff I mean about people creating something that doesn't exist. TJ likes anyone that tries and dislikes quitters. He was right for giving Jemmye a hard time and she battled through in part because of it. When people quit they deserve whatever they get.
TJ could be the worst host in the world but he's been doing it for 16 years for a reason--the fans want him on it. You dislike him doesn't mean they should change the host.
Goodnight to
Jeremiah Big T Nelson Berna Ed Amber Esther Bettina Nany and Cory
Everyone else get eliminated❤️
What are the cons? We get some voiceovers? If that's been happening for 16 years why is it a problem now? TJ is beloved by pretty much everyone off this board. I'd rather see Coral host but I know that's not realistic. TJ is solid and has a fan base. He's here to stay.
I wonder what gamer meant when he said amber was having a bigger season
Hope king Jeremiah survived another elimination
I legit hate trivia a little bit more every season like why do casuals have to eat up all of the bad things on this show
I like trivia although I wish they'd keep it simple like on All Stars
Goodnight to Amanda, Amber, Ashley, Nany, Jeremiah, Ed, Cory, Nelson, & Emanuel
oh right 2 more eliminations just happened
As much as I drag Nany on the daily that's still my sister furniture or not......I'm sticking with that flop til the very end
Double Post
She was cool on Double Agents.. One of my favorites even. The hate for her is too much sometimes like she never really did anything wrong to warrant the constant dragging
I just want IT girl Nany back......the way she carried the show and was the female star yeah I want that Nany to make a appearance. Us Nany stans are just going through a few rough patches but I don't doubt she's going to show out this season. I've been dragging my sister too much lately
Being a subpar host is a pretty hard con to get over, but yea he has been a staple for almost 2 decades and the fans rock with him. I gotta say kvm, I expected a more 'facts over feelings' meritocratic take from you here. Dont tell me these youngsters got you all emotional and mushy lol.
i need a new shady ***** and hbic. those spots were reserved to natalie negrotti, theresa and kam but i don't know what i'm gonna do now
You can take time to re-evaluate things.. Natalie? Nah.
lol i mean the fact is that the casuals love him and even most challenge fans outside of this board love him. We're in the minority that want change. I wouldn't call him subpar either. The voiceovers really aren't a big deal. He couldn't host something like BB or anything that requires something to be shot live but this is pretty much perfect for him.
Do you guys want to know who "deactivated" some of those people out?
natalie was shady that was kinda her entire thing on vendettas lol
girl idek what that means but yeah lmaooo
We haven't had a real HBIC since Coral/Veronica in their prime. I love Theresa but she never had that kind of power. Kam's close but i feel like she has to win at least once for that title.
All these corny *** terms omg can MTV give it up
Yes please lol
deactivated? like the winning challenge teams? that would be some cute tea