Vevmo Big Brother Casting/Cast Reveal

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This is a joke tbh.... All these fun cast members and i chose to be a saltine cracker on the sidelines... You can come out now Ashton  



Yeah, idk what he goes by really. 

He goes by Rey Mysterio

He goes by Rey Mysterio

is this a height joke or a Mexican joke - sent from my iPhone 

Awww so cute.

Awww so cute.

ahahaha but anywho - sent from my iPhone 


He goes by Rey Mysterio

is this a height joke or a Mexican joke - sent from my iPhone 

2 birds.1 Stone 

Awww so cute.

u rly said wcw lmao

For all those Viewers out there, if you'd like to give your two cents to each other about the game..I'll be gone most of the night so it may take a few hours before you'll be able to post <3

Oh yall ****** got big when I cant say nothing back @don @alad @cumrag


when me and slay are final 2 season 2 don't @me

when me and slay are final 2 season 2 don't @me

I stan this for sure.

Ummm lmao at that pic. 

That's all I'm gonna say....

I'm mad thecloser couldn't let a bit know he was finna play... Like i guess our only game together being survevmo 2 is satisfying for you .  

I'm mad thecloser couldn't let a bit know he was finna play... Like i guess our only game together being survevmo 2 is satisfying for you .  

Who is TheCloser? LOL


I'm mad thecloser couldn't let a bit know he was finna play... Like i guess our only game together being survevmo 2 is satisfying for you .  

Who is TheCloser? LOL




I'm mad thecloser couldn't let a bit know he was finna play... Like i guess our only game together being survevmo 2 is satisfying for you .  

Who is TheCloser? LOL


He's pretty cool. 

All jokes aside, I'm 100% rooting for my children Don and Alad. Make me proud!

Ceej, Don, White Skull, and Alad are MY final 4.




I'm mad thecloser couldn't let a bit know he was finna play... Like i guess our only game together being survevmo 2 is satisfying for you .  

Who is TheCloser? LOL


He's pretty cool. 

Ik... I thought me and him were cool but apparently not *Shrugs* had I known thecloser, vova, cole, and e signed up it would have been a WRAP. I would have  100 percent played puppy dog this season. 

Bluehatchet is the iconic Fifth Placer we deserve.

Ceej, Don, White Skull, and Alad are MY final 4.

That’s if I don’t quit. ☕️

Bluehatchet is the iconic First place winner we deserve.


Ceej, Don, White Skull, and Alad are MY final 4.

That’s if I don’t quit. ☕️

Lmaooo don't quit cuz then I'll be getting your spot as an alternate. *sips* 


Ceej, Don, White Skull, and Alad are MY final 4.

That’s if I don’t quit. ☕️


Lmaooo im literally rooting for everyone except maybe 2 people? And I forget who those people are XD I just know they exist....  



Ceej, Don, White Skull, and Alad are MY final 4.

That’s if I don’t quit. ☕️

Lmaooo don't quit cuz then I'll be getting your spot as an alternate. *sips* 

I’m not gonna do Fab like that. But you should’ve been playing anyway 



Ceej, Don, White Skull, and Alad are MY final 4.

That’s if I don’t quit. ☕️






Ceej, Don, White Skull, and Alad are MY final 4.

That’s if I don’t quit. ☕️

Lmaooo don't quit cuz then I'll be getting your spot as an alternate. *sips* 

I’m not gonna do Fab like that. But you should’ve been playing anyway 

I didn't know the cast was gonna be everything and more... I thought it was gonna be basic and trashy... Trust I know I played myself. I don't regret sitting out seasons but this is deff one I am missing out on.  
