kvm1977 wrote:Wendy and Keith quitting is why they should have never been cast and should never return. Lauren's reaction to Wentworth not playing the idol was amazingAny chance those that didn't vote for Joe are smart enough to see the split? Well, Kelley will but will anyone else listen?
I hated Keith, and while Wendy played terribly she had a good personality. But they both tried getting back in the game, and they failed. Sure, I wouldn't quit for anything, but they had their adventure and it didn't work out. I would've been ****** if they quit after they were first voted out, but I cut them a small amount of slack now.And everyone complaining about the big jury, you do all realize more people can and probably will quit too right? Relax a bit.
It's a once in a lifetime opportunity for most...I can't fathom or respect someone walking away.
Its not like they quit the regular game....
Quitting is quitting IMO. No one has to agree. I don't have to respect their decision or understand. Hopefully they don't regret it but neither were even decent players anyway so it's not a loss.
Saw people complaining about an idol and it being rigged? what did I miss?
The returning player was given an idol that was broken in half. they had to give the other half to someone and when combined it equals a full idol. It couldn't be used for that first tribal after the merge.
So the real twist this season is there is no voting off the island, it's now a volunteer thing. Next season's big twist? Survivor: Rocks. They just get rid of voting altogether.
What..? This post makes zero sense.
People on EoE are still voted out, and still have a slim chance of coming back. It’s been a good season, relax.
So the real twist this season is there is no voting off the island, it's now a volunteer thing. Next season's big twist? Survivor: Rocks. They just get rid of voting altogether.
What..? This post makes zero sense. People on EoE are still voted out, and still have a slim chance of coming back. It’s been a good season, relax.
You seem to have a reading comprehension problem. I didn't say no one got voted out. I stated the fact that no one gets voted off the island, which was the original pop culture theme of the show and basis for its popularity. It is on a volunteer basis now to leave the game.
The twist undermines the very core of the Survivor. You get to stay until the whim strikes you and don't feel like it anymore. To each their own, but this has to rank as the dumbest twist in the history of dumb Survivor twists.
And no, this season isn't very good. With a focus on rehashed players and those voted out the eventual winner is going to be highly underwhelming.
But this rewards you for getting voted out, the edge of extinction gives you direct contact to everyone on the jury without worrying about alliances, whoever does come back next time is at a huge advantage over the people still in the game.
Sophie put it best on south Pacific saying that ozzy had a chance to talk to every jury member one on one, provide for them and bond over who voted them out.
So the real twist this season is there is no voting off the island, it's now a volunteer thing. Next season's big twist? Survivor: Rocks. They just get rid of voting altogether.
Also wendy admitted on Twitter that she basically was just there to represent people with tourettes and didn't want her gameplay to overshadow it. So that's why she quit.
Also wendy admitted on Twitter that she basically was just there to represent people with tourettes and didn't want her gameplay to overshadow it. So that's why she quit.
Also wendy admitted on Twitter that she basically was just there to represent people with tourettes and didn't want her gameplay to overshadow it. So that's why she quit.
Also wendy admitted on Twitter that she basically was just there to represent people with tourettes and didn't want her gameplay to overshadow it. So that's why she quit.
That's ridiculous
The intentions are good, but her quiting undermines the goal way more than actual gameplay would.
Challenge 17 wrote:Also wendy admitted on Twitter that she basically was just there to represent people with tourettes and didn't want her gameplay to overshadow it. So that's why she quit.
That's ridiculous
The intentions are good, but her quiting undermines the goal way more than actual gameplay would.
Yeah, like wouldn't you want to try to have a good game play while representing the people with tourettes? The further you make it, the more you can talk about having and being inflicted with this illment and education the audience. Idk.
Julie shot way up on my radar for a winner pick tbh. Her and Victoria have really good edits.
Yeah I was starting to think Julie would be the merge boot before she won immunity. If she isnt out the next episode, then i see her going pretty far just based off the edit.
Challenge 17 wrote:Also wendy admitted on Twitter that she basically was just there to represent people with tourettes and didn't want her gameplay to overshadow it. So that's why she quit.
That's ridiculous
The intentions are good, but her quiting undermines the goal way more than actual gameplay would.
Based on the edit I feel like this could be a season in which we get 4-5 girls in the final 6. Next episode is going to be really interesting and telling
i still don't think it's fair for Chris & Reem to be jurors if they haven't said a word to most of the people left in the game tbh. Yeah they sit and watch as jury does but that only does so much
But this rewards you for getting voted out, the edge of extinction gives you direct contact to everyone on the jury without worrying about alliances, whoever does come back next time is at a huge advantage over the people still in the game. Sophie put it best on south Pacific saying that ozzy had a chance to talk to every jury member one on one, provide for them and bond over who voted them out.
I guess I could see this working in Joe's favor. There was little chance he was going to win every single immunity necklace remaining. He was going to go eventually as there is basically Survivor lore built around the need to vote him out at this point.
Now he can kick back, make friends on the jury and hope he gets the right challenge.
Step 1. Get voted out
Step 2. ????
Step 3. PROFIT!!!!!!!
His gameplay is totally one dimensional so if he would have made it to the finale normally, he'd probably still lose to a good social player. If he makes it now, he has the overcome adversity card to play.
This is perfect for Joe, he just has to win the one challenge and he's back, probably around final 6 when all the threats are gone. Then he only needs to win 2 immunities and the fire challenge and he faces a jury who he's been catching fish for while they were starving on EoE
This is perfect for Joe, he just has to win the one challenge and he's back, probably around final 6 when all the threats are gone. Then he only needs to win 2 immunities and the fire challenge and he faces a jury who he's been catching fish for while they were starving on EoE
Agreed--this might be best for Joe. I still don't think he can win a season but this is probably his best path
Quitting is quitting IMO. No one has to agree. I don't have to respect their decision or understand. Hopefully they don't regret it but neither were even decent players anyway so it's not a loss.
Did it show them quit, did I miss something or was that just implied by the jury?
This to me was one of the most boring merge episodes ever but satisfied with the vote.
Saw people complaining about an idol and it being rigged? what did I miss?
I saw Keith raise the mast or something along those lines but I don't remember them specifically stating they quit--though I may have missed it.
The returning player was given an idol that was broken in half. they had to give the other half to someone and when combined it equals a full idol. It couldn't be used for that first tribal after the merge.
So the real twist this season is there is no voting off the island, it's now a volunteer thing.
Next season's big twist? Survivor: Rocks. They just get rid of voting altogether.
What..? This post makes zero sense.
People on EoE are still voted out, and still have a slim chance of coming back. It’s been a good season, relax.
You seem to have a reading comprehension problem. I didn't say no one got voted out. I stated the fact that no one gets voted off the island, which was the original pop culture theme of the show and basis for its popularity. It is on a volunteer basis now to leave the game.
The twist undermines the very core of the Survivor. You get to stay until the whim strikes you and don't feel like it anymore. To each their own, but this has to rank as the dumbest twist in the history of dumb Survivor twists.
And no, this season isn't very good. With a focus on rehashed players and those voted out the eventual winner is going to be highly underwhelming.
But this rewards you for getting voted out, the edge of extinction gives you direct contact to everyone on the jury without worrying about alliances, whoever does come back next time is at a huge advantage over the people still in the game.
Sophie put it best on south Pacific saying that ozzy had a chance to talk to every jury member one on one, provide for them and bond over who voted them out.
Also wendy admitted on Twitter that she basically was just there to represent people with tourettes and didn't want her gameplay to overshadow it. So that's why she quit.
That's ridiculous
Of course you would say that.
The intentions are good, but her quiting undermines the goal way more than actual gameplay would.
Yeah, like wouldn't you want to try to have a good game play while representing the people with tourettes? The further you make it, the more you can talk about having and being inflicted with this illment and education the audience. Idk.
Julie shot way up on my radar for a winner pick tbh. Her and Victoria have really good edits.
Kelley and Lauren both still having their idols? I stan!!
Yeah I was starting to think Julie would be the merge boot before she won immunity. If she isnt out the next episode, then i see her going pretty far just based off the edit.
Based on the edit I feel like this could be a season in which we get 4-5 girls in the final 6. Next episode is going to be really interesting and telling
i still don't think it's fair for Chris & Reem to be jurors if they haven't said a word to most of the people left in the game tbh. Yeah they sit and watch as jury does but that only does so much
I guess I could see this working in Joe's favor. There was little chance he was going to win every single immunity necklace remaining. He was going to go eventually as there is basically Survivor lore built around the need to vote him out at this point.
Now he can kick back, make friends on the jury and hope he gets the right challenge.
Step 1. Get voted out
Step 2. ????
Step 3. PROFIT!!!!!!!
His gameplay is totally one dimensional so if he would have made it to the finale normally, he'd probably still lose to a good social player. If he makes it now, he has the overcome adversity card to play.
This is perfect for Joe, he just has to win the one challenge and he's back, probably around final 6 when all the threats are gone. Then he only needs to win 2 immunities and the fire challenge and he faces a jury who he's been catching fish for while they were starving on EoE
Agreed--this might be best for Joe. I still don't think he can win a season but this is probably his best path