i was watching the aftershow and literally no one there ***** with fessymore outside of tori, next season is going to be interesting for him
@KMV-- this is exactly whhat i meant when i postedd it yesterday
This means nothing. Let's see what happens next season. The assumption these people are going to team up against him because they said so now doesn't work. People will work with him because it's better than being at the bottom of the other alliance. If not worried if I'm Fessy about Kyle Cory Nelson or Josh
This particular person's opinion was not my point. The point was-- people are talking this way. Cory said the same thing on the aftermath. Againn-- my point-- the move HURT his game. It does not ruin his chances. But its naive to say it didn't hurt his future game
i was watching the aftershow and literally no one there ***** with fessymore outside of tori, next season is going to be interesting for him
@KMV-- this is exactly whhat i meant when i postedd it yesterday
This means nothing. Let's see what happens next season. The assumption these people are going to team up against him because they said so now doesn't work. People will work with him because it's better than being at the bottom of the other alliance. If not worried if I'm Fessy about Kyle Cory Nelson or Josh
This particular person's opinion was not my point. The point was-- people are talking this way. Cory said the same thing on the aftermath. Againn-- my point-- the move HURT his game. It does not ruin his chances. But its naive to say it didn't hurt his future game
And I'm not convinced it hurts him. I think you believe Cory Nelson etc have more power than they do. Fessy will aways find allies. If Cory and Nelson want to target him then good luck to them
I dont even care about Fessy either way but I just think people.are making something out of nothing here.
KVM Lmaooo he literally pissed off over half the house, you really just be looking to go against the grain
Lmao it's funny how everyone thinks the same then all of a sudden there's always the same person that comes in and tries to go against the grain just to spark a debate
The only people hating her are the kam fans on twitter and instagram that know she won and the hate for amber is weird if i was her i would take this money and just dip from reality tv again some people just don't deserve her but i hope my queen comes back to body people again
Some of the Big T stans too who are in a gc with her telling them some shit. One of them in here know something about her but won't tell it lol
Please don't get me started on that because I just started back liking Big T lmao
Talking shit with your fans in a group DM just makes me side eye you and she isn't the only person who does it either. Anyone who does it is weird as ****
I think y'all get a little confused and lost some times. And by some times I mean most of the time because I've said like ten times now she told one individual
KVM Lmaooo he literally pissed off over half the house, you really just be looking to go against the grain
Lmao it's funny how everyone thinks the same then all of a sudden there's always the same person that comes in and tries to go against the grain just to spark a debate
It's not my fault you guys overreact to things. Fessy made the final after this. This board gives Cory and Nelson to much credit. I doubt Fessy is at all worried.
I agree with you all when you actual make sense and set aside your bias. Fessy is fine.
KVM Lmaooo he literally pissed off over half the house, you really just be looking to go against the grain
Lmao it's funny how everyone thinks the same then all of a sudden there's always the same person that comes in and tries to go against the grain just to spark a debate
It's not my fault you guys overreact to things. Fessy made the final after this. This board gives Cory and Nelson to much credit. I doubt Fessy is at all worried.
I agree with you all when you actual make sense and set aside your bias. Fessy is fine.
so opening someone's helmet and throwing dirt in it is what? Like really....justify that.
you just hate Nelson and Cory bruh and it shows. Fessy could probably have spit in his face and you would still think it's ok
Which is probably why I don't need to ever be on one of these because lmao if someone throws dirt in my face I'm just gonna have to momentarily forget where tf I'm at and get with you
KVM Lmaooo he literally ****ed off over half the house, you really just be looking to go against the grain
Lmao it's funny how everyone thinks the same then all of a sudden there's always the same person that comes in and tries to go against the grain just to spark a debate
It's not my fault you guys overreact to things. Fessy made the final after this. This board gives Cory and Nelson to much credit. I doubt Fessy is at all worried.
I agree with you all when you actual make sense and set aside your bias. Fessy is fine.
I actually respect that you bring discussions to the table but I do find that you are often against the grain in almost every single one. Fessy did not just **** of Cory and Nelson. What other strong allies can fessy have in what ultimately is a numbers game?
KVM Lmaooo he literally pissed off over half the house, you really just be looking to go against the grain
Lmao it's funny how everyone thinks the same then all of a sudden there's always the same person that comes in and tries to go against the grain just to spark a debate
It's not my fault you guys overreact to things. Fessy made the final after this. This board gives Cory and Nelson to much credit. I doubt Fessy is at all worried.
I agree with you all when you actual make sense and set aside your bias. Fessy is fine.
so opening someone's helmet and throwing dirt in it is what? Like really....justify that.
you just hate Nelson and Cory bruh and it shows. Fessy could probably have spit in his face and you would still think it's ok
I dislike Cory but I have nothing against Nelson. I actually like Nelson more than Fessy but Fessy is a better competitor.
KVM Lmaooo he literally pissed off over half the house, you really just be looking to go against the grain
Lmao it's funny how everyone thinks the same then all of a sudden there's always the same person that comes in and tries to go against the grain just to spark a debate
It's not my fault you guys overreact to things. Fessy made the final after this. This board gives Cory and Nelson to much credit. I doubt Fessy is at all worried.
I agree with you all when you actual make sense and set aside your bias. Fessy is fine.
so opening someone's helmet and throwing dirt in it is what? Like really....justify that.
you just hate Nelson and Cory bruh and it shows. Fessy could probably have spit in his face and you would still think it's ok
I dislike Cory but I have nothing against Nelson. I actually like Nelson more than Fessy but Fessy is a better competitor.
KVM Lmaooo he literally pissed off over half the house, you really just be looking to go against the grain
Lmao it's funny how everyone thinks the same then all of a sudden there's always the same person that comes in and tries to go against the grain just to spark a debate
It's not my fault you guys overreact to things. Fessy made the final after this. This board gives Cory and Nelson to much credit. I doubt Fessy is at all worried.
I agree with you all when you actual make sense and set aside your bias. Fessy is fine.
I actually respect that you bring discussions to the table but I do find that you are often against the grain in almost every single one. Fessy did not just **** of Cory and Nelson. What other strong allies can fessy have in what ultimately is a numbers game?
CT for starters and basically anyone tired of Cory & Kyle going far while doing almost nothing.
Remember people hated Cara every season and how'd that turn out? Even Kam worked with her.
Each season is new. Carrying anger from a previous season and allowing it to dictate your game will ruin your game.
We'll see what happens next season but we know what happened this season. I still don't think Fessy needs to worry. If I'm wrong I'll own it.
KVM Lmaooo he literally pissed off over half the house, you really just be looking to go against the grain
Lmao it's funny how everyone thinks the same then all of a sudden there's always the same person that comes in and tries to go against the grain just to spark a debate
It's not my fault you guys overreact to things. Fessy made the final after this. This board gives Cory and Nelson to much credit. I doubt Fessy is at all worried.
I agree with you all when you actual make sense and set aside your bias. Fessy is fine.
so opening someone's helmet and throwing dirt in it is what? Like really....justify that.
you just hate Nelson and Cory bruh and it shows. Fessy could probably have spit in his face and you would still think it's ok
I dislike Cory but I have nothing against Nelson. I actually like Nelson more than Fessy but Fessy is a better competitor.
throwing dirt in his face? Ok? Yes or no
Define okay Classy? No. Good sportsmanship? No. A big deal? No. We've seen worse.
KVM Lmaooo he literally pissed off over half the house, you really just be looking to go against the grain
Lmao it's funny how everyone thinks the same then all of a sudden there's always the same person that comes in and tries to go against the grain just to spark a debate
It's not my fault you guys overreact to things. Fessy made the final after this. This board gives Cory and Nelson to much credit. I doubt Fessy is at all worried.
I agree with you all when you actual make sense and set aside your bias. Fessy is fine.
so opening someone's helmet and throwing dirt in it is what? Like really....justify that.
you just hate Nelson and Cory bruh and it shows. Fessy could probably have spit in his face and you would still think it's ok
I dislike Cory but I have nothing against Nelson. I actually like Nelson more than Fessy but Fessy is a better competitor.
throwing dirt in his face? Ok? Yes or no
Define okay Classy? No. Good sportsmanship? No. A big deal? No. We've seen worse.
well we built different because it would've been me and him at that point
There's a difference between being hated (cara) and getting people who don't like you to work with you, and throwing your allies under the bus who are your best friends thus proving you have no loyalty and nothing to offer as an alliance member. Although bananas played a similarish game and always got people to work with him so it might not be a big deal at all. The part that works in Fessys favor is that much like bananas he wins challenges and thus will always have some sort of power/ people wanting to work with him. If he were a weaker competitor it would be a much different conversation.
KVM Lmaooo he literally pissed off over half the house, you really just be looking to go against the grain
Lmao it's funny how everyone thinks the same then all of a sudden there's always the same person that comes in and tries to go against the grain just to spark a debate
It's not my fault you guys overreact to things. Fessy made the final after this. This board gives Cory and Nelson to much credit. I doubt Fessy is at all worried.
I agree with you all when you actual make sense and set aside your bias. Fessy is fine.
so opening someone's helmet and throwing dirt in it is what? Like really....justify that.
you just hate Nelson and Cory bruh and it shows. Fessy could probably have spit in his face and you would still think it's ok
I dislike Cory but I have nothing against Nelson. I actually like Nelson more than Fessy but Fessy is a better competitor.
throwing dirt in his face? Ok? Yes or no
Define okay Classy? No. Good sportsmanship? No. A big deal? No. We've seen worse.
well we built different because it would've been me and him at that point
Fair enough. I understand being mad in the moment but months later? I dont see the point in holding a grudge. At least act like all is good then blindside him when it helps your game
Like do people think this is good gameplay by Nelson?
There's a difference between being hated (cara) and getting people who don't like you to work with you, and throwing your allies under the bus who are your best friends thus proving you have no loyalty and nothing to offer as an alliance member. Although bananas played a similarish game and always got people to work with him so it might not be a big deal at all. The part that works in Fessys favor is that much like bananas he wins challenges and thus will always have some sort of power/ people wanting to work with him. If he were a weaker competitor it would be a much different conversation.
Oh I agree. If Fessy relied on his social game I'd have a different stance.
i mean i guess nothing effects your game, Cory must be playing an absolute perfect game to have made 2 finals in a row. i mean since making a final is the ultimate determining factor lmaoo
i mean i guess nothing effects your game, Cory must be playing an absolute perfect game to have made 2 finals in a row. i mean since making a final is the ultimate determining factor lmaoo
You're doing something right if you're making it to the end--not even sure how one argues that. I think Kyle is absolute trash but he consistently makes it far--he's good at the game. Cory had someone throw themselves into an elimination to protect him--Cory's an idiot but, again, doing something right.
I'm starting not to buy into this feud at first I was convinced now hmmmm
Something smells fishy.......It's starting to smell a little like Mrs.Dee with the planning of storylines
You think those 3 are smart enough to plan that lol?
I think they're smart enough to capitalize on the attention they're getting to secure their spot. I don't think Cory is part of the plot and he doesn't have to really do much to get a call back. It's really just Fessy doing the most. I sure as hell wouldn't be following someone who just did me dirty on national TV but maybe that's just me. I'm still Team Nelson regardless whether this feud is real or not
I'm starting not to buy into this feud at first I was convinced now hmmmm
Something smells fishy.......It's starting to smell a little like Mrs.Dee with the planning of storylines
i saw fessy creeping liking pics on angelas ig from when they were filming. unless nelson is cool with his friend trying to get with his ex this is real
This particular person's opinion was not my point. The point was-- people are talking this way. Cory said the same thing on the aftermath. Againn-- my point-- the move HURT his game. It does not ruin his chances. But its naive to say it didn't hurt his future game
And I'm not convinced it hurts him. I think you believe Cory Nelson etc have more power than they do. Fessy will aways find allies. If Cory and Nelson want to target him then good luck to them
I dont even care about Fessy either way but I just think people.are making something out of nothing here.
KVM Lmaooo he literally pissed off over half the house, you really just be looking to go against the grain
Lmao it's funny how everyone thinks the same then all of a sudden there's always the same person that comes in and tries to go against the grain just to spark a debate
But multiple of y'all know what she said right?
everytime I see him he going at it with somebody like sis ..
It's not my fault you guys overreact to things. Fessy made the final after this. This board gives Cory and Nelson to much credit. I doubt Fessy is at all worried.
I agree with you all when you actual make sense and set aside your bias. Fessy is fine.
so opening someone's helmet and throwing dirt in it is what? Like really....justify that.
you just hate Nelson and Cory bruh and it shows. Fessy could probably have spit in his face and you would still think it's ok
Which is probably why I don't need to ever be on one of these because lmao if someone throws dirt in my face I'm just gonna have to momentarily forget where tf I'm at and get with you
I actually respect that you bring discussions to the table but I do find that you are often against the grain in almost every single one. Fessy did not just **** of Cory and Nelson. What other strong allies can fessy have in what ultimately is a numbers game?
I dislike Cory but I have nothing against Nelson. I actually like Nelson more than Fessy but Fessy is a better competitor.
throwing dirt in his face? Ok? Yes or no
CT for starters and basically anyone tired of Cory & Kyle going far while doing almost nothing.
Remember people hated Cara every season and how'd that turn out? Even Kam worked with her.
Each season is new. Carrying anger from a previous season and allowing it to dictate your game will ruin your game.
We'll see what happens next season but we know what happened this season. I still don't think Fessy needs to worry. If I'm wrong I'll own it.
Define okay Classy? No. Good sportsmanship? No. A big deal? No. We've seen worse.
well we built different because it would've been me and him at that point
There's a difference between being hated (cara) and getting people who don't like you to work with you, and throwing your allies under the bus who are your best friends thus proving you have no loyalty and nothing to offer as an alliance member. Although bananas played a similarish game and always got people to work with him so it might not be a big deal at all. The part that works in Fessys favor is that much like bananas he wins challenges and thus will always have some sort of power/ people wanting to work with him. If he were a weaker competitor it would be a much different conversation.
Fair enough. I understand being mad in the moment but months later? I dont see the point in holding a grudge. At least act like all is good then blindside him when it helps your game
Like do people think this is good gameplay by Nelson?
Oh I agree. If Fessy relied on his social game I'd have a different stance.
i mean i guess nothing effects your game, Cory must be playing an absolute perfect game to have made 2 finals in a row. i mean since making a final is the ultimate determining factor lmaoo
You're doing something right if you're making it to the end--not even sure how one argues that. I think Kyle is absolute trash but he consistently makes it far--he's good at the game. Cory had someone throw themselves into an elimination to protect him--Cory's an idiot but, again, doing something right.
Fessy is shading Nelson in his insta story saying " everyone has injures, next excuse "
Fessy sucks
Doing too much.
I'm starting not to buy into this feud at first I was convinced now hmmmm
Something smells fishy.......It's starting to smell a little like Mrs.Dee with the planning of storylines
You think those 3 are smart enough to plan that lol?
Showing injuries he's heeled from and able to maneuver with versus one unheeled that he knew of and took advantage of the fact.
I think they're smart enough to capitalize on the attention they're getting to secure their spot. I don't think Cory is part of the plot and he doesn't have to really do much to get a call back. It's really just Fessy doing the most. I sure as hell wouldn't be following someone who just did me dirty on national TV but maybe that's just me. I'm still Team Nelson regardless whether this feud is real or not
the thing is neither Cory or Nelson is saying anything back, if it was manufactured beef they'd be going back and forth.
it's just Fessy once again trying to create a persona
i saw fessy creeping liking pics on angelas ig from when they were filming. unless nelson is cool with his friend trying to get with his ex this is real