They should have just skipped the ******* troika ceremonies and had the six of them cast votes for anyone at the elimination. Would have saved at least 5 minutes
Leroy is usually just there for me never like/dislike him but this episode reminded me why I don't like him. Besides being Bananas' lapdog, he always feels like because he's a vet he should never be voted in or a target.
Since he’s BB person I think he knew he was gonna have a hard time alliance wise with Amanda so this was a shot at him “showing” that he can be persuaded (even tho he knows he can only trust Amanda). Plus I’m sure she explained to him how she went home on FR while explaining why she hates Zach and he didn’t want a repeat. Cara and John would force Amanda in it if that was the situation
Leroy is usually just there for me never like/dislike him but this episode reminded me why I don't like him. Besides being Bananas' lapdog, he always feels like because he's a vet he should never be voted in or a target.
ugh like on Dirty 30 when Queen V outsmarted them. SIT DOWN BOI. Besides, Hunter already beat him in a physical elim lol
Jenna is an idiot...he got on a dating app for “fun” and to “see if it works”...she kept it WAY more calm than 90% of girls AND he still twisted it around on her and she accepted it. It is so disgusting and sad watching women like Jenna and Cara let men get away with this behavior.
Johnny is so embarrassing and cringeworthy to watch it is time we move on. It is long over due.
I’m disappointed we have no confessionals from JP in 2 episodes but find it hilarious that Natalie has had none so far.
SeauxMtv wrote:Josh screwed Amanda & Ashley over yikes
Yeah I don't get why he voted that way wtf lol
Since he’s BB person I think he knew he was gonna have a hard time alliance wise with Amanda so this was a shot at him “showing” that he can be persuaded (even tho he knows he can only trust Amanda). Plus I’m sure she explained to him how she went home on FR while explaining why she hates Zach and he didn’t want a repeat. Cara and John would force Amanda in it if that was the situation
Josh can suck off Bananas/Cara and co every day they are still going to come after him because of Amanda lol He needs to work with the cards he's been dealt.
im so sick of the dramatics between calling people satans and evil to Hunter crying about this damn money like his family could no longer eat after his loss.
screaming. tea. i more than understand being mad but stop acting like your family's livelihood depended on it sidjfief AND 500k after taxes is nothing special if so
SeauxMtv wrote:Josh screwed Amanda & Ashley over yikes
Yeah I don't get why he voted that way wtf lol
Since he’s BB person I think he knew he was gonna have a hard time alliance wise with Amanda so this was a shot at him “showing” that he can be persuaded (even tho he knows he can only trust Amanda). Plus I’m sure she explained to him how she went home on FR while explaining why she hates Zach and he didn’t want a repeat. Cara and John would force Amanda in it if that was the situation
Josh can suck off Bananas/Cara and co every day they are still going to come after him because of Amanda lol He needs to work with the cards he's been dealt.
Peons always hating on royalty blackgirlfingernailsmoji
hb u not slick w that bro kyle gotta stay cause mattie gotta stay.
They should have just skipped the ******* troika ceremonies and had the six of them cast votes for anyone at the elimination. Would have saved at least 5 minutes
I enjoyed this episode lol. Iconic.
Ok **** now to finally study for my test tomorrow.
ksdnfakgnak you right
i'm so torn
it was good. a daily, an elim and game drama. this is the type of editing thats been needed.
Good luck on your test!!
see that’s why we needed a graphic. It was Clear Theo was slaying but we didn’t see anything else
Yeah I don't get why he voted that way wtf lol
I love the Amanda Show.
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Leroy is usually just there for me never like/dislike him but this episode reminded me why I don't like him. Besides being Bananas' lapdog, he always feels like because he's a vet he should never be voted in or a target.
Since he’s BB person I think he knew he was gonna have a hard time alliance wise with Amanda so this was a shot at him “showing” that he can be persuaded (even tho he knows he can only trust Amanda). Plus I’m sure she explained to him how she went home on FR while explaining why she hates Zach and he didn’t want a repeat. Cara and John would force Amanda in it if that was the situation
ugh like on Dirty 30 when Queen V outsmarted them. SIT DOWN BOI. Besides, Hunter already beat him in a physical elim lol
Jenna is an idiot...he got on a dating app for “fun” and to “see if it works”...she kept it WAY more calm than 90% of girls AND he still twisted it around on her and she accepted it. It is so disgusting and sad watching women like Jenna and Cara let men get away with this behavior.
Johnny is so embarrassing and cringeworthy to watch it is time we move on. It is long over due.
I’m disappointed we have no confessionals from JP in 2 episodes but find it hilarious that Natalie has had none so far.
i've never been more perched in my life
Josh can suck off Bananas/Cara and co every day they are still going to come after him because of Amanda lol He needs to work with the cards he's been dealt.
yeah I forgot Natalie was on this lool
screaming. tea. i more than understand being mad but stop acting like your family's livelihood depended on it sidjfief AND 500k after taxes is nothing special if so
Josh isn’t playing to lose lol
so did i
Tbh Amanda is better off without Ashley, she has blinders when it comes to her.
OOoo what happened to the world, there is a lot of love for Amanda after this episode. People are seeing the light.
So is everyone coming at Amanda, calling her satan, laughing at her, performing an exorcism not considered "bullying" by these fans orrrrrr
The casuals saw the light?
Of course not. It's Amanda and she's evil.
Funny how when the tables are turned they ain't got no problem but let it be Backpack or Cara Maria..