As a rookie in her first challenge, Melissa placed fourth for the girls (behind Nicole Z, Natalie, and Cara). She is most likely a very strong competitor. We also have seen her eliminate Alicia, and almost take out Sylvia (someone about double her size) in a physical elimination.
Sylvia was sick and Melissa was playing dirty and still couldnt beat Sylvia so...lets not say almost.
As a rookie in her first challenge, Melissa placed fourth for the girls (behind Nicole Z, Natalie, and Cara). She is most likely a very strong competitor. We also have seen her eliminate Alicia, and almost take out Sylvia (someone about double her size) in a physical elimination.
Sylvia was sick and Melissa was playing dirty and still couldnt beat Sylvia so...lets not say almost.
Why are all the stans who stan people that were flung months ago, aka Jenna and Kailah fans, coming for Melissa stans when we actually have something to be delusional about? Your faves aren't even in the game anymore for you to be delusional about. stfup.
Hoping Johnny gets second place and Cory gets first. That would be the best scenario in my opinion and a great end to their rivalry storyline.
Bananas will be thrown a bone. No way he makes it to the final after a hiatus and they would allow for him to lose it
Y'all say the Jenna stans are crazy but the Melissa stans take the cake. They be eating delusion for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Can imagine how tragic they'll look in their "cast photos"
for what exactly? nobody knows
I wonder are they letting T.J. do a house tour for this season
Kailah stans when Melissa gets the W
Cant wait to see Jennas Giraffe Neck in that confessional
1. Melissa
2. Jenny
3. Bayleigh
Dee1. Kyle
2. Bananas
3. Fessy
Coryspeaking it into existence <3
I miss Slayvia
If Joss's wallpaper *** can come back she certainly can too (if she wants to anyway).
Omg I forgot about Kaycee and Rogan oops
What happened to TC?
The video isn’t even showing LMAO I stay flopping
Nany fans acting like Melissa didn't fling your girl out of the game lmaoo
i want bayleigh or melissa to win but its most likely gonna be jenny or kaycee
The last season we did not get at least 1 of Wes, CT, Cara or Bananas in a final was Exes 2. 4 years ago.
any news on dee? i'm still praying for the small chance that she's in lol
you're the one that thought Nany had a chance at winning.. please. Stop embarrassing yourself and sit your avss down.
Why are all the stans who stan people that were flung months ago, aka Jenna and Kailah fans, coming for Melissa stans when we actually have something to be delusional about? Your faves aren't even in the game anymore for you to be delusional about. stfup.
That is so sad.
Y'all still dragging this Kailah & Melissa nonsense ?
Both queens who will be regulars who will carry this franchise to greatness
As a Kailah fan I also love Melissa lol I think they're both great on the show