The Real World: Atlanta

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Shook by how viral this is going on Twitter

It went viral on IG too but 90% of the comments are defending Tovah


Shook by how viral this is going on Twitter

It went viral on IG too but 90% of the comments are defending Tovah

and Twitter getting her together lmao but still this really reaching out. MTV better capitalize on the resurging presence of the show 


Shook by how viral this is going on Twitter

It went viral on IG too but 90% of the comments are defending Tovah

Yikes smh cute blonde girls can really get away with anything 



Shook by how viral this is going on Twitter

It went viral on IG too but 90% of the comments are defending Tovah

Yikes smh cute blonde girls can really get away with anything 

What did she do tho? It’s not like she was making racial comments. 

Onto Nashville. ✌️

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not going to another person’s “space” if someone doesn’t want to. Some of his comments are sus for sure but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. There are places people feel comfortable and not comfortable and it’s up to them how uncomfortable they want themselves to be allowed to be. 

Yeah there is. If you’re afraid of someone’s identity and won’t come into their space when invited, it’s a real problem. That’s the case if a white person won’t go to a black bar, and it’s the case of a straight person won’t go to a gay bar. Being “uncomfortable” with people’s identities isn’t some innocuous preference that anyone should be fine with, whether that’s white people being “uncomfortable” around black people or straight people being “uncomfortable” around gay people. 

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not going to another person’s “space” if someone doesn’t want to. Some of his comments are sus for sure but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. There are places people feel comfortable and not comfortable and it’s up to them how uncomfortable they want themselves to be allowed to be. 

Yeah there is. If you’re afraid of someone’s identity and won’t come into their space when invited, it’s a real problem. That’s the case if a white person won’t go to a black bar, and it’s the case of a straight person won’t go to a gay bar. Being “uncomfortable” with people’s identities isn’t some innocuous preference that anyone should be fine with, whether that’s white people being “uncomfortable” around black people or straight people being “uncomfortable” around gay people. 



Shook by how viral this is going on Twitter

It went viral on IG too but 90% of the comments are defending Tovah

and Twitter getting her together lmao but still this really reaching out. MTV better capitalize on the resurging presence of the show 

They won't.




Shook by how viral this is going on Twitter

It went viral on IG too but 90% of the comments are defending Tovah

Yikes smh cute blonde girls can really get away with anything 

What did she do tho? It’s not like she was making racial comments. 

True, a more accurate statement would probably be a cute blonde woman can get people to defend her for anything lol 

caught up on the past 3 episodes and Meagan is still amazing, I really hope I run into her at LSU homecoming this year lmaoocus Imma try and go

And anybody else was trying to peep their phones to see if they can identify a vevmo website layout cus I know that's the comments they were reading lmaooo

I just wish Justin had more depth and personality. It sounds like he's reading off a memorized script whenever he talks.

I just wish Justin had more depth and personality. It sounds like he's reading off a memorized script whenever he talks.


Being a bottle girl paying your own Bills >>>> Begging online for money



Chile what she do with them lil Real World checks?

See if she was from an older Real World season she would've had a booking email when the season first started and made some money making appearances...

***** really saying "bottle girl from Arizona" yet she on the internet begging for people to hand her money ⚰️⚰️⚰️ Regardless if Tovah is or was a bottle girl, she's out there making her own money and not relying on other people to pay her bills. 


Can't stand a ***** like Yassa... wanna hate on the working folk but them food stamps have to get paid for somehow...


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not going to another person’s “space” if someone doesn’t want to. Some of his comments are sus for sure but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. There are places people feel comfortable and not comfortable and it’s up to them how uncomfortable they want themselves to be allowed to be. 

Yeah there is. If you’re afraid of someone’s identity and won’t come into their space when invited, it’s a real problem. That’s the case if a white person won’t go to a black bar, and it’s the case of a straight person won’t go to a gay bar. Being “uncomfortable” with people’s identities isn’t some innocuous preference that anyone should be fine with, whether that’s white people being “uncomfortable” around black people or straight people being “uncomfortable” around gay people. 

thats your opinion and that’s fine but it’s not fact so stop treating it as such. People are allowed to be uncomfortable. It takes more time for some people to get comfortable with some things than others. 

Yikes. Not gonna lie that really affects my opinion of her begging online for money. Not sure what it is about a lot of this generation not being able to actually do work of any kind and instead expecting handouts. 

Yikes. Not gonna lie that really affects my opinion of her begging online for money. Not sure what it is about a lot of this generation not being able to actually do work of any kind and instead expecting handouts. 

Poor parent for rich kids. They are the same people who diss someone who works when they don't get their way.

Not gonna lie the look of shock ob Tovahs face after getting called a bottle girl from Arizona was hilarious, I'd keep calling her that as well lol

Finally watched the most recent episode and I want o touch on a few things:

1.  BMP can stop attempting to portray us giving our opinions on Vevmo as us being Haters when we're simply giving our opinion. With that being said I don't think I said anything horrible about Meagan but if I have I do apologize and I do think her story will make me be more careful with my comments when it comes to future cast members from different shows we discuss on Vevmo. 

2. I'm officially off the Justin train and think a few of y'all need to see the light. Justin is honestly the most hypocritical cast member in the house and I do feel like they could've cast another Black male or female in his space. Aside from Justin promoting his own message all I've seen him do is lay around the house and eat in addition to being unreceptive to other people in the house's point of view. Justin and Vevmo would've both dragged Tovah and the others had they declined going to MLK's house or that Nipsey Hussle memorial yet Justin declining going to the gay club is completely okay. I could understand if they asked him to stand on a Pride float marching down the streets of a Atlanta but a gay bar is not that big of a deal. I'm sure that gay club would've had food so he could've sat at the bar and ate like he normally does without entertaining anyone. His apology to Dondre was poor and a better ending would've been him swallowing his pride and showing that he is supportive of all his people. 

I just wish Justin had more depth and personality. It sounds like he's reading off a memorized script whenever he talks.

He is. Justin came there only for Justin and issues he cares about. I appreciate his knowledge on those issues but other than that he brings nothing to the show.

Witty >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

That’s why we were a match on AYTO lmaooooooooo 

Agreed with witty that I’ll think next time before judging someone new to reality tv 

Finally watched the most recent episode and I want o touch on a few things:

1.  BMP can stop attempting to portray us giving our opinions on Vevmo as us being Haters when we're simply giving our opinion. With that being said I don't think I said anything horrible about Meagan but if I have I do apologize and I do think her story will make me be more careful with my comments when it comes to future cast members from different shows we discuss on Vevmo.

2. I'm officially off the Justin train and think a few of y'all need to see the light. Justin is honestly the most hypocritical cast member in the house and I do feel like they could've cast another Black male or female in his space. Aside from Justin promoting his own message all I've seen him do is lay around the house and eat in addition to being unreceptive to other people in the house's point of view. Justin and Vevmo would've both dragged Tovah and the others had they declined going to MLK's house or that Nipsey Hussle memorial yet Justin declining going to the gay club is completely okay. I could understand if they asked him to stand on a Pride float marching down the streets of a Atlanta but a gay bar is not that big of a deal. I'm sure that gay club would've had food so he could've sat at the bar and ate like he normally does without entertaining anyone. His apology to Dondre was poor and a better ending would've been him swallowing his pride and showing that he is supportive of all his people. 

This reminds me when kiki blamed you over her nose job.

& Witty as usual coming with the tea I totally agree with you about the Justin part.

This reminds me when kiki blame you over her nose job.

& Witty as usual coming with the tea I totally agree with you about the Justin part.

I'm conflicted with the Kiki thing because I lowkey feel like she wanted a nose job and needed someone to blame. Lol

Also I feel like my comments about her nose wasn't from a negative place just that her face was very structured like Squidward's house but I do apologize if I am honestly the reason for the nose job. 

With that being said people signing up for Reality TV also need thicker skin because I'm only one of thousands and people are way more harsh than me.

Finally watched the most recent episode and I want o touch on a few things:

1.  BMP can stop attempting to portray us giving our opinions on Vevmo as us being Haters when we're simply giving our opinion. With that being said I don't think I said anything horrible about Meagan but if I have I do apologize and I do think her story will make me be more careful with my comments when it comes to future cast members from different shows we discuss on Vevmo. 

2. I'm officially off the Justin train and think a few of y'all need to see the light. Justin is honestly the most hypocritical cast member in the house and I do feel like they could've cast another Black male or female in his space. Aside from Justin promoting his own message all I've seen him do is lay around the house and eat in addition to being unreceptive to other people in the house's point of view. Justin and Vevmo would've both dragged Tovah and the others had they declined going to MLK's house or that Nipsey Hussle memorial yet Justin declining going to the gay club is completely okay. I could understand if they asked him to stand on a Pride float marching down the streets of a Atlanta but a gay bar is not that big of a deal. I'm sure that gay club would've had food so he could've sat at the bar and ate like he normally does without entertaining anyone. His apology to Dondre was poor and a better ending would've been him swallowing his pride and showing that he is supportive of all his people. 

Yes to all of this.

I love Meagan

Lmaoo wow I would have never expected her to go off like that and I hope we see more of it. 

Finally watched the most recent episode and I want o touch on a few things:

1.  BMP can stop attempting to portray us giving our opinions on Vevmo as us being Haters when we're simply giving our opinion. With that being said I don't think I said anything horrible about Meagan but if I have I do apologize and I do think her story will make me be more careful with my comments when it comes to future cast members from different shows we discuss on Vevmo. 

2. I'm officially off the Justin train and think a few of y'all need to see the light. Justin is honestly the most hypocritical cast member in the house and I do feel like they could've cast another Black male or female in his space. Aside from Justin promoting his own message all I've seen him do is lay around the house and eat in addition to being unreceptive to other people in the house's point of view. Justin and Vevmo would've both dragged Tovah and the others had they declined going to MLK's house or that Nipsey Hussle memorial yet Justin declining going to the gay club is completely okay. I could understand if they asked him to stand on a Pride float marching down the streets of a Atlanta but a gay bar is not that big of a deal. I'm sure that gay club would've had food so he could've sat at the bar and ate like he normally does without entertaining anyone. His apology to Dondre was poor and a better ending would've been him swallowing his pride and showing that he is supportive of all his people. 

PERIODT Witty you snapped once again>>>
