The challenge: Total Madness - Josh Martinez

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I keep rewatching the Josh/Wes tribunal clip. Lol He better do SOMETHING this season otherwise keep his *** at home please.

It's been a while since I've seen someone straight up disrespected and embarrassed on that level and Wes was dead serious lol Josh still was like "he's just trying to bring me down", nah Josh he was really serious, he does not care about you whatsoever lmaooo

I've never been the one to box people in and label them as something they're not but I'm going to make an exception for Josh

The man has females tendencies and it's time he lives his truth. 

He's been so annoying this season.. I guess that's what happens when you don't have a super villian to make you look like the good guy. 

Im over him. Its embarassing at this point how hard hes trying to have a rivalry with Wes

Wack *****.

He wants a rival storyline so bad, like no one wants to start a rivalry with. He stay looking to agrue 

I've never been the one to box people in and label them as something they're not but I'm going to make an exception for Josh

The man has females tendencies and it's time he lives his truth. 

Lol at him coming at Swaggy in the preview. It's like he realized his "rivalry" with Wes wasn't working so he needed to start something with someone else.

When Josh goes into elimination, I hope it's physical so he can get mushed out of this show forever.

I like Josh but he's doing too much....

Poor guy just doesn't get that he's just not good enough at anything for anyone to give two shits whether he's there or not lol

I wish they would stop letting him coast through to the end of the seasons though. Throw him in first for a change.

Poor guy just doesn't get that he's just not good enough at anything for anyone to give to shits whether he's there or not lol

I wish they would stop letting him coast through to the end of the seasons though. Throw him in first for a change.

I feel you there. He def thinks he makes it far due to his athletic and social skills when everyone else is just worried about bigger threats.

His greatest strength is just his weakness. 

I really wish they would stop casting this waste of space. I mean the dude has no elimination wins, let alone challenge wins. He is by far the weakest male casted every season and it sucks that on War of the Worlds 2 and this challenge, the format works out for him to stay so long. He is desparate as shit to get a rivalry with Wes and you can tell as evidenced by that tribunal interrogation that Wes could care more about dog shit in his backyard then about anything Josh says or does. And his "I bring a social and political game that hasn't been seen before" comment a few episodes ago was the most moronic comment ever on a challenge. If he were, he would have had a witty response back to Wes's savage passive insults, but no. He just kept saying "okay" like a little peasant biiiitch. MTV please stop casting this********.

I really wish they would stop casting this waste of space. I mean the dude has no elimination wins, let alone challenge wins. He is by far the weakest male casted every season and it sucks that on War of the Worlds 2 and this challenge, the format works out for him to stay so long. He is desparate as shit to get a rivalry with Wes and you can tell as evidenced by that tribunal interrogation that Wes could care more about dog shit in his backyard then about anything Josh says or does. And his "I bring a social and political game that hasn't been seen before" comment a few episodes ago was the most moronic comment ever on a challenge. If he were, he would have had a witty response back to Wes's savage passive insults, but no. He just kept saying "okay" like a little peasant biiiitch. MTV please stop casting this********.

read for filth lol

that Wes moment with him pretty much summed up everything in regards to Josh. He stays trying really hard to create drama because he knows he needs it to be casted, but when actual drama is right in his face, he can't clap back and defend himself.

He is, was and forever shall be a try-hard basic. His faces, his comments, him trying to start rivalries, his "relationship" with Georgia Harris. He is just cringe worthy.

i. wonder if the cast  talks about his sexuality behind closed doors. 

i. wonder if the cast  talks about his sexuality behind closed doors. 

They probably do tbh.

i. wonder if the cast  talks about his sexuality behind closed doors. 

They do! How do you think the finger rumor like 2 months ago started? Only cast members would know who help another with a suppository.

Starting to think Wes was screwed even if he didnt say he was throwing in Josh last season, Josh seems desperate for that rivalry. Also if Paulie comes back who exactly does Josh have to help if he just keeps burning bridges 

His desperation and thirst to secure a spot for another season is too much. It was bad enough how he came in last season with a planned cringey *** showmance with Georgia, and now he's trying to manifest rivalries just to be relevant since Paulie isn't on. Which is funny because he got at Gus for trying to do that with him. And for some reason I don't think he likes Swayleigh as he tries to act like he do.

Interesting thing about Josh is he's butt hurt Swaggy is working with Wes but where is that same energy with Bananas...

Also does he not realize that he's been carried on EVERY show he's been on. If Paul wanted him out in big brother than Josh would've gone home...

Interesting thing about Josh is he's butt hurt Swaggy is working with Wes but where is that same energy with Bananas...

Also does he not realize that he's been carried on EVERY show he's been on. If Paul wanted him out in big brother than Josh would've gone home...

Exactly why is it ok for John to work with Wes but not Swayleigh?


Interesting thing about Josh is he's butt hurt Swaggy is working with Wes but where is that same energy with Bananas...

Also does he not realize that he's been carried on EVERY show he's been on. If Paul wanted him out in big brother than Josh would've gone home...

Exactly why is it ok for John to work with Wes but not Swayleigh?

He probably thought they would need his help and his guidance on their first challenge and he's just butt hurt and jealous that they are thriving without him. 



Interesting thing about Josh is he's butt hurt Swaggy is working with Wes but where is that same energy with Bananas...

Also does he not realize that he's been carried on EVERY show he's been on. If Paul wanted him out in big brother than Josh would've gone home...

Exactly why is it ok for John to work with Wes but not Swayleigh?

He probably thought they would need his help and his guidance on their first challenge and he's just butt hurt and jealous that they are thriving without him. 

Jealousy is a disease hopefully he gets well soon

I don't get how he has fans



Interesting thing about Josh is he's butt hurt Swaggy is working with Wes but where is that same energy with Bananas...

Also does he not realize that he's been carried on EVERY show he's been on. If Paul wanted him out in big brother than Josh would've gone home...

Exactly why is it ok for John to work with Wes but not Swayleigh?

He probably thought they would need his help and his guidance on their first challenge and he's just butt hurt and jealous that they are thriving without him. 

I know people get annoyed at this topic, but there is no way this man isn't gay.

I know people get annoyed at this topic, but there is no way this man isn't gay.

I really don't understand why people care so much. It's Josh, he's terrible either way, who gives a shit? 

I'm sure once he gets a man he will come out.


I know people get annoyed at this topic, but there is no way this man isn't gay.

I really don't understand why people care so much. It's Josh, he's terrible either way, who gives a shit? 
