Survivor: Island of the Idols - Just Go For It

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Survivor: Island of the Idols - Just Go For It

The fourteenth castaway is voted out and joins the jury, on the penultimate episode of the season.


Survivor - Just Go For It (Preview)

Not really feeling this season anymore. This final 7 is tragic. Lauren and noura are the only ones I care about. Elaine and janet are meh and I hate the guys left.

This season got boring real quick lol 

I think it's because the three players with the most interesting games and provided us with a lot of content throughout the premerge got voted out back to back (Kelley, Jamal, Missy) And now it seems like everyone is playing for Tommy to win. 

I have a feeling Elanie or Janet is living tonight Sad

Dean going to the Island of the Idols and his options of advantages he can win are the best they've offered so far. 

I have a feeling Elanie or Janet is living tonight

Same. Especially with Janet finding an idol it makes it seem like it'll be Elaine. 

thank you production !!!

Okay now this just feels planned by production for the removal of Dan. Especially with Jack being first jury member. Something just does not seem right.

Okay now this just feels planned by production for the removal of Dan. Especially with Jack being first jury member. Something just does not seem right.


Season 40 please.

Season 40 please.

Season 40 please.

Reunion is being pre-taped due to "sensitivity & security concerns" 

I'm screaming at Dean making a fake of his fake legacy advantage so he can save it for F6 only to have that entire round skipped because Dan was removed lmao

Is this season still good? In all honesty, I stopped watching after the whole Dan/Kellee incident.

Is this season still good? In all honesty, I stopped watching after the whole Dan/Kellee incident.

Nothing worth watching after Kellee left. This season started out hopeful with all the female empowerment but it was just the editing team trying to make them look better with how they mishandled the whole Dan situation later on. **** this season

Is this season still good? In all honesty, I stopped watching after the whole Dan/Kellee incident.

No. Predictable and boring

SMH now Eleaine voted out, I guess I'm hoping for a Lauren win but that a'int gonna happen. I was really hoping for Lauren and Janet to vote with E, but after Eleaine's speech I was like nope she's gone. 

SMH now Eleaine voted out, I guess I'm hoping for a Lauren win but that a'int gonna happen. I was really hoping for Lauren and Janet to vote with E, but after Eleaine's speech I was like nope she's gone. 

Yea that did her no favors.. not sure why she said all of that.