The Challengers have returned from war to reunite in London to discuss this season’s savage betrayals, nuclear blowups, and every hookup. Hosted by Justina Valentina and NBA Champion Nick Young
So why are these the host? I don’t mind Justine but the other one?? Who? What? Why?
Swaggy P! I was shocked to hear he took this job... and for him to be asked is weird and random. At least Justina is in the MTV family.
Maybe he was in talks for a champs vs pro season that never happened? Idk it seems weird since he doesn't seem to be able to string together his thoughts very well and i doubt hes ever watched the challenge...
They need to bring Nessa back......she was so unprofessional in the best way possible lmaoooooo
When she had to let Trash know who the **** she was at the Rivals 3 reunion >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
That reunion was playing when i turned on Pluto the other day and I was dying. Nessa really came through and turned up when Camila thought she would get away with things lmaoooooo I hate that production is letting John put in his two cents when he lasted two whole seconds smh
this reunion has been boring i feel like theres been too many clips from during the season andd too little discuission between the cast members, i don't want to just watch them yell at eachother i want to hear about stuff we didnt see!
I'm really confused as to why Bananas took up more than half of the ******* show and he's only be there for two weeks. Like **** outta here we can't escape him when he wins or sucks
Zuri is so far removed from this trash >>>>>>>>>>>>> she's an AccessHollywood co-host now.
Seems like most hosts they have just use this shit to get their foot in the door & then promptly drop it once they get a better gig. Justina doesn't have shit going on except being dry on WildN'Out so it's easy to get her.
They need to lose justina's number
One two hour epsiode tonight at no more right?
Paulie and Cara looking like hot messes per usual
They should just get rid of reunion shows all together at this point and instead show the *** they should have shown episodes again
They should never have even gotten that ragged muppet's number in the first place.
Saw the preveiw and the Nick guy seemed extra and he even did his meme face as well.
idk whether to watch this or survivor ugh
This and then leave at the end for the s40 preview
What? Justina was awesome on CvS
Justina was ok as a competitor, but she needs to be nowhere near a hosting stage with that seahag voice & musty *** wig.
This is about to be the Cara and Paulie show. I'll be watching but I truly hate to see it.
So why are these the host? I don’t mind Justine but the other one?? Who? What? Why?
They need to bring Nessa back......she was so unprofessional in the best way possible lmaoooooo
When she had to let Trash know who the **** she was at the Rivals 3 reunion >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Swaggy P! I was shocked to hear he took this job... and for him to be asked is weird and random. At least Justina is in the MTV family.
Maybe he was in talks for a champs vs pro season that never happened? Idk it seems weird since he doesn't seem to be able to string together his thoughts very well and i doubt hes ever watched the challenge...
Paulie looks off tonight
just tonight?
That reunion was playing when i turned on Pluto the other day and I was dying. Nessa really came through and turned up when Camila thought she would get away with things lmaoooooo I hate that production is letting John put in his two cents when he lasted two whole seconds smh
What the hell is paulie doing lmao
this reunion has been boring i feel like theres been too many clips from during the season andd too little discuission between the cast members, i don't want to just watch them yell at eachother i want to hear about stuff we didnt see!
seriously wtf is justinas hair
This reunion made me like Jordan even more
This was kind of boring.. no real highlights..
I'm really confused as to why Bananas took up more than half of the ******* show and he's only be there for two weeks. Like **** outta here we can't escape him when he wins or sucks
the reunion was pitiful, as always. turbo was the best part tbh
This reunion was horrible from the hosts to the edit
can't believe i watched 2 whole hours of that thing
Zuri Hall was a pretty good after show and reunion host.
Imo they need to put someone like Coral, Devyn or Davonne. I can see them killing a hosting job.
Nick Young was not a good host. All he did throughout the episode was keep making that face. Justina did most of the talking
Zuri is so far removed from this trash >>>>>>>>>>>>> she's an Access Hollywood co-host now.
Seems like most hosts they have just use this shit to get their foot in the door & then promptly drop it once they get a better gig.
Justina doesn't have shit going on except being dry on Wild N' Out so it's easy to get her.