The Challenge: War of the Worlds - Hunter Barfield

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He’s always so rude to georgia. you’d think ashley taking his money would’ve taught him to respect his partners more

Clearly he didnt learn his lesson afree getting his money stole from him last season. He is doing the same exact mistakes lol

Nelson and Cory need to drop him ASAP !!! Not only he’s trash, but he has weird views towards people like them. 

He must have gotten played by so many girls growing up he hates females lol 

He must have gotten played by so many girls growing up he hates females lol 

That honestly sounds like an accurate description lol. Especially seeing how quick he is to drop **** pics lmao. Poor Hunter.

Anonymous's picture

Next season should be Hunter, Paulie, Zach, and 29 girls. That would be fun to watch.

Next season should be Hunter, Paulie, Zach, and 29 girls. That would be fun to watch.




he is always agressive and filthy towards women.

He surely has issues with them, maybe got rejected a lot in the past

I didn't understand the bar scene.  Hunter and Georgia were clicking (partner wise) before the daily.  They go to the bar and unprompted, Bear gets in Hunters face.  From what I saw, Hunter wasn't really even saying anything.  Then Georgia comes over and started siding with Bear?  Hunter lashed out at her and said a lot of f'd up things, I get that.  But why did she get involved?

Nevertheless... Hunter is an emotionally ******** person.  Strong competitor sure, but his personality when he gets in an argument is horrible.  Kind of starting to be glad that Ashley took that money.... except she's the same way.

Me & this fool would DEFINITELY not get along lmao

It seems like he's always on "*****y girl on her period" mode (his whole vibe was so off during that aftershow) & I love how everybody peeped how mute he was when Bear was in his face but had all that mouth for Georgia. Lol

Me & this fool would DEFINITELY not get along lmaoIt seems like he's always on "****** girl on her period" mode (his whole vibe was so off during that aftershow) & I love how everybody peeped how mute he was when Bear was in his face but had all that mouth for Georgia. Lol

But people said that Gio was a sociopath lmao...

I didn't understand the bar scene.  Hunter and Georgia were clicking (partner wise) before the daily.  They go to the bar and unprompted, Bear gets in Hunters face.  From what I saw, Hunter wasn't really even saying anything.  Then Georgia comes over and started siding with Bear?  Hunter lashed out at her and said a lot of f'd up things, I get that.  But why did she get involved?Nevertheless... Hunter is an emotionally ******** person.  Strong competitor sure, but his personality when he gets in an argument is horrible.  Kind of starting to be glad that Ashley took that money.... except she's the same way.

Right. It was actually Bear (and then Georgia) who started it all, and I get Hunter being upset with Georgia. He definitely overreacted with her in what he said, but it wasn't exactly out of nowhere.

Meanwhile, didn't some nude of Hunter leak? I can't find it.

Turbo is everything he has been trying to portrayed himself as and have failed at it "The good genuine guy".

Turbo >>>> This mysogonist trash

This season has not been a good look for him tbh.

This season has not been a good look for him tbh.

Actually, it just revealed his true nature !!!! Smh, what a waste of an handsome man Sad

I dont know what he did, but we coming for him next Wednesday. Trust and believe. 

Hunter (and Paulie for that matter) really need to stop walking around the house like they’re the greatest to ever play the game. Maybe lay off the bulking season and hit a treadmill so you can run a 5K without walking before you talk your shit Hunter. 

I dont know what he did, but we coming for him next Wednesday. Trust and believe. 

NOBODY talks shit to daddy Turbo and gets away unscathed. He’s already been cancelled.

It's funny how Hunter talks all this shit about how he's unbeatatle and actling so cocky yet he can't make a simple decision to vote against a team he had no ties with. Make it make sense.

The editing made these scenes so creepy lmaoo. american psycho for real

HonestTea101 wrote:

I dont know what he did, but we coming for him next Wednesday. Trust and believe. 

NOBODY talks **** to daddy Turbo and gets away unscathed. He's already been cancelled.

even if we* don't cancel him, all of turbo stans will come for hunter

Hunter needs to make his Twitter and IG private before the next episode. Turbo fans are going to shred him.

Hunter needs to make his Twitter and IG private before the next episode. Turbo fans are going to shred him.

Rightfully so !!! RIP Sinok ❤️

He got burried by Turbo and Theo

Hey Wes***** Smile

If Cory and Nelson were there he wouldn't be doing all this bs. He's so embarrassing.

Just saw this, low key almost feel bad hunter is trying to pass off a 4 as a 7 and has to work out at Planet Fitness. I wonder if Millionaire Mitchell will throw some spare change his way before things get worse :/

The X is small tho. So why is he lyin? & why does he feel the need to explain himself

**** the phone. His body is on point there.

Just saw this, low key almost feel bad hunter is trying to pass off a 4 as a 7 and has to work out at Planet Fitness. I wonder if Millionaire Mitchell will throw some spare change his way before things get worse :/

Lmao. Losing that million really hurt him. All jokes aside, Planet Fitness is a great complimentary gym on top of you're main gym membership. For when you can't make it or have a very late night gym session, PF is always there.
