The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 1

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Amber B avoiding the trainwreck shit show that was BB23 to win DA, then gets relegated to alt status for 37 just for the season to shut down due to COVID.

I'm just saying, God's timing is always right.

Whew it never with Amber Borzotra's money and Karma hits QUICK now she about to take a vacation with her 455k check 

im confused how come they did quarantine diffrent this time?


i'm sure some can't be too mad bc they're still getting paid. whoever is first out when they come back will have gotten more $$ than they would've 

I don't think rookies get paid a whole lot (could be wrong). out of anyone i'm sure CT's enjoying the break. it'll be interesting: us going from production neglecting rookies for future seasons to the ROOKIES not wanting to come back to this mess

dont rookies get paid like 3k, at least that's how much the wotw2 rookies got paid i heard?

They should've kept the alts for at least a week. Production is so sloppy but we been knew that by their casting choices.

ED would have got the Dee treatment his brother that is on the circle right now is getting backlash over having picture with the Confederate flag.

i also doubt this will have a major impact on people wanting to come back. like if they enjoy their time while filming i don't see why this would make any of them not want to return. especially in a post-covid world where quarantine isnt required

Im lowkey glad amber ain't gotta be apart of this mess let her just enjoy that 455k while this season ends up being the worst one in challenge history !!

I hope everyone is miserable sitting in that hotel room for another week 

how the hell is this gonna look on tv lmao 

how the hell is this gonna look on tv lmao 

I can see them using this as an storyline or dramatic purpose like they did for hurricane Katrina on Real World Key West

I hope everyone is miserable sitting in that hotel room for another week 

plz change ur avi back to amber sis im tired of seeing thomas the train faced tori

When everyone quits during quarantine and nany wins the million 

I think because it happened so early in filming they will just ignore it on TV like it didn't happen.

All the alternates and everyone that declined really dodged a bullet

When everyone quits during quarantine and nany wins the million 

nany gonFLOPez wouldnt have won double agents even if she had CT as a partner. Like queen katie said in all stars its been 10+ years and she still sucks. LET IT GO!

they need to take this as the oppurtunity to do whats right.

kick michele out and get cydney.

kick tommy out and get love island johnny.

kick mark out and get billy reilich.





Dear Production: Now is the time to fly out Kemi. 

im still confused how alts werent on location for at least a week, who the **** does production think they are lol

i also doubt this will have a major impact on people wanting to come back. like if they enjoy their time while filming i don't see why this would make any of them not want to return. especially in a post-covid world where quarantine isnt required

Professionalism is everything, especially during a pandemic. A major network like this didn't put the safety of their contestants first....I wouldn't come back

So if what I'm understanding is correct, were assuming Big T has COVID (the spoiler people can't confirm because of hippa laws), now they all need to quarantine again and filming will resume right what do we think happens with Big T? Do we think an alternate takes her place or will she come back?

I would honestly quit.......I couldn't take being isolated and quarantined for another week. Just take me home 


i also doubt this will have a major impact on people wanting to come back. like if they enjoy their time while filming i don't see why this would make any of them not want to return. especially in a post-covid world where quarantine isnt required

Professionalism is everything, especially during a pandemic. A major network like this didn't put the safety of their contestants first....I wouldn't come back

We're still in a pandemic this is something that shouldn't be surprising. Surprised it took a couple seasons for it to happen. They're all chilling in a hotel room getting paid so the cast can't be that upset. 

I can see them using this as an storyline or dramatic purpose like they did for hurricane Katrina on Real World Key West

i agree

So if what I'm understanding is correct, were assuming Big T has COVID (the spoiler people can't confirm because of hippa laws), now they all need to quarantine again and filming will resume right what do we think happens with Big T? Do we think an alternate takes her place or will she come back?

........ why would she come back...........

I can see them using this as an storyline or dramatic purpose like they did for hurricane Katrina on Real World Key West

you think they could even pull that off these days?

so big t has only been formally eliminated 2/4 of her seasons, shes giving katie cooley with all these medical evacuations if her getting covid is true

At least the season isn't getting dropped and production isn't moving onto 38 like what happened with BBCAN8.

I can see the cast being cracked after quarantining again and dealing with this ordeal which could mean more drama.

I personally think it was Big T who caught covid... 

They should've took their *** back to Iceland and repeated the process now look where they are ? Haha


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