Lock thread with spoilers: https://vevmo.com/forums/challenge-season-36-spoilers
Departure to LA to start quarentine: August 23rd
There will also be alternates quarantining that will NOT make the final cast. So the list on the lock thread will be update accordingly.
Ready to be disappointed
best part of The Challenge season lol
Ready to be disappointed when Zahida is just an alternate.
However I weirdly feel like this is going to be a good season, so I'm ready.
Can you guys see what I am writing on the lock thread or its empty for you guys?
I read this:
Host: TJ Lavin
Season: 36th
Tentative Location: TBA
Departure Day to start the quarentine: August 23rd
Departure Day to filming location: In more than week
Nothing else after that?
Quarentine Discussion Thread
Early Speculation Thread
Potential Cast- This list is subject to change! There will be alternates quarantining and possible covid19 positives that will NOT make the final cast.
Thank you ❤
Possible location can be Iceland but I am NOT putting anything regarding that on the lock thread until I get confirmation by someone reliable. Just leaving it as TBA for now
Iceland is going to be cold but at least aint going to be ugly like TM
Wasn't that where Exes took place?
The final took place in Iceland for exes
The first 6 are there and Lolo confirmed herself even more with this
I really wish Aneesa would work her butt off in the gym and come with an actual shot to be a contender. But she did not look Challenge ready at the reunion.
King Nelson coming for his second win >>> honestly the cast will just go down from here. I dont mind these 6 people
4 more have been added
I'm getting bored
Can you guys see everyone pic? My phone is being weird lol
Whew Lolo actually did it....the STORM that's about to happen
I know it's just 10 and some could be alternates but so far it's a TM 2.0 and I can't think of anything worse lol.
Expect all of them being active on social media throughout their quarentine
That's usually how they cast a big percentage coming from the prior season
Lol well it seems like she knows what she is getting into.
I know but TM was sooo awful that I was hoping they would switch it up a lot this season lol.
It was one of their best seasons as far as ratings and social media engagement since Rivals 2. They already took the risk on seasons 2 and it back fired.
Before anyone says it was because of this or that. It doesn't matter to them they are looking at the big picture lol
Quit telling me the ratings were good, it was still trash and boring. I don't care lol. And I know the trash production team doesn't care about my opinion but I'm going to keep *****ing lol.
Lolo thinks she owns the world. Mark my words, her and Nany are going to brawl.
Just added 4 more.
Nany would probably die