The Real World: Atlanta

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Just watched this week episode and idk I dont really find any of them rootable/likable except for I guess Meagan and Arely.

Clint/Tovah blah, Justin to emotionless, Deondre blah and Yas is the mother of the house.

This episode hasnt been as sponsor as heavily as the other only 500k almost 600k as of now

Netflix would’ve done it right.

PR can you send that link to Mexico version again i forgot to start it because this season just isn't it. I couldn't make it past episode one for this

PR can you send that link to Mexico version again i forgot to start it because this season just isn't it. I couldn't make it past episode one for this

Netflix would’ve done it right.

Lmaoooooooooo I am dead at the preview for next week episode

Has this gotten any better?

Just binged the first two episodes; this editing did not do the race conversation or DACA conversation any justice. sigh. Arely <3

These big *** titles lmaoo. I hate it.

Just watched the last episode and Dondre is annoying af. He's the epitome of a Trump supporter whos the loudest in the room about certain subjects even though you can tell they are so uneducated about it.

Cory and Wes interviewed Tovah, Yasmin and Dondre

The clip from week 1 going pretty viral on twitter. Almost 700k views on the video

Clint has to be one of the most insecure people I've ever seen...

Tovah: *literally talks to someone else besides him*

Clint: *throws a hissy fit like a 3 year old and goes off on her*

Like they have to be the most boring couple in Real World history... like, rivaling Zach and Ashley from SD

The clip from week 1 going pretty viral on twitter. Almost 700k views on the video

Legends following in Queen CeeJai's footsteps >>>>>>>>

Justin’s approach this week was BS. If you want to be a leader in the black community, support all black people, not just black people who fit your supposed mold. 

It’s not acceptable to claim that you accept people’s identities and then refuse to enter their spaces. If a white person told him they wouldn’t enter a predominantly black bar, he would rightly be disappointed. But here he turns around and does the same thing to gay people. He should be better. 

Dead at Vevmo getting all the attention this week’s episode lollll we really can be so mean to them.

Meagan and Yasmin’s friendship is #goals. Love seeing women uplifting other women 

Just watched ! Either I am getting used to the cast/editing or this was the best episode so far imo.

I am dead that the meanest comment were from graphic about queen Meagan and Dondre teeths. I love Meagan story of learning to love herself and gaining confidence. I really cant stand Dondre. I cant wait for next week why does clint give a **** who Meagan talks too.

Btw it went viral on twitter again

wait I wanna see the clip were we dragged the cast lmaoo

Straight people are annoying in gay bars regardless lmao if more of them thought that way and avoided them the better.

I want my black spaces black and my gay spaces gay. Most of the time both at the same time

He is a STRAIGHT man. How the hell you about to demand straight men start going to gay clubs & so-called white/black people do what each other does & go all in up in each other's spaces to "accept their identities"  lmao get the ****......therein lies the problem right there but I won't get into that.

Certain shit you vibe with & certain shit you don't; I've gone to plenty of mixed crowd/mostly Caucasian parties & personally it ain't my vibe. *shrugs*

No one's demanding that he strart going to gay bars by himself or join Grinder or whatever.

He's straight-- he's not allergic to gay people, dude.  He's not gonna trip, fall and land dick-first in some dude's *******.  If someone says "this is a comfortable space for me, I'd like you to come into it  with me to understand my identity," and the response is "I don't mess with your identity," it's supremely disrespectful and offensive.  

I mean he's not comfortable around gay people, that's what he's basically saying, he's not homophobic but he's the type to claim he's supportive until he has to see two guys kiss lol. 

Tbh there is a lot of racism in the gay community, despite the fact pride wouldn't exist without black people. 

I mean he's not comfortable around gay people, that's what he's basically saying, he's not homophobic but he's the type to claim he's supportive until he has to see two guys kiss lol. 

Tbh there is a lot of racism in the gay community, despite the fact pride wouldn't exist without black people. 

get into the message of that last sentence. A WORD 

If you're afraid to see two dudes kiss, and you're not afraid to see a man and a woman kiss, you're homophobic. 


I mean he's not comfortable around gay people, that's what he's basically saying, he's not homophobic but he's the type to claim he's supportive until he has to see two guys kiss lol. 

Tbh there is a lot of racism in the gay community, despite the fact pride wouldn't exist without black people. 

get into the message of that last sentence. A WORD 

I'm probably way off base with this guess but I'm assuming his knowledge of LGBT issues comes from black lgbt people and they have probably experienced a lot of racism within the gay community so maybe he doesn't want to go to a place that he might see as rewarding that like a gay bar? Idk I'm probably wrong. 

I'm probably way off base with this guess but I'm assuming his knowledge of LGBT issues comes from black lgbt people and they have probably experienced a lot of racism within the gay community so maybe he doesn't want to go to a place that he might see as rewarding that like a gay bar? Idk I'm probably wrong. 

Yeah this wasn’t what he said. He said he thinks there shouldn’t be homosexuality in black communities because he thinks there should be lots of black babies. Which is why he’s also on a crusade against sterile and post-menopausal black people’s relationships. 

Sure, white gay spaces often have issues with racism. And that’s something where people have to grapple with. But he wasn’t invited to a white gay bar by a white person— he was invited by a black gay dude, who he insulted by essentially telling him that he’s fine with erasing that segment of the black community. 

Justin’s been in the right when discussing things like BLM the first few episodes; he’s totally in the wrong with his homophobia. It’s super disappointing and wrong. He needs to be better. 

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not going to another person’s “space” if someone doesn’t want to. Some of his comments are sus for sure but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. There are places people feel comfortable and not comfortable and it’s up to them how uncomfortable they want themselves to be allowed to be. 

Yassa or whatever her name definitely isn't it. She's an obvious internet clout chaser and will do whatever to look good to people on the Internet. This ***** dropped her issue w Tovah, but now that it's went viral again she's back on the bandwagon of "**** that *****" and liking shady tweets about her. It's beyond obvious the type of person Yas is, one that does whatever she can just to be called "unique", but at the end of the day she really just wants to fit in and be accepted... Wonder if she kept the same energy with the cast members she KNEW had previous RACIST tweets, but I know she didn't :) 

Finally decided to watch this atrocious *** season.

Tovah is a complete embarr***ment. 

Clint is sexy as hell but worthless.

Yasmin is the dykiest ***** and I cannot stand her at all. She really thinks she's something else too and that's the worst part about her faux woke ***.

Dondre is irrelevant and not worth the energy to type more about.

Justin is by far the WORST casting decision I have ever seen in my life on a reality show. He is absolutely horrid and everything I despise in the human race. A stick up his *** and unwillingness to listen to anyone's opinions but his own. 

Arely is mehh. I know her in real life so don't let her know I said that. She's harmless, but steers closer to nonexistent. But I blame this cast and not her because she's a sweetheart in person.

Meagan is really a ******* LEGEND! Queen is getting all the love she deserves and she will be a challenge star. Ugh. She should've been on a Nashville season with an iconic cast where she really would've shone bright!

Shook by how viral this is going on Twitter
