The Challenge: War of The Worlds - Hellraiser

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Unopinion Opinion: I'm glad MTV bringing back Heavy Metal music that was used on the daily challenge.. That soundtrack make everything ****** on The Challenge

im convinced zach could murder jenna's father and say it was for a social experiment and she would be the one to apologize

I thought the UK people pointing out how ridiculous it was about them arguing about shit from a bunch of seasons ago was ridiculous was funny because it’s true. At some point them going on and on about it just gets old.

Cara thinking that Kyle is fighting over her is also hilarious. Her and Paulie are delusional and they deserve each other.. on the other hand Kyle is actually starting to grow on me

King Theo <3 they better stop sleeping on him.

Overall the episisode was ok. But it had too much Bananas, Cara, and Nany.

im convinced zach could murder jenna's father and say it was for a social experiment and she would be the one to apologize

Her dad is in jail so that would be tough.

I’m pretty sure Nany decided to go against Amanda and Josh just because she thought it will be an easy boot. 


i wouldn't say hate but she definitely knows that with Amanda there her chances of winning are better 

I think Ashley is a lot more calculated when it comes to the game. Amanda doesn't give a **** who she gets into it with while Ashley will stand down if she think it'll better her game. That's why last season because she joined the Cara/Amanda fight she asked Hunter if she could. If he would have said no she would have stayed mute, 

Does Amanda know any words other than b*t*h?

I also can't with her calling Zach a b*t*h for saying "Whatever she says" about Zahida. So, if he doesn't listen to you, Amanda, he's sexist, but if he goes along with Zahida he's a b*t*h? Which is it?

Unopinion Opinion: I'm glad MTV bringing back Heavy Metal music that was used on the daily challenge.. That soundtrack make everything ****** on The Challenge

I'm with you. Loved the music last night.

Amanda is loyal, never cracks, and has the ability to laugh at herself. Johnny & Cara have to use her to create airtime. Love her exposing them for trash. Amanda is Challenge 33.

LMAO what?!?! Both had plenty of airtime before Amanda came along. What would Amanda have without them?

Kajun wrote:

Amanda is loyal, never cracks, and has the ability to laugh at herself. Johnny & Cara have to use her to create airtime. Love her exposing them for trash. Amanda is Challenge 33.

LMAO what?!?! Both had plenty of airtime before Amanda came along. What would Amanda have without them?

She actually had airtime during the first part of Invasion (without any of the Vets) !!!!

Please, try again !

misplaced validity wrote:

Kajun wrote:Amanda is loyal, never cracks, and has the ability to laugh at herself. Johnny & Cara have to use her to create airtime. Love her exposing them for trash. Amanda is Challenge 33.

LMAO what?!?! Both had plenty of airtime before Amanda came along. What would Amanda have without them?

She actually had airtime during the first part of Invasion (without any of the Vets) !!!!Please, try again !

And again, they had plenty of airtime before Amanda. That was the point.

I wish we knew how the conversation between Amanda and Morgan started. Was Amanda insulting Morgan unprompted, or did it rise out of another conversation?

What do people make of Wes, Hunter, Turbo, and JP plotting without their partners? As in, are they gender equal/fair when it comes to strategy, voting, etc? I guess we'll see.

DanishBoy wrote:

misplaced validity wrote:

Kajun wrote:Amanda is loyal, never cracks, and has the ability to laugh at herself. Johnny & Cara have to use her to create airtime. Love her exposing them for trash. Amanda is Challenge 33.

LMAO what?!?! Both had plenty of airtime before Amanda came along. What would Amanda have without them?

She actually had airtime during the first part of Invasion (without any of the Vets) !!!!Please, try again !

And again, they had plenty of airtime before Amanda. That was the point.

Because they debuted before her, big genius ! DUHH !

Since she’s on the show, Bananus is so obsessed with her, to the point he created a shirt about her referring to Satan about her, and same as Cara, to the point that she had to sign checks in her name over a stupid horse comment ! Who does that ?

They also came with the Satan bullshit and Bananas can’t stop being around her since at very least, last season ! So miss me with your bullshit

What do people make of Wes, Hunter, Turbo, and JP plotting without their partners? As in, are they gender equal/fair when it comes to strategy, voting, etc? I guess we'll see.

this is just the new blood alliance Wes said he made and needed that MTV forgot to show being formed for some reason 

Episode was alright i guess. Editing was definitely all over the place but can't really blame them when everyone keeps complaining about the number of episodes.

Queen Ashley will be missed </3

Episode was alright i guess. Editing was definitely all over the place but can't really blame them when everyone keeps complaining about the number of episodes.Queen Ashley will be missed </3

Also I think they had a lot of content to fit in an episode. Supposedly that fighting lasted for hours. 

misplaced validity wrote:

What do people make of Wes, Hunter, Turbo, and JP plotting without their partners? As in, are they gender equal/fair when it comes to strategy, voting, etc? I guess we'll see.

this is just the new blood alliance Wes said he made and needed that MTV forgot to show being formed for some reason 

Good info, and I like the alliance. I just also find it funny some of them are fan faves, yet other males who run the game without really consulting their female partners are called misogynists/controlling/etc.

Episode was alright i guess. Editing was definitely all over the place but can't really blame them when everyone keeps complaining about the number of episodes.Queen Ashley will be missed </3

Yeah, TPTB really need to find a balance. I get that some seasons have been too long, and I like having the challenge, deliberation, and elimination in one episode, but this episode was too rushed. We didn't get to see much of the challenges at all. I think episodes should be like 70 minutes, and then the after show can be 20 minutes.

TuesDaze wrote:

misplaced validity wrote:What do people make of Wes, Hunter, Turbo, and JP plotting without their partners? As in, are they gender equal/fair when it comes to strategy, voting, etc? I guess we'll see.

this is just the new blood alliance Wes said he made and needed that MTV forgot to show being formed for some reason 

Good info, and I like the alliance. I just also find it funny some of them are fan faves, yet other males who run the game without really consulting their female partners are called misogynists/controlling/etc.

Their voting for the elim is individual so whats the point

Aspiring wrote:

Damn this whole tribunal is extra af

When you gotta explain to someone why Zach is worse then Amanda...


The person is now blaming Jenna for overreacting and his previous female partners for theor lack of competing. Lord these fans are blind.

the episode was so rushed i didn't like it

I thought the UK people pointing out how ridiculous it was about them arguing about **** from a bunch of seasons ago was ridiculous was funny because it's true. At some point them going on and on about it just gets old.Cara thinking that Kyle is fighting over her is also hilarious. Her and Paulie are delusional and they deserve each other.. on the other hand Kyle is actually starting to grow on meKing Theo <3 they better stop sleeping on him.Overall the episisode was ok. But it had too much Bananas, Cara, and Nany.

To be honest Kyle does talk about Cara a lot in his confessionals and called her his ex girlfriend in last week's episode. And we know in the upcoming previews Kyle and Paulie get into a fight because of Cara.

the.trillest wrote:

I thought the UK people pointing out how ridiculous it was about them arguing about **** from a bunch of seasons ago was ridiculous was funny because it's true. At some point them going on and on about it just gets old.Cara thinking that Kyle is fighting over her is also hilarious. Her and Paulie are delusional and they deserve each other.. on the other hand Kyle is actually starting to grow on meKing Theo <3 they better stop sleeping on him.Overall the episisode was ok. But it had too much Bananas, Cara, and Nany.

To be honest Kyle does talk about Cara a lot in his confessionals and called her his ex girlfriend in last week's episode. And we know in the upcoming previews Kyle and Paulie get into a fight because of Cara.

Right. I understand people not liking Cara, but it's so weird how people act like Kyle was never into her. I assume it's because Amanda said he wasn't, which is clearly a lie. Kyle talked about Cara all last season and by his own admissions targeted Paulie because of her. Hello!

My thoughts:

The #DayManda Show as we all knew >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Day ran episode 1 & Trillmanda came right behind her with episode 2 having EVERYBODY mad. Lol

Speaking of those people....all trash, every single one of them. Johnny, Zach, Jenna, GonFlopez (are y'all going to listen to me & HT now about this ho/perpetual flop? Smile ), Leroy & new dumpster Boregan all being their trash selves.

Plank's weak *** THOUGHT she did something coming at Trillmanda (only b/c she thought she had backup) & Legend shut all that weak shit down lmaoooooooooooo *******. Then for her to be running behind that piece of shit & apologizing to him? These the clown ***, weak *** broads people be liking? Of course they are; dates all the way back to the JEK era. Lol

Zach is Zach. We been knew he w***hit stuck to someone's shoe, the cast knows he's lower than dirt yet Jenna is there to be his doormat every time. That's exactly what he gets & I don't feel bad for Plank either. Trillmanda should go ahead & drop the REAL bomb for the culture tho. Smile

Johnny is so bothered by TYB & the LL's. ROFL Such sociopathic, zero-awareness having trash. Both him & Zach need their ***** beat badly.

His concubine GonFlopez is ******* INSUFFERABLE & now people are starting to see it. Y'all wanted this used condom back on the show tho & now y'all got it smmfh

Leroy is also Leroy. Forever the "lackey", the "do-boy", the "henchman". Johnny tells him to jump off a cliff, he'll dive headfirst & will ask his M***a how does he want him to land. Same ol' shit.

Boregan better not ever receive calls after this season. Irrelevant as the **** & could say absolutely nothing when Trillmanda told her to her face that she was a follower. ROFL

My other faves who didn't get much screentime this episode >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New Legend Theo showing & proving, Cain being in the middle of all the drama (also peeped how he's already lowkey leaning towards TYB >>>>>>>>) + everybody else's general presence. Georgia had me hollering with one of her confessionals, imma look at the episode again tho to remember exactly what she said. Lol

Overall, very rushed episode just like the 1st one IMO. These ************* have really forgotten how to edit their own show. Lol This is why I didn't mind the drawn-out ones as much as everybody else; now they've been doing it that way for so long they've forgotten how the episodes used to be edited smmfh already know a bunch of stuff was cut out.


Johnny is so bothered by TYB & the LL's. ROFL Such sociopathic, zero-awareness having trash.

I don't disagree, but the LLs and especially TYBs are literally the same when it comes to him. He's all they talk about and go after.

I think Josh and Amanda talked about the vote beforehand. I think Amanda only voted for Zach/Zahida because she didn't want to say Ashley or Hunter's name, but when Josh made his decision she didn't really seem surprised. 

I will say I'm starting to get tired of Ashley standing in the back acting scary lol. Especially when her friends are sticking up for her.

I think Josh and Amanda talked about the vote beforehand. I think Amanda only voted for Zach/Zahida because she didn't want to say Ashley or Hunter's name, but when Josh made his decision she didn't really seem surprised. 

I thought he was really dumb for that but this makes sense. Maybe she knew either way Ashley or Hunter were going in and if she had to protect one it would be Ashley so she told him to say Hunter. Hunter just ****** it up by voting in Ashley. 

Georgia had me hollering with one of her confessionals, imma look at the episode again tho to remember exactly what she said. 

the Titanic one? i screamed
