The Challenge: Spies, Lies and Allies ( Pointless early speculation)

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Big Brother needs to be completely black listed. the only one they should be calling is Davonne and she's fine torturing herself and crying on Big Brother so just add the whole dated show to the blocklist 

I really just want a good format.. lol

I really just want a good format.. lol


idk why they feel like they need to do the absolute most every season. put these people in a straight-forward format and drama will ensue. the twists are just annoying at this point 

I really just want a good format.. lol


Well--and one surprise return  lol

it's definitely gonna be some second movie theme no one asked for. they've done Post Apocalyptic and Spies, maybe Jumanji jungle style next? 

i dont think the movie themes are the issue, they lowkey look kinda good i just need them to do a movie theme in a good location. like wotw1 & wotw2 were good


age limit should be nothing older than 28 for rookies, once you hit them 30s you should not be allowed to debut. 

Quite possibly the dumbest post in a Vevmo history.

Ageism at its finest, especially considering some of the older Rookies have been better than the younger cast.

All of them have been tragic lol

Natalie A, Lolo, Kaycee  has been nonexistent additions 

I'm sad cause this week there is prob a tbc

Big Brother needs to be completely black listed. the only one they should be calling is Davonne and she's fine torturing herself and crying on Big Brother so just add the whole dated show to the blocklist 

Paulie and Day are the only ones I'm hyped about. I found Bay and Natalie to be overrated by fans tbh as well 


age limit should be nothing older than 28 for rookies, once you hit them 30s you should not be allowed to debut. 

Quite possibly the dumbest post in a Vevmo history.

Ageism at its finest, especially considering some of the older Rookies have been better than the younger cast.

i'm sorry but like have you been watching the challenge lately lol?

I've been watching heist movies how long before the show does something corny with heist movies lmao 

I'm not sure any of the rookies this season were great picks regardless of age. 

despite her drama not getting aired, liv def served the most and that says a lot

I'm not sure any of the rookies this season were great picks regardless of age. 

 I like Natalie but unfortunately it sounds like a good amount of her drama was edited out and then she had to leave because of unfortunate circumstances so hard to say since we didn't see enough of her

that being said i dont really care that much for any of them either lol

I remember seeing somewhere (don't remember where so probably take it with a grain of salt) that Sarah Lacina (Survivor: Cagayan/Game Changers/Winners at War) could be a possibility or that she may have gotten a call

I remember seeing somewhere (don't remember where so probably take it with a grain of salt) that Sarah Lacina (Survivor: Cagayan/Game Changers/Winners at War) could be a possibility or that she may have gotten a call

meh not the biggest fan but i could see it

Would people's opinion on David be different if it wasn't for Kemi and Day not liking him? I find him boring regardless tbh 

Would people's opinion on David be different if it wasn't for Kemi and Day not liking him? I find him boring regardless tbh 

honestly? if he never did bb22, then yes. cause i didn't watch feeds, but watching the show he seemed pretty intellegient and he had a good read on the entire house. now, bb22 idk what happened he was a different person and was very slow

Cory won't be on. Mila 1st birthday is around that time

LOL @ thinking that'll stop him. He's already planning to use that as a storyline.


Cory won't be on. Mila 1st birthday is around that time

LOL @ thinking that'll stop him. He's already planning to use that as a storyline.

"I missed my daughter's birthday for this!" 


Cory won't be on. Mila 1st birthday is around that time

LOL @ thinking that'll stop him. He's already planning to use that as a storyline.


I never wanna hear the words " fighting for my family " ever again 

I remember seeing somewhere (don't remember where so probably take it with a grain of salt) that Sarah Lacina (Survivor: Cagayan/Game Changers/Winners at War) could be a possibility or that she may have gotten a call

She's the worst! If you think Kaycee is furniture whewww just watch. Plus she's a trump supporter no thanks.

Wendel is probably one of the nicest people on the planet. I would like to see a villain side of him, we saw shades in 40 but then he was voted off before it went anywhere. 

Wendel is probably one of the nicest people on the planet. I would like to see a villain side of him, we saw shades in 40 but then he was voted off before it went anywhere. 

Was that his villain side or just a bad edit? 

I think we're all forgetting that sometimes it isn't the cast, it's the editors. Things could be really entertaining if they showed us the right stuff. 

I think we're all forgetting that sometimes it isn't the cast, it's the editors. Things could be really entertaining if they showed us the right stuff. 

& the majority of the times it's a lot of them having personality as entertaining as a wall


I'm not sure any of the rookies this season were great picks regardless of age. 

I like Natalie but unfortunately it sounds like a good amount of her drama was edited out and then she had to leave because of unfortunate circumstances so hard to say since we didn't see enough of her

that being said i dont really care that much for any of them either lol

What drama she had? Other than calling them ******* after winning the first elimination I didn't heard anything else about her.

Who from recent BB seasons even makes sense? Just talking about big names in recent seasons, Vanessa has kids so unlikely, Tyler would be great at swimming but honestly he's too laid back for drama, Haleigh would suck at comps and outside of an Exes season with Fessy would be boring, Paul I think they would get eaten alive but theyre enough of a POS to maybe be interesting, Christie is hella problematic, Jessica would have been great but I think she's done with reality tv now. And then names that I dont think are big names are Kemi who would be boring, Brett who a lot of people just do not like, Analyse who is boring even if she could be good because of her soccer background and Cody BB19 who is problematic and older (his words not mine) 

I wonder if Viacom just doesn't want to promote BBCAN because they consider it a competitor to the CBS version or something. That's the only explanation I can think of for why they pass over so many great contestants.

Lol at Viacom thinking BBUS has competition.


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