The challenge: Total Madness - Johnny "Bananas" Devenanzio

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i think we deserve another season without him .. i really do 

i think we deserve another season without him .. i really do 

We do

i think we deserve another season without him .. i really do 

Curious if hes returning next season or will he have another season off as he's hosting two shows on nbc now.

They're taking Cara out of the challenge logo lol 

The Greatest all around competitor this franchise has ever had,, Carried the show for over a decade (with some help from Ct) & still the Face..haters must be pressed

The Greatest all around competitor this franchise has ever had 


The Greatest all around competitor this franchise has ever had,, Carried the show for over a decade (with some help from Ct) & still the Face..haters must be pressed

Elimination record at 10 wins, 14 losses. A few of those wins thrown to him. Add in he seasons set up for him to win or production interference (Rivals 1 and 3), being carried to a victory by three stronger men and still having the potential to go home in the final elimination for one of his wins (Ruins), and having his lackluster ***** and sex skills posted online. And if certain men did as many Challenges as him, they'd have the same amount if not more wins than he does.

Yeah he's the greatest.

Jfreeze continuing to talk nonsense whenever he logs on lol


The Greatest all around competitor this franchise has ever had 


Jfreeze continuing to talk nonsense whenever he logs on lol

He's actually not that bad compared to Bischoff. All that guy does is scream at us about not liking Bananas.


The Greatest all around competitor this franchise has ever had 


Dude i can't take you seriously when in a  previous post  u said that Mark performed better than Bananas on Exes. Do you remember when Johnny almost broke Mark's wrist in the elim?.. Johnny dominated every aspect of that game..How many mission wins did Johnny have in his prime? Starting from the ruins 3 up umtil rivals 3 he had the most mission wins & best winning percentage almost every season....I guess all those mission wins were rigged?

They're taking Cara out of the challenge logo lol 

what logo?

Do you remember when Johnny almost broke Mark's wrist in the elim?

This is great


Do you remember when Johnny almost broke Mark's wrist in the elim?

Do you remember after getting his *** whooped in pole wrestle by Leroy on Exes 2 he posted a picture of a rib injury that he got off google images claiming that was why he lost? 



Do you remember when Johnny almost broke Mark's wrist in the elim?

Do you remember after getting his *** whooped in pole wrestle by Leroy on Exes 2 he posted a picture of a rib injury that he got off google images claiming that was why he lost? 


lol is this a true story?



Do you remember when Johnny almost broke Mark's wrist in the elim?

Do you remember after getting his *** whooped in pole wrestle by Leroy on Exes 2 he posted a picture of a rib injury that he got off google images claiming that was why he lost? 


lol is this a true story?

Yup, I searched it up and his tweet was deleted but there's an old reddit thread & Vevmo page very briefly talking about it. The picture he posted was one of the first images to come up if you searched 'broken ribs'

Oof sad.

Aw that coveted 1am timeslot im sure it'll kill 

So how is he still gonna do the challenge again with all the other shows he's on? I don’t find his sense of humor to be great or maybe I just have a very dry sarcastic sense of humor 

Bananas is probably the last remaining challenge competitor with a hilariuous old school sense of humor. It's very brash and witty. Dude is comedic gold. Johnny, Evan, Kenny, Bear, Kyle and Devin are the most hilarious challenge competitors ever in my opinion. Evan might be the funniest tbh.

Good riddens hope to see you never

Johnny, Evan, Kenny, Bear, Kyle and Devin

your taste sounds about white

Hope this break is permanent.

Damn hes getting old, its his 39th birthday today. Never thought I would see the day where he took a season off let alone two. Good riddens once again.

Damn hes getting old, its his 39th birthday today. Never thought I would see the day where he took a season off let alone two. Good riddens once again.

Missing him
