I'm probablly over thinking like usal but i still dont think any of them are getting fully eliminated. Pink changed the locked thread to "people out" instead of eliminations like it usally is. I think theres something going on with the theme.
But i dont follow any of them on instagram so if Big T and Emy are posting again then im wasting my time typing lol
Wait are there more rookies than vets there
That account blocked me lmao
I saw it on twitter
i wish y'all would stop reporting live from the 12 year olds on twitter. we good baby i promise
The location is cute.
is is warm there now
Now back to season 37..........when is Michaela claiming her title and check. Two black women winning back to back
Keep this on topic ❤️
PR just texted me. Tea is coming tonight or tomorrow morning
An early Josh boot sounds way too good to ever be true
It's not happening boo...Queen Tori is claiming her title this season <3
shut up
That's not bad aside from rain tbh
im serious lol
Someone tried to check me last week because I said the weather is going to be gloomy and look at that.......lmaoooo
thats karma for trying to go somewhere warm after kam left
yeah they won't have to bundle up at least
I'm probablly over thinking like usal but i still dont think any of them are getting fully eliminated. Pink changed the locked thread to "people out" instead of eliminations like it usally is. I think theres something going on with the theme.
But i dont follow any of them on instagram so if Big T and Emy are posting again then im wasting my time typing lol
Pink Levi @JonnaDefender on twitter told me that Big T is pregnant
I have my moments lol
Kayla Fitzgerald tingz
I would live for same sex pairs tbh. Something that's not tired.
Can y'all stop mentioning that person.
my god
Levi makes things up for attention. he also said kellyanne stole arissa's food and that she called jonna a bad mother a few days ago
Big T isn't pregnant get a job