The Real World: Atlanta - Meagan Melancon

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The Real World: Atlanta - Meagan Melancon

Name: Meagan Melancon

Age: 25 years old 

From: Baton Rouge, Louisiana


On set filming:

she cute

Erin Andrews is on the Real World? Shook

Southern Jaguars and LSU basketball 2018

Standup Montage

she cute

No she ain't lmaoooo what in the hell is that smile tho? ROFL

i dont like how she smiles tbh. also she kinda looks like a turtle.

2,439 followers currently


She reminds of kim from real world hollywood

She reminds of kim from real world hollywood

That's not a good thing 

PinkRose wrote:

She reminds of kim from real world hollywood

That's not a good thing 


Nancy Drew got cast? Idk about this one, she might surprise. Smile

I get "52 year-old teacher named Helen who picks the kids up in her minivan from baseball practice to go shop at Kroger afterwards for dinner and/or go to McDonalds" vibes. :/

I know they had better options. MUCH better options.

Graphik get yo *** in Justin thread and stop playing with us we have things to discuss :)) 

Her and Clint are going to be the least interesting couple 

Please don’t be another wallpaper blonde 

I’m already asleep 

She's really pretty but what's up with her smile...

Please don’t be another wallpaper blonde 

Why would you leave a good reporter job for a Facebook show? 

She looks like she'll be...problematic, but hopefully I'm wrong.

She looks like she'll be...problematic, but hopefully I'm wrong.

I think the reason they cast her is to fill that role based on her family background. Then again she can be the opposite if them who knows.

I hope she is not another Jenna Thomason and actually willing to learn if our assumptions are correct about her being problematic.

The only thing making me think she's not going to be problematic is she seems to have a good career and wouldnt want to ruin that. Meanwhile Jenna T's only job was sitting her *** on a lawn chair at the trailer park

25...?? she smiles like shes taking a shit

25...?? she smiles like shes taking a ****

Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought she looks older than that lol 

wow so she did converage on my school (southern univ.) maybe I have to support and she from Baton Rouge which is where I am right now.

It's always weird when someone so close to home gets on a show lmaoo

Valley of the Dolls look.

I’m dead at y’all dragging this girl’s smile cause that’s the first thing I noticed too. But, I will say that I lived in Baton Rouge and I found that most people there were kinda trash and casually racist. I’m not writing her off yet, though... we’ll see what she has to bring

She's giving me pageant queen lowkey racist "that's just how I was raised" vibes. Hoping I'm wrong.
