Survivor: Winners at War - The Penultimate Step Of The War

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Survivor: Winners at War - The Penultimate Step Of The War

In a crucial immunity challenge, the remaining seven castaways make their final push towards the $2 million prize.

Is the EOE challenge this episode or next week

The finale unfortunately. 

Nick's an idiot, getting rid of Jeremy has to be one of the dumbest moves in a while, especially considering he went running to Michele as his only ally to get fire tokens. He could have had a good group with Jeremy, Michele & himself and probably would have had an easy time convincing Denise to turn on Tony & Sarah. Between Michele, Denise & whoever came back from EoE he could potentially have two people he could beat in the end as long as Jeremy isn't there

Jeremy & Michele should have told him he would the target had he not won immunity though

Edit: Okay he may have rebounded if he gets Ben out, we'll see. He played the advantage perfect and Queen Michele capitalized

Say it with me. WINCHELLE! 

Jeremy getting voted out has me absolutely gutted. I love than man with all my soul, I despise Nick and Ben fr fr

Jeremy getting voted out has me absolutely gutted. I love than man with all my soul, I despise Nick and Ben fr fr

Just hand the 2 million to tony, hes clearly running the show and no one left beats him.

Say it with me. WINCHELLE! 

Queen of never getting voted out. So many similarities to her last game with being outside of votes which she uses to her advantage to have great relationships with the jury and when people realise she's a jury threat she wins when she needs to

Classy move from Natalie giving the idol to Tyson, I was kind of worried they may let her come in with two. Kind of makes you wonder about the bond on EoE though, coming in to the season I would have said that none of these champs would ever vote for someone in the end to return, now I'm not so sure. Epic ending though seeing the people on the edge for the last time(most of them anyway). Excited for the finale, even if i still can't wrap my head around nobody ever coming for Tony or Sarah. Tony hasn't even received a vote yet!

Nick, Sarah, Ben, and Adam were trash and made this season unenjoyable. AWFUL casting. However...Sandra pass the crown over Michele is the new queen!!!!

Nick, Sarah, Ben, and Adam were trash and made this season unenjoyable. AWFUL casting. However...Sandra p*** the crown over Michele is the new queen!!!!

Awful casting? They got all the legends in Parv, Sandra and Boston Rob. They even pulled Yul and Ethan out of their ***. 2 who I never ever thought we would see again. The only thing that sucked was Amber over Tina or Vecepia. She was only there for the appearance check and to help Rob further his game. Earl having to decline because his wife was having their baby around the time of filming. Adam over Todd. And Ben/Nick over JT and Mike. I get why Hatch and Jenna were not on. Would of loved to have them but I get why they were not.

I meant Nick, Ben, Sarah, and Adam were awful casting. Half the cast is iconic but unfortunately we lost them early and were stuck with the rejects. Jenna should have 100% on the cast. She went through a rough time and went through treatment. She shouldn't be punished for that.

Sarah is so god damn awful for immediately blabbing to tony that michelle told her that she cant beat tony. She is so delusional and so far up tony's *** and has such a hard on for this cops r us alliance

I meant Nick, Ben, Sarah, and Adam were awful casting. Half the cast is iconic but unfortunately we lost them early and were stuck with the rejects. Jenna should have 100% on the cast. She went through a rough time and went through treatment. She shouldn't be punished for that.

A final 7 consisting of Kim, Tony and Jeremy as 3 of the 7 ain't bad at all. Denise was the winner of a arguably top 5 season in Phillipines. It could of been a lot worse. Just like on the challenge IDK if Jenna and Todd were insurable to come on to this season. It looked like at one point both were going to be on. Something had to happen. Adam was not as awful as the rest of that group. He provided some pretty hilarious moments. They edited him like a punching bag and I actually enjoyed his hilarious downfall.