The Challenge: War of The Worlds- Reunion (SPOILERS)

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trees12 wrote:

if you are talking about me you can look in this thread and yesterday’s episode thread race was brought from other before I brought it up. God Bless!

again only 17 pages so by all means show me the comment in this thread because you and Pence brought it up in this thread. Please do fetch, because I’ve read it and it’s not there. In fact it’s just you randomly bringing it up on page 6 because you want us to bite on the bait. You have to be quicker than that baby 

How the hell did I become Pence?   How the hell did I bring something up that was already posted and discussed?  What?

Kam just posted a video with Da'vonne on her IG stories. They're back to being friends again. 

 Now i’m done and will only be speaking on the challenge from this point on.So why was Gus there if he was gonna be wallpaper again.

Well, Amanda was there, too, so that's two walls covered. Was Jenna there? I assume the studio had several walls.

How Josh can simultaneously be this ride or die for Amanda yet suck the f***skin off of Johns miniature size peen is beyond me

this. Josh is that kind of “friend” you gotta watch out for. The kind of person i’d never want in my circle

kvm1977 wrote:

By definition alone someone can't be "worthless" if they serve as a number for someone.   They have value.

i don’t care about numbers for people. You take this show way too seriously. I like castmembers with personality. Morgan doesn’t have one. I don’t care if she was ride or die for Amanda or anyone else I like, she’s still wallpaper and shouldn’t be casted. Get over it.

This is a competition based reality show but you don't care about numbers for people--gotcha

the.trillest wrote:

 Now i’m done and will only be speaking on the challenge from this point on.So why was Gus there if he was gonna be wallpaper again.

Well, Amanda was there, too, so that's two walls covered. Was Jenna there? I assume the studio had several walls.

no one even talking about Amanda, such a fan!!! 

deeper wrote:

i don’t care about numbers for people. You take this show way too seriously. I like castmembers with personality. Morgan doesn’t have one. I don’t care if she was ride or die for Amanda or anyone else I like, she’s still wallpaper and shouldn’t be casted. Get over it.

This is a competition based reality show but you don't care about numbers for people--gotcha

its a reality show for entertainment. I like to be entertained. This isn’t the olympics loser lmao

So we can end this.....the topic of race had not been brought up until Trees12 managed to bring it up for "reasons".

Now you & Kevin Limbaugh who was born in 1977 & needs to be somewhere pleasing his wife, not arguing on Vevmo need to go get ready for bed.

TuesDaze wrote:

How Josh can simultaneously be this ride or die for Amanda yet suck the f***skin off of Johns miniature size peen is beyond me

this. Josh is that kind of “friend” you gotta watch out for. The kind of person i’d never want in my circle

Finally some good food

kvm1977 wrote:

This is a competition based reality show but you don't care about numbers for people--gotcha

its a reality show for entertainment. I like to be entertained. This isn’t the olympics loser lmao

Then watch boring shit like Ex on the Beach and the Bachelor instead of a show centered around competition.  I'm a loser because you don't comprehend competition is the center of the show?  Cute.

Finally some good food

Beautiful Queens 

So we can end this.....the topic of race had not been brought up until Trees12 managed to bring it up for "reasons". you & Kevin Limbaugh who was born in 1977 & needs to be somewhere pleasing his wife, not arguing on Vevmo need to go get ready for bed.

My God are you obsessed with me.  Have I even responded to you in this thread before now? 

Day is real, and sees how fake and annoying Cara is. Didn’t take a big argument to make an accurate character judgment on someone. 

BINGO. Day peeped the real Cara, like she said on the aftershow..unlike season 32 she was able to sit back and really see sh** for what it was.

KVM you are TOO old to be out here threatening, real, authentic young men! Shame on you!

deeper wrote:

its a reality show for entertainment. I like to be entertained. This isn't the olympics loser lmao

Then watch boring **** like Ex on the Beach and the Bachelor instead of a show centered around competition.  I'm a loser because you don't comprehend competition is the center of the show?  Cute.

i like competition and personalities. Doesn't have to be mutually exclusive like in Morgan's case. I don't understand how you're arguing with me over my opinion. I don't have to like Morgan or want her casted. You can if you want to, watch how I don't care and won't argue with you about it. ******* old weirdo

Cara loses, Leroy loses. Black queens win again

Love that Kam and Day came out of this the mature queens we all knew they were. Leroy takes another huge L but what else is new. 

KVM you are TOO old to be out here threatening, real, authentic young men! Shame on you!

Threatening?  Who did a threaten?

Why don't you talk about Shaleen again...someone should

kvm1977 wrote:

Then watch boring **** like Ex on the Beach and the Bachelor instead of a show centered around competition.  I'm a loser because you don't comprehend competition is the center of the show?  Cute.

i like competition and personalities. Doesn't have to be mutually exclusive like in Morgan's case. I don't understand how you're arguing with me over my opinion. I don't have to like Morgan or want her casted. You can if you want to, watch how I don't care and won't argue with you about it. ******* old weirdo

If you like competition then you care about numbebrs.  You don't have to like Morgan but you should comprehend why she likely will be cast again.  Casted isn't a word by the way--you post here too much to be saying casted.  I love how you all keep saying I'm old.  In a few years you'll understand how dumb that is.

sourcup wrote:

KVM you are TOO old to be out here threatening, real, authentic young men! Shame on you!

Threatening?  Who did a threaten?Why don't you talk about Shaleen again...someone should

Your point bringing her up was? I’ll wait for it.. once again you are simply wayyy too old to keep doing little things like this and being immature. Act your age not 12.  

The arguments on this thread alone is more entertaining than the reunion :/

So no one here knows who Hunter is having his baby with?

Finally some good food 

they look so pretty. I see Kam rocking those inchesss

Love that Kam and Day came out of this the mature queens we all knew they were. Leroy takes another huge L but what else is new. 

Hope we see Day and Kam (withouth the Killa Kam persona) on the next season but I'm not buying the love 

Day swears she's such a good judge of character and can "see people for who they really are."  Yet she used to hate Paulie, now loves Paulie. Last season, she hated Amanda, Shane, and Ashley, but is now good with them (and loves Amanda). She swore Johnny and Cara were the good people but has now fell out with them. She loved Kam, then swore Kam was a snake, but is now back to being good with Kam. Now she swears that Dee and Wes are bad people. Guess that means next season she'll be besties with them.

While she didn't say she'd have her boys kill Wes, she did say she'd have a knee put to his face after the show (back in real life). Last season at the reunion, she requested that viewers and people in the audience go after Ashley. And on social media, she was threatening Shane. So she has a pattern of this. I'm not getting thrown off by semantics. She needs to stop threatening people off the show.

I can't take Day always playing victim. If you're getting into it with all these people, maybe it's you. And if the people you thought were good are now bad to you, and vice versa, then that means you have bad judgment. Stop telling us you "see people for who they are", because you can't stick to what you "see" for more than 5 minutes before you flip and tell us the opposite about them. 

The fact of the matter is that Day is a horrible strategist, makes bad decisions because of her emotions, and gets in her own way. That's what happened to her on Big Brother. She had no chance on her first Big Brother stint because she got into an argument with the transgender houseguest and reacted in a way that gave the other houseguests cause for pause. She had no chance the 2nd time because she was so intent on getting out Vanessa's sister when she should've been working with her (as well as her alliance member Frank - who she accused of sexual harassment for playfully slapping her butt). Now on the Challenge, Day had no shot last season because she chose to align with the sinking ship that was Johnny when the Lavendar Ladies were running the house. And on this season, she wanted Bear to be her partner (when she knew that he was polarizing).

Plus she's dropping pins on people, reading letters that were written to her in confidence, and threatening lawsuits against other Challengers. All of this is drama, drama that's not getting her any closer to getting to a final much less winning one. Day's M.O. is to get in her own way. All these shows and seasons, it appears she still hasn't learned anything.

kvm1977 wrote:

Threatening?  Who did a threaten?Why don't you talk about Shaleen again...someone should

Your point bringing her up was? I’ll wait for it.. once again you are simply wayyy too old to keep doing little things like this and being immature. Act your age not 12.  

Your obsession with her.  That was my point.  Not sure what you think you had to wait for.

"Way too old"--at least I have had the same username all along.  If you had any idea what happened behind the scenes here.  lol
